by The Transformed Wife, Lori Alexander Many women despise my teachings on women being keepers at home. They will often give me names of all the...
Instead of fostering a deeper love for CHRIST in their hearers, local churches have diverted that loyalty, the faith of their hearers to themselves (1 Corinthians...
“Male dominated society” is a satanic, jezebel buzz phrase, an attack on God’s creative plan and order for men, women, family. It insinuates that when men...
ONLY THE BIBLICALLY ILLITERATE WONDER WHY AMERICA IS COLLAPSING. HINT: THE FOUNDATION IS GONE (Psalms 11:3; 68:6) Whoredom vs Wholesome Whoring daughters to the world system...
Taylor Swift is a Satanic Pawn used to Influence, to Mislead Unsuspecting Souls This is why she’s front and center at events like the superbowl. ANYONE...
The allegiance and loyalty of the false leaders verses the allegiance of true followers and servants of Jesus. Self-serving, cross-less, compromised hireling wolves hiding behind the...
The name Jezebel is spelled in Hebrew as “LYZEBEL” and it means “Baal exalts, un-husbanded one, without cohabitation and unchaste.” This spirit hates authority, despises correction,...