“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3
The quickest and surest way to get blessed is to simply read God’s Word. This is so simple that most some it.
- Bible reading is the key to learning the things of God (Prov. 22:17-22).
- Bible Study is paramount to spiritual growth (1 Pet. 2:2).
- Reading God’s Word etches the image of Christ upon the canvass of the heart (Lk 24:27; Jn 5:39, 46).
- Bible reading instills the fear of the LORD (Deut. 4:10, 17:19).
- Bible reading & obedience guarantee answered prayers (John 15:7).
- The Word gives us God’s direction (Ps 119:105).
- Bible learning comforts the soul (Rom. 15:4).
- Reading the Bible enhances one’s intelligence and mind (Ps 119:99-100).
- Bible reading wards off the enemy (Ps 17:4).
- Reading the Bible dispels darkness (Ps 119:130).
- Bible Study clears and cleans the mind and heart (Jn. 15:3).
- Studying God’s Oracles equips for battle (Eph. 6:17).
- Bible reading washes the religion out of us (Matt. 15:6,9, 22:29; Eph. 5:26).
- Studying the Word corrects our faulty thinking (2 Tim. 3:16).
- Bible reading imparts divine wisdom (2 Tim. 3:15).
- Pouring over God’s Truth fully equips us to minister divine truth in love (2 Tim. 3:17).
- Bible reading fills the heart with joy (Jer. 15:16).
- Reading the Bible increases discernment (Ps 17:4; Heb. 5:11-14).
- Bible study increases our spiritual strength (Prov. 24:5).
- Bible study excites and energizes prayer (John 15:7).
- Bible reading causes a spiritual fire inside the heart of the believer (Jer. 20:9).
- Bible reading increases faith (Rom. 10:17).
- Reading the Bible stirs evangelism (Rom. 10:13-17).
- Bible reading makes one sure of His salvation and more confident in the LORD (Jn 20:31; 1 Jn 5:11-13).
- Bible reading comforts the heart in times of trouble (Ps 119:50,76,171).
- Bible learning imparts wisdom to the believer (Ps 19:7).
- Studying God’s Word builds up the disciple in the faith of Christ (Acts 20:32).
- Bible reading sanctifies the Christian (Jn 15:3; 17:17; Eph. 5:26).
- Bible study reveals Christ to the heart of the believing reader (John 5:39).
God blesses those who read His Word
“Blessed is he that readeth” Revelation 1:3
“Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and READ.” Isaiah 34:16
YES God’s people are to “study” His Word and how else to do such than to begin by “READING” His words? 2 Tim 2:15
“Till I come, give attendance to READING, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13
“Bless is he that READETH ….” Revelation 1:3
Years ago I found that if I don’t get up early to read God’s Word and spend quality moments in prayer first and foremost, it will never happen. God must be put first and this requires ruthless discipline.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
Reading all of God’s Word is the priority of ever astute follower of Jesus.
There’s no way to learn God’s Word other than reading it yourself (2 Timothy 2:15) God gave you His Word in tangible format in order for you to learn of Him from Him and by Him. Those who leave it to others to teach them God’s Word are self-deceived and will be misled by those they depend on to teach them the Bible.
Saints, in order that some may be encouraged, below, let’s talk about our current personal Bible reading…..
“Presently, I am in 1 Kings, reading all the way through the Bible again, and also reading through Revelation backwards. Personally I like to read several chapters every morning to begin the day and like to include OT, Poetic books, and NT chapter readings….. along with pouring over passages like 1 Cor 13; Phil 2:3-5; Col. 3:1-4, 12-14;” Todd
“In 1 Thessalonians reading through the Bible.” Jason
“I am reading Mark.” Michele
“Philippians—Paul’s letter in prison—and joy.” Joe
“I Been Reading James And 1st An 2nd Peter This Week.” Connie
“Working my way through 1 Sam (ch 14 finished now) Psalms 77 and John chapter 4 finished. Trying to read through in 6 months. I enjoy listening (KJV on YouTube) while I read also.” Nathan
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