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The Superman Myth Debunked

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 

Many times we see memes that say things like “LORD, please use me to shake the world” or “Jesus please use me to change a generation” … But God’s not interested in any one of us “impacting a whole generation” except perhaps such happen one soul at a time. Surely there is the ripple effect and yet… No, He just calls us to repent, trust, and walk/abide with Him as He ministers His grace and truth in and through us to those around us (Matthew 15). That’s what He calls us to and “obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). One step at a time by faith with Him and He’ll take care of the big stuff (Psalms 37:23). It’s His universe, world, and kingdom. We’re just blessed to be found and saved by Him into His eternal family (1 John 4:19). Abide in Christ. Read John 15 … pour prayerfully over this important teaching from our Savior.

RECENTLY: Early this morning, saw 2 beloved men who were Mexican. Sensed they were to be given the Gospel and yet didn’t want to be limited to speaking it to them in Spanish. Almost as if to say “LORD, if there is at least one Spanish Gospel tract left in the cubby hole where tracts are kept in my vehicle, I’ll know for sure You want me to minister to these precious souls dear Jesus.” So I reached down and removed the napkins there and lo and behold, as God knew all along … there were TWO SPANISH Gospel tracts!!! The JESUS tract! The connection and repore was perfect with these 2 gentlemen, father and son, who received the Gospel tracts and listened intently to the Word of God spoken to them in their own language! God is so gracious! ….. Why do I share this? Partly to encourage you to prepare and to step out when your Savior creates the opportunity. He will open their hearts! Smile, love on people, and minister as our LORD enables! He wants to use you, that’s for sure! Ask Him now beloved!

But wait, there’s more……

THEN, just a few minutes later, a brother in Christ I bumped into, a man named Nathan I’ve never met, told me he owns a company and employs many Spanish speaking men. He told me how he’d love to be able to communicate God’s Word to them in their language and that he’d been trying to find out how to do so for a while. Well, as you know, our God is answering the prayers of His people! Nathan and I fellowshipped for a while and then he left with a copy of the Authentic book and gave me his email address to send him the Spanish page on the ministry site. This post on the site is linked below and gives 5 easy-to-learn things to say to minister to Spanish speaking people. Nathan is excited to begin learning those things so he can minister to those he works with. The JESUS Gospel tract is also available on that link in PDF form! God is moving on the hearts of men saints! Jesus is coming.

Learning a few Gospel truths in another language opens wide the door for the LORD to use you – and He will! 5 things to say in ministering to the Spanish speaking people. Communicating The Gospel in Spanish 

Being used of God to minister to others begins by simply ASKING Him to do so and then posturing for the preparation!

Read that again 😉

Spreading the wealth of His Word. Matthew 10:8; 28:18-20; John 16:13-14

Personally, I love giving the following promise to sinners…. they will remember it. They can’t rid their mind and heart of this loving promise from our God. Even if they wait till their dying breath, as did the thief on the cross, they can still call on the name of Jesus and be saved!
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