*Keep in mind that the Gospel interactions given in these updates is but a taste of our LORD’s work in this country of beautiful people. It’s not always feasible to make record of these divinely inspired exchanges. So this is a taste.
Praise God that yesterday the second order for a fresh supply of the JESUS tracts in Spanish were put in here! If you wish to help fund that, go here to Support which takes seconds. I will be picking up the new supply on Monday.
This is the phase of momentum, increase, of excitement! Yesterday and today have been field days! (John 4:34-38) What has been happening lately, as by the good hand of our God, is that I’ve been meeting a few born again disciples. Immediately upon beginning to minister to them, they joyfully exclaim to me that they are saved!!! So as we fellowship I’ve been asking them if they desire a stack of these JESUS tracts to pass out and they always say yes. So, this is the proliferation, the way our LORD’s Gospel begins to spread exponentially – person to person. This is what happened in Acts with the travels and ministries of the apostles and deacons (Stephen, Phillip etc.).
The What’s Next book is now translated into Spanish and will be available soon. Stay tuned. This will be the third of the ministry’s books in Spanish. Your prayers and support make this and every part of this Great Commission ministry outreach possible. EVERYTHING we do, by God’s grace, will always contain, will always spearhead with THE WORD of our God. Isaiah 55:11; 1 Peter 1:23
Jorge owns a nice shoe store. I went in to ask him a question which led to a lengthy visit. Immediately upon receiving a copy of the JESUS tract, Jorge smiled and told me he is a born again Christian. He told me that he was an angry sinful young man and was confronted by an American Christian on the streets of Puebla, Mexico one night and repented and received Jesus. He’s been walking with Jesus for 42 years now. We exchanged information and he was sent the Authentic and Moments books in Spanish on pdf. We discussed also the possibility of him allowing me to give him a supply of the JESUS tracts to pass out, etc. | More Ministry Updates Here
You may remember how we’ve been ministering to Fernando. Well, he found me again today and was blessed to receive more help, including a hot lunch from a local family vendor and some money to get a haircut. Jesus is showing His love to Fernando and may God be praised for your prayer for him.
Another man who has received repeated ministry, food, clothing, etc., also receive the pair of shoes he recently requested as his shoes were out of business if you will. YOU make this possible. | Support
T’was blessed to meet a dear man named Antonio who gladly received extensive ministry. WHEN Antonio was told that you would be lifting him in prayer, his face lit up. Antonio is a very distinguished gentlemen here in Mexico. After receiving a thorough ministry of the Word of God, he fully agreed and was so very appreciative and especially ecstatic to know that you were going to lift him in prayer. Knowing you love the LORD Jesus, are about His business, and desire to see saints fed and lost souls saved, I informed Antonio you’d lift him in prayer in Jesus’ name. Being that I don’t speak the whole language of Spanish yet, I was unable to discern if he is already saved, which is rarely the case here due to the Gospel not being preached here much – till now. GOD knows what he needs, right? Why not just pray according to Colossians 4:12, right? Boom.
When God’s people pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God answers those prayers and also makes the heart of His people to be filled with His joy (John 16:23-24; Philippians 1:19).
Jesus is King.
Ministry Updates here
Mario and Veronica have been married for 68 years. They gladly received the Gospel of Jesus Christ at length today and when I shared with them that American Christians would be praying for them, they were very glad to hear that and actually bowed their heads and grabbed my hands to pray for them right there on the spot. And we did. Thank you for pausing to ask God to save this couple. They have the JESUS tract and had the Gospel of Jesus preached to them today and shown the prayer on the back to repent and be saved.
Exactly where you are is part of “all the world.”
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Mark 16:15-16
Also, Jesus gives His Gospel as an ultimatum. Is Jesus intending that we bring the hearers of His Gospel to a decision? Seems like it. Read the passage again.
This precious woman received God’s love in the form of the spoken Word in her language, some coin, and a Jesus tract. You made this possible. Team Jesus!
“WE (plural) are labourers TOGETHER with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9
The more I read God’s Word, the more convinced I am that the Heaven bound remnant are known in that they are about the “Father’s business” – the Great Commission – and not their own (Luke 2:49). They have laid down and are forsaking their own lives in this fleeting world in their supreme love for Christ Jesus (Acts 20:24). Anyone claiming to be Christ’s and not doing, participating in the Great Commission command … clearly reveals that they are in need of repentance, before it’s too late. Jesus is not their “first love” – which means they are committing spiritual adultery on Christ, the Great and coming Bridegroom (Revelation 2:4-5). Repent and obey Him or perish.
Mr. Ramone was informed that YOU will be lifting him in prayer. He was glad to hear that. This gentleman received the Word of our LORD spoken to him in Spanish, a Jesus tract, and some coin – all compliments of Christ via His beloved body.
“WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
“1 Corinthians 15: 58. This verse is for all of us who labor for the Lord. We are to be unshakable. Letting nothing move us from the hope of the gospel. We are servants of Christ ever ‘abounding in the work of the Lord’ Abounding in the furthering of the gospel. Our labor ‘in the Lord’ will be rewarded. Yesterday the Lord gave me a small reward seeing that man sitting on his porch reading the Jesus tract. And since we are laborers together it is a small reward for all of us! We, each member of Christ’s body, the world over, are team Jesus! And He is our eternal reward! We shall be with Him forever in the New Jerusalem!” Karen Cochran
Michael is homeless. He received a warm meal from a local family owned restaurant, a cold water, a JESUS tract and the spoken Word of God.
Billy: This man was informed that you were going to be praying for him. He loved that. When Billy walked in with this shirt on, it was an easy natural lead in to minister the One who saves and fuels our souls – JESUS. Billy readily received the preaching of the Gospel and a copy of the JESUS tract. It was a fruitful exchange to say the least. God is good.
Javier received the love of our LORD in the form of the spoken ministry of the Word of His Gospel, a copy of the JESUS tract, and some coin. God is good. | More Ministry Updates Here
“Thank you for caring for the beautiful people of Mexico. AMEN . The mission Fields are Ripe for the Harvest of precious souls but the Workers are Few. All Glory to God. Thanks for answering God’s call brother Todd.” Barbara Kuks
“Well folks it’s getting about that time that I go to different countries and spread Jesus because few are learning here. There are tender hearts all over the world that need Jesus and someone who will go to them not worried about riches.” Cindy Barker
THIS IS exactly the sense I’ve been getting since coming to Mexico 4 months ago!!! The receptivity is off the charts here as compared to the gainsaying hardened western world! Thank you for sharing. 100% agree. Acts 8:4 comes to mind. After Pentecost, when there was persecution in Jerusalem, we read: “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). Is this exactly where we are in America?
To sister Cindy’s point….. If you begin talking to one person about Jesus and give them a Gospel tract, the other person or people who hear are listening and they look at you with a “Can I have one of those Gospel tracts also” looks. Unreal. To say these fields are “white unto harvest” is the way Jesus coined this (John 4:34-38)! In fact this is exactly what happened with the couple pictured below.
THIS AFTERNOON (see picture below): So I stopped and ministered extensively to this precious man, and his wife was helping a customer but was listening to every word I spoke. The Word ministered to this man was our LORD’s Gospel. Gave him a JESUS tract in Spanish. A while later I walked back by their store (that they own) and she was devouring every word of the JESUS tract. I told them how beautiful a family they are in Spanish. They were stricken with joy! SMH at how deeply hungry people are for their LORD JESUS!!!! So I stopped again and ministered more to both of them and as usual showed them the prayer on the back and exhorted them to stop their their life and repent and receive Jesus and He will instantly wash away all their sins! Somebody say Luke 24:47 boom!
Jesus is coming saints – let’s roll!
Barbara Kuks writes:
“Indeed! Even in Mexico, hearts are longing for Jesus. We have a huge mission field there and in other countries! Todd Tomasella has been sharing the Gospel there and many have received the Good News with gladness and joy.“
THERE is no work, no activity transpiring on the earth that is even important in contrast to the eternal work of our Father and Savior to feed, nourish, and equip His saints and win lost souls. The Great Commission command of Christ is in full force and His remnant saints are obeying Him and doing it. See Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:47; book of Acts, etc..
Please share.
Spanish Content on SafeGuardYourSoul
“Well you’re very obedient at doing the Lord’s will. It’s wonderful seeing souls saved, isn’t it? I hope you like it there in Mexico. It seems really nice by your pics! You’re such a blessing!” Laurie Cox | Mexico Mission and Ministry Updates
Spanish Content on SafeGuardYourSoul
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