Your money doesn’t make you!
Your Mercedes doesn’t make you!
Your House doesn’t make you!
Only your Maker makes you!
— 2 EXPLOSIVE books that have ministered to many. included is a personal testimony about being delivered from the heretical cult of the word of faith. Listen and pass this on by hitting share please.
Any preacher who is tickling your ears with the old recycled, worn out word of faith heresies is merely regurgitating what he’s learned from his wolf handlers, puppet masters. He has no life in God’s Word for himself and never has. He’s a counterfeit doing “ministry” for his own self-serving purposes as he leads others to attempt to use God to get what THEY want. There is no cross in this greed-driven, self-worshipping false gospel. These are “enemies of the cross of Christ.” (Philippians 3:18-19)
My Personal Testimony of Being Delivered from being a False Teacher
“Man this guy is good! He hit the nail on the head on every point!” Mike C.
“Thanks. I have not followed their ministries for many years since we became wise to their wrong ways but I was slack in getting rid of the tapes etc. Really gives one a wakeup call though.” Gloria G.
Question Received:
“Don’t you think it takes money to preach the gospel and take the gospel to all nations? I am seriously wanting to know, I am not being funny. I am having questions since you are calling preachers I listen to wolves. Please explain, I am interested in your take on it.” Tammy
Hi Tammy. Yes, it sure does take money to publish the original Gospel, namely on certain platforms, that is, communication mediums. Yet, we are often warned of “false prophets” who “make merchandise” of people for their own self-serving purposes (2 Peter 2:1-3; Philippians 3:18-19; Isaiah 56:10-12, etc.). The word of faith wolves are NOT preaching the original Gospel as given us in the New Testament Scriptures and so they are raising money under false pretense and to make themselves rich on that money – not to spread the original Gospel of Jesus which begins with the repent to “repent.” (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; Acts 2:38; 3:19, etc.). We are actually mandated to “earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” in the original Gospel and so, we are to “contend” against these wolves, not fund them! To fund these deceivers is to bid them God speed and become the enemy of the LORD (2 John 2:7-11; 2 Chronicles 19:2).
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