Why all the Controversy about the King James Bible?
from biblebelievers.com
200 changes examined
Why all the controversy about the King James Bible? Because modern Christian scholarship has CHANGED the Greek Textus Receptus, from which the King James Bible was translated, in 6,000 PLACES!
This is why we have so many omissions in the “modern” versions of the Bible. Words omitted, in brackets, parentheses, or italics, are counted as NOT AUTHENTIC according to BRAINWASHED modern scholarship, represented in part by Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford, Wordworth, Westcott and Hort.
Here’s a list of JUST 200 of these changes. Why don’t you go through this list and see how many have been changed in YOUR Bible? It might shock you!
1:25–(FIRSTBORN) is out. Speaking of the Lord Jesus. 5:44–(BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU) is out. 6:13–(KINGDOM, POWER, GLORY) is out. 6:27–(STATURE) is changed to span of life. 6:33–(OF GOD) is out. Referring to the kingdom– 8:29–(JESUS) is out. As Son of God. 9:13–(TO REPENTANCE) is out. Calling sinners– 12:35–(OF THE HEART) is out. Good treasure– 12:47–(VERSE IS OUT) About Christ’s mother. 13:51–(JESUS SAID UNTO THEM and LORD) is out. 15:8 –(DRAWETH UNTO ME WITH THEIR MOUTH) is out. 16:3 –(O YE HYPOCRITES) is out. 16:20–(JESUS) is out. 17:21–(VERSE IS OUT). About prayer and fasting. 18:11–(VERSE IS OUT). Tells Jesus came to save. 19:9 –(LAST 11 WORDS ARE OUT). About adultery. 19:17–(GOD) is out. None good but (God). 20:7 –(WHATSOEVER IS RIGHT RECEIVE) is out. 20:16–(MANY BE CALLED BUT FEW CHOSEN) is out. 20:22–(BAPTIZED WITH CHRIST’S BAPTISM) is out. 21:44–(VERSE IS OUT) About Christ the stone. 23:14–(VERSE IS OUT) Woe scribes and hypocrites. 25:13–(WHEREIN THE SON OF MAN COMETH) is out. 27:35–(FULFILLED SPOKEN BY THE PROPHET) is out. 27:54–(THE SON OF GOD) is A SON of God. 28:2 –(FROM THE DOOR) is out. 28:9 –(THEY WENT TO TELL HIS DISCIPLES) is out.
1:1 –(SON OF GOD) is out in Williams, Godspeed, Panin, Nestle, New World, Westcott & Hort. 1:14–(OF THE KINGDOM) is out. Jesus gospel– 1:31–(IMMEDIATELY) is out. The fever left– 2:17–(TO REPENTANCE) is out. Call sinners– 6:11–(MORE TOLERABLE FOR SODOM & GOMORRHA) is out. 6:16–(FROM THE DEAD) is out. John is risen– 6:33–(HIM) is changed to them. 7:8 –(WASHING OF POTS AND CUPS) is out. 7:16–(VERSE IS OUT) About having an ear to hear. 9:24–(LORD) is out. A believer called Him Lord. 9:42–(IN ME) is out. Little ones that believe– 9:44–(VERSE IS OUT) About fire not quenched. 9:46–(VERSE IS OUT) Where worm dieth not. 9:49–(EVERY SACRIFICE SHALL BE SALTED) is out. 10:21–(TAKE UP THE CROSS) is out. Jesus said– 10:24–(FOR THEM THAT TRUST IN RICHES) is out. 11:10–(IN THE NAME OF THE LORD) is out. 11:26–(VERSE IS OUT) If ye do not forgive, etc. 13:14–(SPOKEN BY DANIEL THE PROPHET) is out. 13:33–(AND PRAY) is out, or in italics. 14:68–(AND THE COCK CREW) is out. 15:28–(VERSE IS OUT) Scripture was fulfilled, etc. 15:39–(THE SON OF GOD) is A SON of God. 16:9-20–(12 VERSES ARE OUT) in some Bibles.
1:28–(BLESSED ART THOU AMONG WOMEN) is out. 2:33–(JOSEPH) is changed to father. 2:43–(JOSEPH AND HIS MOTHER) is changed to parents. 4:4 –(BUT BY EVERY WORD OF GOD) is out. 4:8 –(GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN) is out. 4:41–(THE CHRIST) is out. The Son of God. 6:48–(FOUNDED UPON A ROCK) is well built. 7:31–(AND THE LORD SAID) is out. 9:54–(EVEN AS ELIJAH DID) is out. 9:55–(YE KNOW NOT WHAT MANNER OF SPIRIT) is out. 9:56–(SON OF MAN IS COME TO SAVE LIVES) is out. 11:2-4–(MUCH IS OMITTED FROM THE LORD’S PRAYER) 11:29–(THE PROPHET) is out. About Jonah. 17:36–(VERSE IS OUT) One taken, another left. 21:4 –(CAST IN UNTO THE OFFERINGS OF GOD) is out. 22:20–(VERSE IS OUT) Out in NEB, and RSV. 22:31–(AND THE LORD SAID) is out. 22:64–(THEY STRUCK HIM ON THE FACE) is out. 23:17–(WHOLE VERSE IS OUT) in many Bibles. 23:38–(LETTERS OF GREEK, LATIN, HEBREW) is out. 23:42–(LORD) is out. Remember me, etc. 23:45–(SUN WAS ECLIPSED) in Moffatt and NEB. 24:3 –(OF THE LORD JESUS) is out. 24:6 –(HE IS NOT HERE, BUT IS RISEN) is out. 24:12–(VERSE IS OUT) Peter’s testimony. 24:40–(VERSE IS OUT) Christ showed them hands, feet. 24:49–(OF JERUSALEM) is out. 24:51)CARRIED UP INTO HEAVEN) is out.
1:14–(BEGOTTEN) is out in 1:18, 3:16, 3:18. 1:27–(PREFERRED BEFORE ME) is out. Jesus is) 3:13–(WHICH IS IN HEAVEN) is out. 3:15–(SHOULD NOT PERISH) is out. 4:42–(THE CHRIST) is out. 5:3 –(WAITING FOR MOVING OF THE WATER) is out. 5:4 –(VERSE IS OUT) Pool of Bethesda. 6:47–(ON ME) is out. He that believes– 6:69–(THAT CHRIST THE SON) is out. 7:53–(TO 8:11) is out, in brackets or italics. 8:36–(FATHER) is out. Changed to He. 9:35–(SON OF GOD) is out. Is Son of Man. 11:41–(WHERE THE DEAD WAS LAID) is out. 16:16–(BECAUSE I GO TO THE FATHER) is out. 17:12–(IN THE WORLD) is out. 20:29–(THOMAS) is out.
2:30–(ACCORDING TO FLESH RAISE UP CHRIST) is out. 7:30–(OF THE LORD) is out. Angel– 7:37–(HIM SHALL YE HEAR) is out. Christ– 8:37–(VERSE IS OUT) or in brackets, or italics. 9:5-6–(MUCH IS OMITTED) Concerning God’s call. 10:6 –(WHAT THOU OUGHTEST TO DO) More is out. 15:18–(KNOWN UNTO GOD HIS WORKS) More is out. 16:31–(CHRIST) is out. 17:26–(BLOOD) is out. 20:25–(OF GOD) is out. The kingdom– 20:32–(BRETHREN) is out. 23:9 –(LET US NOT FIGHT AGAINST GOD) is out. 24:6-8–(MUCH IS OMITTED) or in brackets or italics. 24:15–(OF THE DEAD) is out. Resurrection– 28:16–(HALF OF VERSE IS OUT) in italics or brackets. 28:29–(VERSE IS OUT) in italics or brackets.
1:16–(OF CHRIST) is out or in italics, brackets. 1:29–(FORNICATION) is out. 5:2 –(BY FAITH) out in Moffatt, RSV, and NEB. 8:1 –(LAST 10 WORDS ARE OUT) or in italics. 9:28–(IN RIGHTEOUSNESS) is out. 10:15–(OF PEACE) is out. Gospel– 10:17–(OF GOD) is out. Christ is substituted. 11:6 –(LAST 18 WORDS ARE OMITTED) 13:9 –(SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS) is out. 14:6 –(15 WORDS ARE OUT) Regarding the day. 14:21–(OFFENDED, MADE WEAK) is out. 15:29–(OF THE GOSPEL) is out. 16:24–(WHOLE VERSE IS OUT) in italics or brackets.
1:14–(I THANK GOD) is out in many Bibles. 5:7 –(FOR US) is out. Christ sacrificed– 6:20–(LAST 7 WORDS ARE OUT) Your spirit, etc. 7:5 –(FASTING) is out. Joined with prayer. 7:39–(BY THE LAW) is out. The wife is bound– 10:28–(THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S) is out, and more. 11:24–(TAKE EAT) is out. This is my body– 11:29–(LORD’S) is out, referring to the body. 15:47–(THE LORD) is out. Lord from heaven. 16:22–(JESUS CHRIST) is out. 16:23–(CHRIST) is out.
4:6 –(JESUS) is out. 5:10–(THE LORD) is out. 5:18–(JESUS) is out, or in italics. 11:31–(CHRIST) is out, or in italics.
1:15–(GOD) is out. 3:1 –(THAT YE SHOULD NOT OBEY TRUTH) is out. 3:17–(IN CHRIST) is out. 4:7 –(THROUGH CHRIST) is out. 6:15–(IN CHRIST JESUS) is out. 6:17–(LORD) is out.
3:9 –(BY JESUS CHRIST) is out. God created– 3:14–(OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST) is out. 5:30–(OF HIS FLESH AND OF HIS BONES) is out. 6:1 –(IN THE LORD) is out. Obey parents– 6:10–(MY BRETHREN) is out.
1:2 –(THE LORD JESUS CHRIST) is out. 1:14–(THROUGH HIS BLOOD) is out, or in italics. 1:28–(JESUS) is out. 2:11–(OF THE SINS OF) is out. 3:6 –(SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE) is out.
1:1 –(FROM GOD OUR FATHER AND LORD JESUS) is out. 2:19–(CHRIST) is out. 3:11–(CHRIST) is out, or in italics. 3:13–(CHRIST) is out, or in italics.
1:8 –(CHRIST) is out, or in italics.
1:17–(WISE) is out. The only wise God. 2:7 –(IN CHRIST) is out, or in italics. 3:16–(GOD) is out. Manifest in the flesh. 4:12–(IN SPIRIT) is out. 6:5 –(FROM SUCH WITHDRAW THYSELF) is out.
1:11–(OF THE GENTILES) is out. 4:1 –(LORD) is out. 4:22–(JESUS CHRIST) is out, or in italics.
1:4 –(THE LORD) is out, or in italics.
1:6 –(JESUS) is out. 1:12–(RECEIVE HIM) is out.
1:3 –(BY HIMSELF) is out. Purged our sins– 2:7 –(SET HIM OVER THE WORKS OF THY HANDS) is out. 3:1 –(CHRIST) is out. 7:21–(AFTER ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK) is out. 10:30–(SAITH THE LORD) is out. 10:34–(IN HEAVEN) is out. 11:11–(WAS DELIVERED OF A CHILD) is out. Sarah–
5:16–(FAULTS) is changed to SINS. (Wrong Greek text.)
1:22–(THROUGH THE SPIRIT) is out. 4:1 –(FOR US) is out. Christ suffered– 4:14–(LAST 15 WORDS ARE OUT) or in italics. 5:10–(JESUS) is out, or in italics. 5:11–(GLORY AND DOMINION) is out of some Bibles.
2:17–(FOREVER) is out, or in italics. 3:9 –(US IS CHANGED TO YOU) Destroys meaning.
1:7 –(CHRIST) is out. 2:7 –(FROM THE BEGINNING) is out. 4:3 –(CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH) is out. 4:9 –(BEGOTTEN) is out in some versions. 4:19–(HIM) is out, or in italics. We love– 5:7-8–(MANY WORDS ARE OUT OR CHANGED) 5:13–(LAST 13 WORDS ARE OUT)
1:25–(WISE) is out. Referring to God.
1:8 –(THE BEGINNING AND THE END) is out. 1:11–(TEN WORDS ARE OUT) Alpha and Omega, etc. 2:13–(THY WORKS) is out. 5:14–(HIM THAT LIVETH FOREVER AND EVER) is out. 6:1 –(AND SEE) is out in 3, 5, 7 also. 8:13–(ANGEL IS EAGLE) Greek text says “angel.” 11:17–(AND ART TO COME) is out. 12:12–(INHABITERS OF) is out. The earth. 12:17–(CHRIST) is out. 14:5 –(BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD) is out. 16:17–(OF HEAVEN) is out. 20:9 –(GOD OUT OF) is out. Fire came from– 20:21–(GOD IS CHANGED TO THRONE) 21:24–(OF THEM WHICH ARE SAVED) is out. Nations–
BAD NEWS FOR MODERN MAN:Today’s English Version By the American Bible SocietyTHE BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS IS OMITTED 15 TIMES: See Matthew 27:4,24,25; Acts 5:28, 20:28; Romans 3:25, 5:9; Ephesians 1:7, 2:13; Colossians 1:14,20; Hebrews 10:19; I Peter 1:19; Revelation 1:5, 5:9. |
24 BIBLE VERSIONS EXAMINEDCompare with the 200 References at the beginning of this file. Words omitted, in brackets, parentheses, or italics, are counted as not authentic according to BRAINWASHED modern scholarship. |
New English New Testament (Omissions)……197 out of 200
New International Version………………195 out of 200
Revised Standard New Testament………….189 out of 200
Berkeley Version New Testament………….185 out of 200
Weymouth’s in Modern Speech N.T…………184 out of 200
New American Standard New Testament……..183 out of 200
Good News for Modern Man N.T……………182 out of 200
Williams’ New Testament………………..180 out of 200
Ivan Panin’s Numeric New Testament………180 out of 200
Goodspeed’s American Translation N.T…….179 out of 200
Moffatt’s New Translation N.T…………..175 out of 200
Wuest’s Expanded Translation N.T………..169 out of 200
Amplified New Testament………………..165 out of 200
Twentieth Century New Testament…………161 out of 200
Phillip’s New Testament………………..142 out of 200
Darby’s Translation New Testament……….138 out of 200
Living New Testament Paraphrased………..130 out of 200
New Confraternity New Testament…………119 out of 200
Norlie’s New Translation N.T…………… 62 out of 200
Lamsa’s Eastern Text New Testament……… 49 out of 200
John Wesley’s Translation N.T………….. 43 out of 200
Martin Luther’s German New Testament……. 0 out of 200
King James Version New Testament……….. 0 out of 200
Textus Receptus (King James Greek) N.T….. 0 out of 200
The Apostasy of the Early Church
Prepares the Way for Corrupting Copies of the Original Manuscripts Corruption of the original Bible manuscripts and its influence can be traced from the days of Origen, 200 A.D. down through the committees responsible for the English Revised Version of 1881; American Standard Version of 1901; and all modern Bibles which depart from the Greek Textus Receptus. The following references are given to prove that this is true:
- Revision Revised, p. 413 (Dean Burgon)
- Inquiry, p. 413 (Dr. Fredrick Nolan: See Encyclopedias on Tatian
- Diatesaron of Tatian, p. 9 (J.H. Hill)
- Article on Origen by McClintic & Strong
- Church History, Vol. 2., p. 791 (Dr. Schaff)
- Apologia pro vita sua, Chap. 7, p. 282 (Dr. Newman)
- History of Our English Bible, p. 70 (Dr. Ira M. Price)
- Introduction to Textual Criticism of N.T., p. 80 (A.T. Robertson)
- The Canon and Text of the N.T., p. 345 (Dr. Gregory)
- Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, p. 86
- Eccles. History, book 5, Chap. 28 (Eusebius)
- (Scribners) Vol. 1, pp. 434-435 (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
- History of Dogma, Vol. 1, p. 128 (Harnack)
- Three Religious Leaders of Oxford, pp. 481-482 (S. Parkes Cadman)
- Princeton Review, Jan., 1854, pp. 152-153
- History of Christianity, Vol. 2, p. 107
- History of Christian Doctrine, p. 19 (G.P. Fisher)
- Texts and Margins of the Revised N.T., p. 45 (Dr. G. Vance Smith)
- A History of the Revised Version, pp. 36-37 (Samuel Hemphill)
- The Traditional Text, p. 163 (Burgon & Miller)
- Introduction to Greek O.T., p. 86 (Swete)
- Cath. and Prot. Bibles, p. 4,6 (Jacobus)
- Jerome Against Helvidius
- Defense of Translations of the Bible (1583), p. 62 (Faulke)
- Memoir of Life of Cartwright, p. 276 (Brook’s)
- The Catholic Encyclopedia, Article on Douay Bible
- Revised Version, p. 51 (Cook)
- Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Christian Lit. Ed.), Vol. 6, p. 338
- The Influence of the Bible, p. 136 (Von Dobschutz)
- New Commentary, Part 3, p. 719 (Gore)
- Church History, Vol. 2, p. 446 (Hagenbach)
- History of the Reformation, Vol. 2, p. 391 (Kurtz)
Many more references can be added, but these thirty-three ought to be sufficient.
Any version of the Bible, that does not agree with the GREEK TEXTUS RECEPTUS, from which the King James Bible was translated in 1611, is certainly to befounded upon corrupted manuscripts. Origen, being a textual critic, is supposed to have corrected numerous portions of the sacred manuscripts. Evidence to the contrary shows he changed them to agree with his own human philosophy of mystical and allegorical ideas. Thus, through deceptive scholarship of this kind, certain manuscripts became corrupt. Evidently from this source our modern revised version Bibles and paraphrases have come. Read pages 900-902, Vol. 16, 1936 edition Encyclopedia Britannica, and you will see that Origen taught the Lord Jesus Christ is a created being who did not have eternal existence AS God.
“After my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, SPEAKING PERVERSE THINGS, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore WATCH, AND REMEMBER, that by the space of three years I ceased not to WARN EVERYONE NIGHT AND DAY WITH TEARS.”–Acts 20:29-31.
Kenny Moore writes: “Many have bought into the New Age Bible version lie. All modern versions come from ‘Satan’s Satanic Verses’/ the Septuagint, Sinaiticus, and Vaticanus—all proven to be blasphemous, counterfeit, and corrupt. These Satanic MSS (manuscripts) come from the underground catacombs of the dead in Roma, Italia. Catholics are forbidden to read the Authorized King James Bible, but the modern ‘versions’ are OK! Why? THE NEW VERSIONS ARE CATHOLIC > NEW WORLD ORDER > Luciferian Trash Theology.”
Textus Receptus (Latin: “received text“) is the name retroactively given to the succession of printed Greek language texts of the New Testament which constituted the textual base for the original German Luther Bible, for the translation of the New Testament into English by William Tyndale (1526), Myles Coverdale’s Bible (1535), Matthew’s Bible (1537), The Great Bible (1539), The Geneva Bible (1557 – 60), The Bishops’ Bible (1568), and the King James Version (1611), and for most other Reformation-era New Testament translations throughout Western and Central Europe such as the Spanish Reina-Valera translation and the Czech Bible of Kralice. The Textus Receptus has been translated into hundreds of languages. (See Also The Word of God for All Nations) The origin of the term “Textus Receptus” comes from the publisher’s preface to the 1633 edition produced by Abraham Elzevir and his nephew Bonaventure who were printers at Leiden:
- Textum ergo habes, nunc ab omnibus receptum: in quo nihil immutatum aut corruptum damus. Translated “so you hold the text, now received by all, in which nothing corrupt.”
The two words, “textum” and “receptum“, were modified from the accusative to the nominative case to render textus receptus. Over time, this term has been retroactively applied to Erasmus’ editions, as his work served as the basis of others that followed. Many supporters of the Textus Receptus will name any manuscript which agrees with the Textus Receptus Greek as a “Textus Receptus” type manuscript. This type of association can also apply to early church quotations and language versions.
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