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ALL who participate in the barbaric MURDER of an innocent baby for any reason – #abortion – will be irrevocably terminated into the lake of fire Rev 21:8. All #dems are murderous sinners #democrats #plannedparenthood #PP #savethebabies #endallabortion

Abortion is the cold blooded murder of an innocent baby and ANY person participating, including voting for political candidates who fight to murder babies, is 100% guilty with blood on their hands. “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13) The lake of fire awaits all murderers (Revelation 21:8).

NO such thing as a disciple of Christ who agrees with abortion for any reason! NO murderer hath eternal life” (1 John 3:15). Repent now and believe on the LORD Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins – before it’s too late!

When hearing someone “defend” abortion, it’s always cringe worthy to hear some say “Well, the child you kill could be the doctor who discovers the cure for cancer.” Utter foolishness.
So, such a person believes that the value of a person is based on what they do. Repent now. “For there is no respect of persons with God.” (Romans 2:11) What someone does is not who they are. Every human is a creation of God and there is no person more valuable than another.

“Abortion is an abomination. Those who support it are as evil as the doctors who perform them. Keep praying.” Shirley Bruso

SOME don’t want this talked about. I wonder what side they’re really on…..

No such thing as a Christian who votes democrat, period. The blood of innocent babies is on these animals who shall give full account to the Almighty in judgment. “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13) “NO murderer hath eternal life.” (1 John 3:15)

Father, in Jesus’ name, we dare not pray for anything short of Your perfect will. Therefore we ask that all abortion, the murder of Your innocent babies, will cease in this nation. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Making Peace with God

Catholics Are Coming to Christ

More on Abortion Here


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