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“Church” today has become a staged event with a cast, crew and light show to entertain the members and seekers.

THINK: You’ve attended the local circus called “church” for __ years and you are still not laying down your life. Like the sissy you call “pastor” you read an artificial, fake news new version instead of the real Bible, the King James Bible. You aren’t even in the Word daily which alone means you are backslidden, lukewarm, and hell bound. “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. … Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:5, 7)

YOU know something’s missing when you can sing praise to God in a group of professing believers and yet have no cross, love for your neighbor, personal holiness, evangelism, obedience to God in your daily life. The apostate modern church world has produced an epidemic of counterfeits who find themselves right here (2 Timothy 3:1-7). They live a consumerism life to gratify their fleshly appetites, contributing nothing to the kingdom of Christ but merely possessing a “form of godliness” yet denying the power/authority of Christ to reign in their lives (2 Timothy 3:5).

Are you a kingdom disciple or a carnal captive of a lukewarm, apostate church system?

“People don’t realize they don’t go to church… we are The Church! Word needs to get out in the Denominations the Truth… they are lost without that brick and mortar building.., yet lost between its walls as well!” Kitty Odell

The LORD could care less about your “church attendance.” Hell if full of rebellious souls who went to “church” all the time. You must repent and follow Jesus “daily” or you are sure for hell as if you were already there. It’s time to repent and abandon those devils behind the pulpits who only care about your patronization of their ministry businesses!

As Christ’s New Testament saints, we should pour prayerfully over Acts 2:42-27. The real church is the church/called-out ones no matter where they are on God’s planet. The earliest followers of Jesus met and fellowshipped “house to house.” “Going to church” has become churchianity instead of truly following Christ. If when God or Christianity is brought up and our thoughts go to “church” or the “church building” or pastor, we have not been trained, led of the Spirit to be kingdom disciples…. the modern church, building-based, is apostate…. just as was prophesied – where some would depart from the faith, etc (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

IF you are some modern pansy who has set up a so-called “church,” acting, posing as a pastor, an authentic, qualified elder of the LORD Jesus, and yet you are building your Christ-denying, cross-evading, sin-justifying, little seeker-friendly “church” business, you will not like this page – unless you are ready to truly repent, get right with God and endure sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:2-4). So, either repent or run. If you run, you are plunging deeper into your hell bound rebellion! (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) Repent fraud, sinner!
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” 1 Timothy 4:1-2

MOST people who “go to church” love their “church” and pastor because they are never called to truly repent and lay down their lives!

The vast majority of “churches” that meet in “church buildings” are simply and merely conducting “church services” where they entertain their prey. They are not equipping the saints for the work of the ministry and therefore discerned as being counterfeit (Ephesians 4:11-13). If they were, there would be salty disciples in their midst who go forth to minister Christ’s kingdom blessings where ever they went. Not even a trace of this transpiring in the apostate modern church world. Run. Run. Run.

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting (equipping, maturing) of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” Ephesians 4:11-12

MUCH of what you will do in ministering is to preach the original Gospel message to those who think they’re saved and yet are not. They’ve been lied to by the end time wolves who peddle the easy believism eternal security false gospel message. True repentance and the necessity to lay down your life is never mentioned. True repentance or the need to live and die holy is completely absent. The Apostate Modern Church

One disciple writes: “This is very true as it is a fact that nearly if not all of the mega church preachers are teaching only bits and pieces of watered down scripture! Joel Osteen is a great motivational speaker and could make such a big impact if he only taught the truth about scripture, but instead chooses to lead sheep to the slaughter for profit. The majority of all the denominations of churches are teaching many of the antichrist Catholic church teachings from paganism and ancient sun worship customs, instead of teaching the truth of scripture.”

Tina McGovern writes: “It is astounding and amazes me every time people defend these actions and condemn the actions of the righteous who hold to the truth clearly brought forward in Scriptures. But…as we know…it takes false followers to follow false teachers and false prophets…all in hopes of becoming extravagantly rich to spend it on their lusts. It’s like manipulating the mind to feel free to lust guiltlessly. Dear Lord, You alone know the ones who are Yours. In your great mercy make a way where there appears to be no way, to deliver those who are deceived and fallen captive to the deceiver. Deliver them to the uttermost.”

Jenn W. writes: “That’s exactly why I left the church I grew up in. It turned into a social club almost like a cult that was more focused on people and the ‘church’ but none of it was centered around Jesus Christ at all. They all beg me to come back, but every time I pray asking God, ‘Do you want me to go back there, Lord?’ I always hear Him flat out tell me ‘NO!’ God is not the author of confusion, He gives us confirmation and full rest and peace in our spirit about decisions. Whenever I even think of going back there I feel anxiety and panic because I know God doesn’t want me there. We can’t people-please just because they want us to do something or tell us to ‘not forsake the assembly.’ They will use all types of guilt trips to make you try to conform down to their lukewarm level and fit in. I refuse to do that. The church is extremely carnal, and everyone is concerned with money and building mega-churches. They say when you’re too holy or sanctified that you are ‘legalistic,’ and they hate when you are set apart.”

The Truth About the Modern Church

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