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“WHEN the People Willingly Offered Themselves” [podcast]


Judges 5:2 illustrates a powerful kingdom truth. Capture this:

“Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, WHEN the people willingly offered themselves.” Judges 5:2

Read that again, a bit closer.

Is today your day, your “when” …. “when” you choose to more fervently “willingly” offer yourself to the LORD?


God then avenges, blesses, protects, and grants His victory when we turn wholeheartedly to Him.

It’s only “WHEN the people willingly” offer themselves that God avenges them of their sin and other enemies.

Notice “willingly offered” which speaks of a free will offering of our lives to the One who created and came and laid down His life to reconcile us to Himself and the Father (Colossian 1:12-14, etc.).

free will offering ………………..

God punished the enemies of His people when they did what? – “WHEN the people willingly offered themselves” (Judges 5:2).

“Judges 5:2
a   [when the people willingly offered themselves] God always avenged His people when they willingly offered themselves, and He always will, not only for Israel but for others (Psa_84:11; Psa_91:1-12).” Dake

“2. Their Story in Song (Chap. 5)
5:1-5 The song of Deborah and Barak is a classic of inspired literature. After opening with praise to the LORD, Deborah recalled the Lord’s triumphant march when the Israelites left the borders of Edom to move toward the Promised Land. All opposition melted before the majesty of the LORD God of Israel.” Believer’s Bible Commentary

“Judges 5 – The Song of Deborah
A. Blessing God for the deliverance He brings through His leaders.
1. (1-2) Theme of the song: The joy and blessing in being a willing instrument of God.
Then Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam sang on that day, saying:
‘When leaders lead in Israel,
When the people willingly offer themselves,
Bless the LORD!’
a. Then Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam sang that day: This song is commonly attributed only to Deborah; Barak’s role in the composition and perhaps performance of the song is often overlooked.
i. This song is well within the tradition of other Jewish songs of deliverance and celebration, such as Miriam’s song (Exo_15:20-21) and the songs celebrating David’s victory over Goliath (1Sa_18:7). ‘Deborah was a poetess as well as a prophetess.’ (Trapp)
ii. Deborah sang concerning the overthrow of Israel’s enemies, and the deliverance vouchsafed to the tribes: we have a far richer theme for music; we have been delivered from worse enemies, and saved by a greater salvation. Let our gratitude be deeper; let our song be more jubilant.
iii. When he had been most slandered — when the Pope had launched out a new bull, and when the kings of the earth had threatened him fiercely — Luther would gather together his friends, and say, ‘Come let us sing a psalm and spite the devil.’ He would ever sing the most psalms when the world roared the most.” David Guzik

Offering our own lives (that HE gave to us) to Him as a “living sacrifice” is where it all begins. When we truly do this, when we truly repent, we WILL participate, do our part in HIS stated will, His Great Commission of feeding His bless-ed flock, and to evangelize the lost. That’s when we know we have repented – when we are living out, bringing the good fruit born where we are truly one with Him who created us, to came and died for us on that cross, who is coming back soon (Matthew 3:7-10; 7:21; Titus 1:16).

Sin and Satan have so very many professing Christians dealing with the symptoms instead of the root cause for the destruction of that which is around us in this life – relationships, countries, society, families, etc.. In the divine economy, from Holy Scripture, we learn that the root …….. (Psalms 92; Jeremiah 1:10; Matthew 12:33-24; John 15:1-6, etc.).

Getting Rooted!

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.  2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Dancing on the Devil’s Grave! Get some! Now!

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:57-58

YOUR PRAYER: Holy Father, I come to You now in my sin and yet also in the name of Jesus Christ, my LORD. Please forgive my sin, my pride, deceit, unbelief, self-idolatry, and pure rebellion. Jesus please wash me clean in Your precious blood. Fill and use me dear LORD. From this moment forward, this life is willingly offered unto Thee dear LORD. Please fill this Your vessel with Your Holy Ghost and use me dear LORD. In Jesus’ name. Amen Jesus! I love You.

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