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Each of these beloved men, these patriarchs of God, suffered greatly and yet, chose to see those things as a blessing to conform them to Christ and became better instead of bitter (Romans 8:28-29).

Your iniquitous tendencies must cause you to walk with a limp, a crutch of dependence upon Him for He has dealt with them, with you (Genesis 32).

In the night, in the darkest hour of his life, Jacob wrestled with the angel of the LORD and was subdued, was brought down to nothing, dead and buried (Genesis 32). This was the cross that preceded and must precede the resurrection.

Like Jacob, the man who is broken by God will walk with a limp of dependency for the remainder of his days on earth!

“I would rather limp into to Heaven than walk into HELL!” Charles Pray

“One sign that you’ve encountered God is that you now walk with a limp, not a strut.” unknown

Read Genesis 32.

It’s not always the case and yet, God be praised for people older than us who’ve learned wisdom.

“The hoary (gray) head is a crown of glory, IF it be found in the way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31

May God bless each of us to get BETTER and not BITTER as we age.

Fresh Start with God | Making Peace with God | Prepared to be Used of God

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Getting BETTER not BITTER!

Fresh Start with God

“I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice”: What does this really Mean? [podcast]

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