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This morning I spoke with a lady who is going on a mission trip to Africa. She is leaving next week. Upon hearing this, I smiled real big and said “Praise God, are you guys going to get some people saved in Africa?” She was taken back a bit by such a question. Astounding! “Missions” according to the apostate church world, is nothing more than humanistic, humanitarian help. Jesus fed the stomachs of men but then preach His Word also to them, without which no one can be saved! John 6, etc. Christ commands us to “Go … preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15-20) We are going after souls beloved – and God is moving as He promised and saving them! We have seen Jesus save several people in the last month and I believe we are just getting started! God is so good!  We have abandoned our nets and are going and need some senders (Mark 1:17; Romans 10:14-15). Our LORD says: “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. 36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” (John 4:35-36)

If a “mission” trip consists only of building a house or a “church”, or feeding hungry stomachs, it is not fulfilling a kingdom purpose! We need to repent and stop supporting folks who are going on “mission” trips that are not first planting the seed of God’s Word right where they live and 2) are not going with the intention of speaking God’s Word into the hurting hearts of lost souls. We must not “bid God speed” to those who are perpetrating their religion of good works/humanitarianism on others (2 John 10-11). ANY pagan can do a good act. Any lost person can help build shelter for a homeless family. Any antichrist can feed a hungry stomach but only God’s true church is reaching out to lost souls with His blessed Gospel message which begins with “repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:15) The church of Jesus Christ has been sent to say “Come… take of the water of life freely.” (Rev. 22:17) Read Acts this week – look at what the earliest believers did. They “preached Jesus Christ,” and “preached the word.” (Acts 5:42; 8:25, etc.). Oh and not just the apostles …. EVERYone went and preached the Gospel ….. “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.” (Acts 8:4)

“Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ…” Acts 8:12

Is it time that we repent of forsaking the LORD and misusing His name and funds and get about our “Father’s business”? (Lk. 2:49)

If your “church” has reduced doing the Great Commission to humanitarian aid, you are in an antichrist organization that is part of the apostate, babylonian system that Jesus will soon destroy/judge. Flee and go preach the Word of God or you will perish with them (Rev. 18:4).

Feeding someone’s stomach does not replace their need to hear God’s Word. Beware of humanitarian aid “ministries” which do not clearly communicate sin, the original Gospel, and the need to repent and be saved.

No true disciple can possibly fund or support this error (bid God speed) to this evil misrepresentation. Do you even know what the Great Commission  is? When is the last time you heard someone preach or speak forth on the Scriptures concerning the Great Commission Jesus gave to us? If your “church” doesn’t commune with this truth, it is apostate. It’s time to repent and turn back to Christ as our “first love” and “do the first works.” (Rev. 2:4-5)

Jesus didn’t say “Go ye into all the world and do humanitarian acts.” No, He commanded us to “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Yes, Jesus also fed hungry stomachs but then He preaching and taught His Word to the people. Someone can go to hell with a healed body but can’t go to Heaven and miss hell without a healed or saved soul! Jesus says “Ye MUST born again” to see His kingdom (John 3:3, 7). There is no salvation without “regeneration”! (Titus 3:5-6)

RED FLAG: You attend a “church” and aren’t digging into, devouring, and memorizing God’s Word daily. Backslidden!

So you have time to read the news in the morning but no time or desire and disciple to seek God in His holy Word and prayer when you first awake in the mornings? Self-idolatry!

God’s Word cannot and will not get into you until you get into it!

If anything is more important to you than knowing the LORD through studying His Word, you are not ready to meet Jesus (John 17:3; Philippians 3:10).

MUCH of what you will do in ministering is to preach the original Gospel message to those who think they’re saved and yet are not. They’ve been lied to by the end time wolves who peddle the easy believism eternal security false gospel message. True repentance and the necessity to lay down your life is never mentioned. True repentance or the need to live and die holy is completely absent. The Apostate Modern Church

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Deception in the Modern Church World [podcast]

Is Your Sin Really Worth Going to Hell for?


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