Devil on Your Back? Anybody remember that song “Shut thee door keep out the devil.” (thee is the sound not the). It’s all over for the...
“I am blessed to have a Godly husband like that who treats me like a precious jewel.” Barbara A dear lady, a sister in Christ,...
WHAT is Jesus Looking at in Your Life? GOD sees what you leave behind, what you keep in store for your “safety”, what percentage you keep,...
Jesus taught by deduction: Learning by deduction …. How NOT to be! Read Matthew 23 and learn how NOT to be! Matthew 23 records the most...
3 Resurrections to Celebrate 1. Christ’s resurrection (Matthew 27:64; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, etc.). 2. Your resurrection at the moment of regeneration and daily resurrection (Romans 1:4;...
We are at the precipice of HIS-story, the beginning of a new day, the Day of the LORD, is at hand… Matthew 24 and Luke 21...
Holding Up the Hands of Moses and the Members of Christ’s Body Exodus 17 Perpetual or intermittent victory? What shall it be for thee? May Christ’s...
WANT HIS JOY? Simple: Fill your mind and heart with His Word, daily! Boom Jesus. Listen closely to the prophet Jeremiah beloved of God: “Thy words...
Billy Graham Exposed as a masonic lodge, vatican agent, a false prophet The idolaters who walk in the flesh will be enraged at the thought that...
“In the Bible we have the facts and history of man’s redemption. Other worlds and other beings are brought to prominence in light of redemption’s purposes...