“I will KILL her children with DEATH.” ~Jesus, Revelation 2:20-24
Beware of those weak-minded, disobedient men who facilitate the wiles of Satan himself through the Jezebels who have invaded so many local church environments.
PERHAPS a lot of men today are are so Ahabish (like ahab- morally weak) that they come to the rescue of Jezebel and strongly protect her “right” to rule. Jesus warned that they “sufferest” or ALLOW her to function outside of the role God ordained for women (1 Timothy 2:9-14). Jesus spoke of this as “the depths of Satan” himself (Revelation 2:20-24).
An elder must be “the HUSBAND of one wife” which no woman could possibly be (1 Timothy 3:2). God wants HIS men to protect women and that includes not allowing them to assume positions of leadership reserved exclusively for men (Revelation 2:20-24).
Do you know who Ahab was? He was Jezebel’s husband. She controlled him (1 Kings 21:25; 2 Kings 9:22). Jesus primarily condemned the weak moral coward Ahabs (men) in the church at Thyatira for allowing Jezebel to function. Are you getting familiar with Revelation 2:20-24? If not, you will not see the full severity of allowing any woman to function outside of her divinely ordained order. Elders in Christ’s body are men, only men, never a woman (1 Timothy 2:11-12; 3:2). This is God’s non-negotiable order and it’s for her protection and the protection of those who would be victimized by a woman in an eldership position.
It is the divine duty given to overseers to keep Christ’s sheep safe and only His truth and following it, will keep us safe (Proverbs 30:5-6; Acts 20:27-32). Today, men-pleasing, self-seeking “pastors” are all too willing to accommodate the false order of the day where women are called everything from “pastor” to “apostle” to “prophet” and even “arch bishop” if you can believe that!
Not one jezebel will escape the eternal judgment of God!
Keeping the body of Christ safe means shutting off ALL human reasoning, honestly searching God’s Word on the subject, and obeying the order of God as clearly given to us in His written counsel. The LORD gave men and women distinct roles to fulfill.
9 Destructions of Jezebel!
Suffering/allowing a Jezebel (a woman willing to fulfill a man’s role) to operate outside of the order of God will result in great, devastating judgment. Jesus made this clear when He related “the depths of Satan” to the allowance of a woman in leadership and said “I will KILL her children with DEATH.” (Revelation 2:20-24) The destruction that comes from allowing a woman to operate in the role of leadership includes the following:
1) complete loss of peace
2) adultery
3) divorce
4) homosexual boys/children
5) strife and broken relationships
6) fornication
7) untimely death
8) idolatry
9) loss of fellowship with true followers of Christ – because those who follow Jesus won’t disobey Him by allowing Jezebel
Such fruit is the sin of spineless moral cowards who refuse to fear the LORD no matter what the cost. They are gutless moral pansies. And you can tell them I said so!
“Distortion of the soul is the evil left behind after escaping a jezebel! God can and will restore!” Deanna
There’s something gravely wrong with a man (Ahab) who would allow a woman to operate among God’s people in a calling or role God has forbidden women from fulfilling and in order to protect them and the whole body.
There’s also something deeply amiss with any woman who wants to fulfill the role of a man for which she was not created. This has nothing to do with how well a woman can preach or teach. Let her teach the women (especially the younger ones) like the Bible tells us she should be doing! The LORD knows there has never been a more rebellious generation of self-serving younger women who claim to know Christ but are full of the characteristics of Jezebel (Proverbs 30:12).
Mad at me? Take your argument up with the Almighty Judge whom we shall all soon stand before and who gave us His clear Judgments/Counsel on this matter.
Could the LORD have made it any clearer? – “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” 1 Timothy 2:12
Now read the warning of Jesus and the horror that went on in Thyatira church:
“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest (allow) that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. 21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. 24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. ” Revelation 2:20-24
A few things to note in this passage:
- That this women, the one the men allowed to function unduly, liked titles -she “calleth herself a prophetess.” Does that sound like so many men and women today in leadership who insist on calling the wife of the pastor by the title “pastor”? Falsely claiming a title in order to gain control over the people is the goal of wolves. People are so biblically illiterate and therefore gullible that all you have to do is throw a title in front of your name and bam, they listen and believe every word you say.
- Jezebel seduces the servants of God to “commit fornication” both spiritually and physically (v21).
- When God’s order for men and women is reversed or in anyway perverted, idolatry results (v21).
- Jezebels and those who allow such dissimulation are rarely repentant (v22).
- So, in response, the LORD allows this evil spirit and those given over to it to be thrown wide open – “strong delusion.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
SO many false churches and ministries trying to make women feel like queens! Show me that in the New Testament???? These are Ahab/jezebel churches, false ministries. They do this to keep the money flowing from their primary prey, customers (women). Greed and foolishness. They are not learning to die to self but being pumped up in the sinful flesh which is the root cause of all their troubles. This produces no joy but rather a miserable life with a mere “form of godliness” as the deny the power, the authority of Christ to reign in their daily lives! Read your Bible please. They are “lovers of their own selves … lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” and therefore “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:1-7)
SATAN is behind the whole jezebel movement which continues. This is how he is destroying our society by destroying the family unit. Ever notice how nearly EVERYTHING is pointed toward helping the “poor, oppressed, under-privileged women and girls” with nearly nothing, no programs to help boys and men? No, in fact, men are viciously, ruthlessly attacked with unjust “child support” which is much to do about states stealing money while they break the men in order to make them powerless. This is actually a specifically stated part of Satan’s new world order. Just look at all the PINK causes. But where’s the BLUE causes? Have you seen anyone wearing BLUE ribbons lately to raise awareness or money for boys and men???? Probably not. Saints, let’s keep all things in the order of God’s Word and not be swept away in the deep deceptions of this late hour before Christ’s return. PINK marchers are for Satan’s dupes, not God fearing disciples of Jesus.
Witchcraft in the Church | Jezebel | Manhood
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Concerning the allowing of women to be usurping authority over in teaching men, Stephen Michels writes:
“I enjoy working out at the YMCA before I go to my job and every morning, on one of the flat screens, I see Joyce Meyer in front of a large audience teaching and preaching; an audience which includes MEN! It is appalling to me, a father of three beautiful daughters and brother to three wonderful sisters, that any Christian man would abrogate his God given authority to a woman in direct violation of the written Word of God! Any woman who seeks to gain influence as a Christian teacher over men is disobeying the clear instructions of the Holy Spirit given to all of us who care to read the truth in God’s Word. The end result will be spiritual fornication.” – Steve Michels
“A woman who is operating in the spirit of Jezebel will call herself Bishop, Apostle, or Prophet so and so. She will do things that are CONTRARY to the Word of God and say, ‘God gave me a revelation.’ Whatever God is in, it will line up with the Word of God. And these women will be the very ones to tell you that they don’t understand the Word of God and will often openly disagree with Scripture because the Lord has not given them understanding.” Carol B.
Message Received:
“I agree…the world and the church has strayed so far from the Lord’s standards that if you openly state any of this information then you are accused of woman-hating or twisting scripture. When it is the exact opposite. Before I was born-again, my world was a rat-race, godless and often times I felt insecure. I realize that the reason for the way I was feeling was b/c of the way I was living. When you get into the Word of God, you see there is a order and a place for all of us and when we decide to stray outside of that order, we face uncertainty. It is much more comforting to live the way God planned for us to live b/c He knows us inside and out and what we need. I am glad I found my way home b/c the world will use and abuse a woman and then she will turn around and do the same thing to the men through the “spirit of jezebel”. Men and women have forgotten their roles.” Jenny D.
Jenny, that one floored me … SO true …. i get accused of that often …. but by His grace I always try to point out that it’s the MEN who allow this when they are supposed to be leading, protecting, serving, honoring God and women….the weaker vessels …. the word “suffereth” in Rev. 2:20-23 means TO ALLOW … that simple truth alone opens up the understanding of that passage about jezebel…..
Prophetic or Pathetic? | Witchcraft | Prayer | Jezebel Exposed | Manhood
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