“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” Ephesians 4:15
Growing up in Christ involves and leads to His children “speaking the truth in love.”
Not one or the other but rather BOTH – truth and love, “speaking the truth in love.” (Ephesians 4:15)
A person of truth never speaks with respect to how mere men will respond nor merely for their enrichment. No, he speaks the words, the truth of God, unashamed, boldly. His desire is to please the LORD, not men (Ephesians 4:15; Galatians 1:10).
Ephesians 4:15-32
Never speak “your truth.” Speak God’s truth! Your life is over and swallowed up in Christ! (Colossians 3:3)
Saints, let us please remember that as believers, sometimes it’s best to simply pray, to demonstrate our trust before God Himself privately, and not wrestle with other saints who are struggling as all do in this life (2 Timothy 2:24-26). “Let thy words be few.” (Ecclesiastes 5:2) At times our ministry involves caring enough to simply listen.
Walking in God’s love can never be separated from walking in God’s truth! They are divinely, eternally married! Don’t you dare claim to be walking in God’s love if you are not speaking God’s truth (Ephesians 4:15; Proverbs 27:5-6).
Concerning the seminarian take over of the modern apostate churches, Eileen Heuston writes:
“Exactly. If a fellowship was made up of Spirit-filled believers, we would be able to rebuke one another and thus ensure no false or timid teaching made its way in. But because people have titles, we’re encouraged to be deferential and submissive towards them (like in the RCC) and not dare “criticize” (which seems to encompass everything these days, including the mildest of questions or challenges) no matter what baloney or downright anti-Biblical stuff they come out with. When I met Christ after years blinded in the RCC, a MAJOR thing I understood in my heart was that this phony-politeness (the world’s idea of “niceness” i.e shallow fakery and flowery words) is what is DESTROYING the church’s witness. Boldness and Truth are seen as scary and mildness and not rocking the boat as things to aim for. And so church buildings everywhere are full of white-washed tombs i.e people dead in sin who have polished their social appearance and have a gold medal in niceties. What bugs me above all is the misinterpretation of “sharing the truth in love”. Folk seem to think it means whispering and using 900 flowery words in a sentence. It doesn’t! It means to stay “in love” while sharing the Truth. That means you don’t stop loving the person and you let them know NOTHING has or will change in the relationship. This frees everyone up to speak truthfully to each other instead of drowning in a sea of the unspoken and the unsaid. Obviously in 3 years Jesus said some harsh (as some would describe it in our snowflake culture) words to His disciples but they knew He loved them. He thus shared the Truth IN LOVE. Same with Paul who was very honest with the churches he wrote to (“you foolish Galatians!”). I remember a Bible Study where someone said he wasn’t being very loving lol. I said: “thankfully in those days they didn’t judge someone on one phrase but on how they were over time and if you read all Paul’s letters, you’ll see he personified Love; in fact he poured his life out for them!”
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