War Against Manhood! by Pastor Mark Herridge
Ladies, Mothers, Your Little Boys are Under Attack!
Maybe you have not thought about it much, but there is a war taking place all around us every single day. If your spiritual eyes were opened for just a few minutes you would see a spiritual landscaped dotted with bomb craters, fox holes, and trenches. Dead and dying men and women litter the ground. Bullets are whizzing by and the cries of the wounded are deafening. This battlefield is as real as any of our past – as real as Gettysburg or Normandy.
This Great War is being fought on many fronts and what I am writing about today is just one of those arenas of conflict, but to be sure it is a vital one because it involves our families and whatsoever concerns them will have an impact on our society. This battle is being fought for the control of our boys – it is a War against Masculinity. Certainly there are also battles being fought for the control of our girls, and I will deal with that subject in a future article, but it is vital that we understand what is taking place in our society and even more importantly what is taking place in our churches. It is a war against masculinity and if we continue losing this battle then we will lose future generations of young men.
One of the most lambasted and hated roles in modern society is that of the male, especially if that male is patterned after the Bible and what a traditional man should be. This war did not start last year, but has been going on since the beginning. In recent years we have seen the fight escalate. Much of what we saw unfolding in recent years on the news concerning the “Me Too” movement was about the future control of the world at large and not just about male oppression of females. To be sure, there definitely were some very bad men that had used their positions of power to take advantage of women, and those men needed to be arrested, charged, and convicted for their crimes. There is no argument
there. What was being reported openly needed to be aired out and exposed. At the same time we must recognize that the Feminist Movement, which is NOT about true femininity, politicized these glaring crimes into a grab for power. In their estimation men have forfeited their God-given position of leadership and these Feminists believe they could do a better job of leading the world. Again, do not mistake me here. There is never any reason for a man to mistreat and take advantage of a woman. Such a man is not a true man, and he should be treated as a criminal for his bestial behavior.
Today the soft man is now held up as the model for men to aspire to. Gone is the rugged man that would go out and bag wild game for the family table. These rugged men were men that would swing a hammer with resolve, wield an axe with fidelity, and carry a gun in a holster on their hip. The only gun that most boys know how to use today is a fake gun attached to cord on their Xbox. Very few shoot rabbits – now they shoot pixelated zombies and demons. Such soft activities have reduced manhood to a fantasy that can only exist in the minds of boys, and unfortunately when this fantasy finally explodes into the real world it usually does so violently in a school shooting. If these boys would have had a real man in their lives that would have taught them the truth about guns then we would not see this problem we see so prevalent today.
With complete blindness society blames a piece of metal for the violence and seeks to eliminate these acts of violence by regulating guns. The problem is in the hearts of boys that do not know how to be true men. The problem is in homes that have no real male leadership. A piece of manufactured metal and plastic is not the problem. The problem lies in the minds of those holding it and pulling the trigger. If we want to change the culture of violence we are going to need to change the minds of boys, and yes it is almost always boys that perpetrate these horrible acts of wanton violence, we are going to need to correct the masculine mindset.
For those that do not take the route of crime, and are somehow able to keep the fantasy of repressed manhood under control in their hearts, they find themselves acting more womanly than manly in their dealings with other people. This leads some boys into gender confusion and homosexuality. The militant homosexual movement loves this turn of events for our society is now cranking out an endless supply of fodder for their sexual perversions. Now we have boys that are not even sure they are boys. To compensate for this newly created problem, the liberals are creating new genders that go beyond anatomy. Some parents have bought into this lie hook, line, and sinker thinking they are a newly enlightened race of people smarter than all of humanity’s history and they are allowing their children to choose their gender when they are at the wise old age of three or four. Of course these kids are not mature enough to take out a loan at a bank, drive a car, or even vote – but they are mature enough to choose if they are male, female, bi-sexual, asexual, abimegender, absorgener, biogender, bigender, caprigender, femfluid, genderflora, invisigender, non-binary…and I must stop for the list of genders is now in the hundreds. Yep these children are definitely mature enough to choose their gender at four (sarcasm). Who in the world makes up this lunacy?
The fact of the matter is that God chooses a child’s gender at inception when the chromosomes of the newly developing child is aligned with either male or female. Sexuality is determined by gender and children should be raised in our society based on the designation assigned to them by our Creator at birth. Sure there are some extremely rare mutations that occur, but these are aberrations and not to be applied to humanity as a whole. We do not do this if a person is born with six fingers on each hand – you only see this mutations being assigned to sexuality in our society because of political correctness. There is no legitimate science behind these false claims. It is all about grant money, posturing in the press, and appeasing the powerful elite. Be careful not believe everything you hear, even if it looks good on paper or a computer screen. Common sense goes a long way in rejecting these pseudo sciences that seem to bolster the stupidity of the current state of gender confusion taking place.
This is a war on masculinity – make no mistake about it. Men are cowering down in fear. Who knows who will be next on the radar of radicalism that it will manufacture crimes in order to assert its agenda? I wouldn’t want to be a Supreme Court judge in today’s climate of hostility. Very few are going to line up and take that kind of abuse, especially if they are a male. The feminists have backed men into a corner, just where they wanted them. In the future it will be much easier to nominate women to the Supreme Court than men. Every man is going to have to run a gauntlet of false accusations, school yearbook reviews, innuendo, and anything else the left-leaning men-haters can come up with. This is just another part of the war on masculinity.
True masculinity is rooted in being a gentleman – and I am not talking about the men that frequent Gentlemen’s Clubs, for those men are NOT gentlemen. A true gentleman is a Bible Man. A true gentleman is a man that knows how to be tough when it is needed, but also knows how to be tender and treat a woman like a lady.
The true Gentleman is a man that displays his God-given calling to provide for his wife and family. That is, if he is a married man. A single man can be a gentleman as well. The married man knows that God has called him to provide the necessities of life, which also includes a protective arm around his wife and children. The wife that knows the value of a strong man basks in his safe hug and does not despise it. No matter how radicalized women are becoming, there is something still deep down in the heart of a woman that still enjoys the strength of a good man.
When you think back throughout the history of men you can see a commonality that persists from recorded time. Men were providers. Men were hunters. Men were warriors. Men were builders. Men were leaders. Men initiated other men into the society of what it means to be a man – in other words: it takes a man to make a man. It also takes a woman, and that first woman is a little boy’s mother. The combination of the Father and the Mother in the right measure molds and makes masculinity. Every man is a makeup of the love of a mother and the strength of a father. When these two elements of marriage are correctly applied to a little boy they will manufacture a man. Sure there are examples of boys raised in homes that did not turn out well. Sometimes these homes were not everything that everyone thought they were and on the surface all appeared well when in reality it was not. Other times the best laid plans went awry. Sometimes they do. As a rule though, when the home is Biblically sound it is more likely to produce the best of both male and female. This is why we must fight for Biblically sound families.
The war on masculinity is really a war on the family. Everything from marriage, to femininity, to masculinity is under attack. We must defend the Biblical definition of manhood religiously. We cannot concede this battle to our enemy.
Fathers it is time to teach our boys to be men. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a man. Boys should be taught to be proud of who God created them to be. Teach them to respect authority. Teach them to work hard. Teach them to do their chores. Teach them to treat women with respect. Teach them basic survival skills. Teach them to hunt and fish. Teach them to throw a ball. Teach them to pray. Teach them to love the Bible. Teach them to love the Church.
No boy should hang his head because he is a boy. No boy should be ridiculed because he wants to go out and play in the mud. Let the boys be boys and pick earthworms out of the ground. Let them get some dirt under the fingernails. Let them go out behind the house and build a fort out of sticks, rubbish, and saplings. When they understand them correctly let their toys be pocket knives, machetes, hammers, and BB guns.
Fathers take off of work early and take that boy camping. Buy a bass boat and take him fishing. Take him to the shooting range and teach him how to handle a gun properly. When he is at home don’t you allow that boy to mistreat his mother or sisters. Train him in all of the right ways. Dad, let your son see that there is no shame in crying –especially in a worship service at Church. Let those boys see you take their mother in your arms and give her a kiss of affection. Let the words “I Love You” be common in your home.
If your boy is too soft then find the problem and change it while he is young. There is nothing wrong with the rugged male. If you have to then throw the Nintendo out of the house, burn the skinny jeans, and buy him some nice blue flannel. This is a war and some drastic measures are in order. If your son is the baby in the family don’t let his Momma and Sisters baby him so much that he never grows out of it. Let him be a boy. Sound boys turn into sound men.
There is so much more that I could say here in this article, and I am sure that I will say more in the future about this. It is imperative that we raise our boys to be men. We must instill in them the virtues of real manhood. The world does not need any more sissies or any more thugs. Both are undesirable. What this world needs is Biblical examples of what a Godly man is. If this is done correctly it will go a long way towards getting our families and our nation back on track.
DEAR LADIES, women of God …. Declare right now that the LORD made you to be HIS servant, an “helpmeet” to your husband (Genesis 2:18). THE DEVIL IS A LIAR. Where are those jezebel devils going to be on Judgment Day when you stand before your Maker and Judge to give account for how you lived – how you viewed and served your husband He gave you? Selah ladies, selah. WHERE O WHERE will all jezebels be? – eternal damnation in the lake of fire, with not one exception. There are SO VERY MANY jezebels operating in the church world, especially here online! Every one of them is going to hell and the lake of fire. Are you going to go with them or are you going to obey God’s order for your life? It’s time for you to huddle up with Jesus in prayer and the Word today, right now ANDDDD to establish divine truth in the hearts and lives of the younger women, now – which God commanded you to do (Titus 2:1-5). SHARE this post. Jezebel Unmasked!
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Brian C
February 25, 2024 at 6:21 pm
I think also that what is sorely missing in our society is a right of passage for young boys (around 13 years old) to go through, which would then officially bestow him with the title of “man”. Many cultures have this, but sadly, the United States does not. This rite of passage would involve some activity that requires the conquering of fear. This would cause young men to stand tall and appropriate the qualities of manhood you have listed.
February 25, 2024 at 6:24 pm
Amen brother Brian…. as in affirming their manhood. God is good. Thanks for sharing. God Fearing Manhood https://safeguardyoursoul.com/manhood/