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Eternity in the balance: This little book is going to be responsible for leading many to Jesus and Heaven…. Escaping the flames of eternal damnation.
“I’ve listened to this! This is what moved me to desire the books. It’s very well done. I’m expecting God can use them to open eyes. The Lord used you to write very simply and yet straight to the point. I’m thrilled to put these in my loved ones hands!” Jeni Neely
“This is the best BOOK on being born again I have seen! I have been blessed to give two people this book so far, starting with my family members and Praise God, I also got to share 6 of your soul winning Gospel tracts with a ladies group. In that group are Catholics and go out to a small lunch at Wendy’s. We are getting to know one another which leaves it open to share with them since. I am an Ex -Catholic and they loved the tracts! God is working! We just need to avail ourselves in the serving of our Lord. God is good and will make a way when there seems to be no way! Sinners need Him. And the Lord will lead us to the right people at the right time. This little book is very easy to read. I love the large print because I don’t need my glasses. This is highly recommended for witnessing. My little 10 year old neighbor who recently got save reads it every chance he gets. And, he has his older brother reading it also! Great book to own and to share in witnessing. Carol B.
“A GREAT little treasure which I have sent to family members and prisoners. An awesome book for newbies! As always Brother Todd gets right to the point in sharing the Scripture-which we ALL need! I highly recommend this treasure!” -Dar
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