Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue
Christ-centered, Cross-centered Confessions and Declarations
“A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:20-21
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” –It is definitely biblical that the words we speak affect our lives in a big way. ”Death and life” certainly are in the power of the tongue. But only the Almighty determines what is truly death and what is truly life. Modern deceivers have cleverly capitalized on this truth by leading people to confess such self-serving things as shown below. This is what they teach – that man is his own god and in control of his own destiny. Below is a sample motto prayer of the self-serving person who is using the LORD and the Gospel as means of personal gain:
“I ______________ am a child of the King of all kings and as such am financially prosperous. Everything I lay my hands to is blessed and prospers abundantly. I am becoming a millionaire. People love me and are drawn to me. I _______________ am anointed to make money and have everything my heart can desire….. Money cometh……Jesus was a rich man and I can be also!!!….I _____________will have favor and success in all I do… faith will allow me to escape all trials…..”
Friend, there is some truth in this confession but it is also laced with poisonous self-idolatry which was the sin of Lucifer who has become Satan – the eternal foe, forever cast away from the Almighty. Ever notice they never include anything about being cleansed of sin and iniquity, taking up the cross and being crucified with Christ? How convenient. Ever wonder why they conveniently leave such foundational Bible doctrines out of their teachings? Read 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and 4:2-4 and you will see exactly why they purposely omit such necessary divine truth.
WHEN to depart: “Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge” (Proverbs 14:7).
To seek to use God’s Word divorced from a genuine relationship with Him, is to operate in unmitigated sorcery/witchcraft/divination, by using words to procure for ourselves things He has not necessarily set forth for us to have. It is the mantra of those who vainly believe they are their own little gods and are in control of their own destinies and universe. This is all done in the name of the LORD, which means those who do such use His holy Name in vain and are therefore under His holy wrath.
Here’s the test of whether this is true or false: Are there 2 or 3 Scriptural witnesses? Do we have record of any of the apostles of Jesus or Christ Himself saying anything remotely coinciding with such? The answer is a resounding “No.”
Below is a sample confession that might be prayerfully spoken by the true disciple, who wants nothing more than to bring glory to His Master – Jesus. Since “death and life are in the power of the tongue,” why not confess His Word like this?
“According to the command of God, I _______________ am this day crucified with Jesus Christ and His resurrection life teems within me, raising me up in His grace and power. This day, I am dead and my life is hid with Christ in God. I am not my own but bought with the ultimate price of the precious blood of my LORD Jesus Christ and am today being conformed to His holy image as the Father has predestined. According to the grace given to me of Christ, I _____________ will not seek to elevate but rather deny myself, take up my cross and follow my LORD Jesus Christ. My life is laid down and being spent in the worship of the one true God, which includes esteeming others above myself. As He enables, I will build up His beloved saints – feed His sheep – and communicate His Word in love to others that they might be found of Him. Every penny I have is a gift from You LORD and I will joyfully use as much as possible for the furtherance of Your eternal kingdom, willingly choosing to be a cheerful giver. I rejoice today to suffer shame and persecution for Your holy Name, Jesus. Thank You for bleeding and rising again for me. This is the day that the LORD has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it as I set my affections on things above and not on earthly things. This mind will think only on those things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, virtuous, and of good report. Heavenly Father, into Thine hands I commend my spirit and beg You to breath Your life into me and live through me. I love You Jesus. As Christ enables by His holy grace, I _____________ will live this day in fervent expectancy of the soon return of the King of all kings and LORD of all lords who is eternally the blessed Creator and only holy Potentate (supreme Ruler) of all. Amen.”
(feel free to print this out and use it as you wish)
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