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HOW TO PRAY by R. A. Torrey

“Ye shall ask what ye will, and it will be done unto you”:

The world-renowned classic which has already shown millions that God’s answers come to those who know how to ask.


Most of us know we OUGHT to pray, but many seem uncertain as to HOW, WHEN, and WHERE to pray. This book is the classic Christian answer to these vital questions.

Believing that many prayers are not answered because they are not intelligently offered, Dr. Torrey examines the MOODS, the METHODS and the MEANINGS of prayer. He considers all the problems and questioning of the sincere seeker, and in answer to them offers an outline for effective praying that is as positive as it is beautiful and inspirational.

The gentle art of prayer, within these pages, is put within
the reach of the least of us. To read it is a mountain-top
experience of communion with a loving, ANSWERING God.

…and Dr. Torrey goes on to give reasons why men should pray—and what prayer can do:

“Prayer is God’s appointed way for obtaining things, and the great secret of all lack in our experience, in our life and in our work is neglect of prayer.”

“All the mighty men of God outside the Bible have been men of prayer. They have differed from one another in many things, but in this they have been alike.”

“Prayer, in every care and anxiety and need of life, with
thanksgiving, is the means God has appointed for our
obtaining freedom from all anxiety, and the peace of God which passeth all understanding.”

Men should pray—as Christ Himself prayed—and this little masterpiece of inspiration and faith tells you why, how; it is a faithful guide to the richest fulfillment of the Christian life.

“There is no greater joy on earth or in Heaven than communion with God, and prayer in the name of Jesus brings us into communion with Him. The Psalmist was surely not speaking only of future blessedness but also of present blessedness, when he said, ‘In thy presence is fullness of joy’ (Ps. 16:11). Oh, the unutterable joy of those moments when in our prayers we really press into the presence of God! … Do you really give yourself up to prayer in the time which you do take? … That is glorious, and as simple as it is glorious! Thank God, many are trying it. Don’t you know anyone who is always serene? Perhaps he is a very stormy man by his natural make-up, but troubles and conflicts and reverses and bereavements may sweep around him, and the peace of God which passes all understanding guards his heart and his thoughts in Christ Jesus.” R.A. Torrey, How to Pray, p. 17-18

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