(can be printed out for your prayer closet)
A. Picture the scene at the cross where Jesus shed His sinless blood, and thank God that you can call Him “Father” because of the finished work of Christ.
B. Hallow (set apart as holy) the names of the LORD corresponding with these five benefits in the New Covenant, and make your prayerful and believing declaration aloud.
A. LORD, let there by peace in Jerusalem.
B. In my life, O LORD.
C. In my family (mate, children, disciples, lost people)
D. In the local fellowship which I am apart (pastor, leadership, brethren, preaching, evangelism). Pray for the body of Christ abroad.
E. Nation, City, State, spiritual and political leaders, harvest of souls.
A. Dear LORD, give us Your daily bread as we search Your holy Word, and provide our physical sustenance, in Jesus’ name. Thank You Father.
A. Ask the LORD to forgive you of every sin (recognize each one aloud and denounce them with your lips). See Hebrews 9:14; 1 Jn. 1:9.
B. Forgive and release all who have offended you in light of your own undeserved forgiveness received as a result of Christ’s merit, not your own (Eph. 4:32). Bless those who have offended you aloud. Ask God to fill your heart with His love. See Matt. 5:44.
C. Set your heart/will with a prayerful confession to forgive all who would sin against you in word or deed. See Eph. 4:32.
A. Put on the whole armor of God prayerfully/verbally – put on the LORD Jesus Christ. Personalize His armor, it is for you.
1. Submit yourself to God, render your whole heart to Him. Pray: LORD change me.
2. Ask God to help you to know Him more intimately, and to be filled with His love.
3. Pray for the LORD’s holiness, “the spirit of holiness” – that He would bring your whole being (spirit, soul, and body) under the authority of His Word and Holy Spirit (Rom. 1:4).
4. Ask the LORD to help you set all your motives in order, to order your every step, and to set a watch before your mouth.
5. Seek the LORD to create within you a clean heart, grant you integrity, faithfulness, uprightness, and holiness, and to renew a right spirit within you.
6. Thank your LORD for producing His character and fruit within you today, conforming you to Christ’s image as you are crucified with Christ (Rom. 8:29).
7. Ask Him to make your spirit very sensitive to His leading.
8. Ask the LORD to gird up the loins of your mind and declare aloud that your mind is going to think only upon holy thoughts (Phil. 4:8).
9. Seek the LORD to become a genuine disciple of Jesus with no religious form. Ask Him to give you a hunger for His living Word and to make you to become a faithful soul winner.
10. Remove all selfishness, jealousy, deceit, pride, rebellion, conceit, bitterness, fear of men, and all sins and iniquities that defile.
11. Stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us, O LORD, for Your glory and not ours.
12. Father into Thine hands I commend my spirit. LORD, I lay my life in Your hands. You must increase and I must decrease. Live fully through me LORD Jesus.
13. Holy Father let there be peace in Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee, in Jesus’ name (Ps. 122:6).
(duplication encouraged. be at liberty to print this prayer directive and use it in your prayer closet and to distribute to others)
“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Luke 18:1
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