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Jesus and Johan [video]

Beloved Johan was ministered to extensively this week. For now he is sleeping on a bench it seems. The Gospel was preached to him, he was given a Spanish Reina Valera Bible, and a Jesus tract in Spanish. He also received a hot meal. To say this man was a delight to help would be an understatement. As you will see here he opened that Bible and began reading it aloud, all of his own accord. Video below.

Oh and the special people at the restaurant where Johan was, were very special, received the Jesus tract also, and were glad to be able to feed Johan, all because you gave. After leaving Johan it was yet another rapid fire type barrage of quality ministry to many, one person after the next. Only God!

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

That was the last Spanish Bible I had. It’s Johan’s now! If anyone wishes to help the ministry buy more of these and full Bibles, please feel free. We’re running low on the Jesus tracts here also and always in need of cash to feed and help the poor. Oh and the What’s Next book, to lay a sound biblical foundation in the lives of those being saved, is as we speak being translated into Spanish. See it here on the Store page.

The Gospel is being preached outright – nothing held back. The blood, the cross, the resurrection, repentance and faith, the crucified life, etc.! Lives are being changed. We are only able to feature a small portion of those being reached. God is good. Let’s roll saints. Jesus is coming. | Support


Mission Mexico underway.

Spanish Content on SafeGuardYourSoul

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