Sin is not a sickness. Sin is the root of man’s problems and is not a sickness that can be drugged away. Those who call sin...
Heaven Guaranteed to all who have Received Jesus? When Jesus said “It is finished,” He was speaking of HIS perfect sacrificial payment for the sins of mankind (John...
Peter was not the first so-called “pope” because there’s no such thing in Christ’s kingdom. Not one mention in the Bible and such would actually blaspheme...
Mary is just one of millions of people who have obeyed their Maker. That doesn’t make the immaculate conception heresy correct, that doesn’t make her anything...
Yahweh Only? Yahushua? Yahuah? Fake Jewish name cult devils busted. When unsaved men, the world over, take the name of the LORD in vain, which name...
Those who preach against what they call “Lordship salvation” are 100% from the eternal security, once saved always saved, grace only-type evangelical camp. Does Obeying God...
“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:26 What does that...
This pastor had a dream where he was shown an angry man on a mission frantically running through waist high fire, picking up bodies, desperately seeking...
IF we want to see who the antichrists are among us, just look at the frauds who get their picture with the pope. By doing so...
STREET PREACHER REBUKED To a supposed street preacher who sought to rebuke a man who is a faithful witness and servant of Christ, the following rebuke...