PRAYER OF A PARENT: Heavenly Father, thank You for the children You sovereignly gave their father and I. You entrusted them to us, to train up in Your ways – to teach them to know and follow You Jesus. We know they are first and foremost, YOURS. You have committed to my trust Your child(ren). Right this moment, I release each of my children back to You – to Your sovereign care. Please help me to be the parent You’ve ordained me to be, walking in Your love, truth, and wisdom – as I obey them by teaching them Your Word, daily. In Jesus’ Name. Amen LORD.
Being a “good” parent doesn’t mean you are a God-fearing, a godly parent.
LIFE is all about GOD first, then family (Psalms 68:6). EVERYTHING else revolves around this nucleus (Genesis 1:22, 27-28; 2:18; Matthew 22:37-39, etc.).
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
God gave you your children for you to train them up in His ways and not the government or anyone else. The LORD is holding you personally accountable. If you are not convicted deeply to instill His truth in love in your children, Jesus commands you to repent and be saved.
ANY parent not teaching literal Holy Scripture to their children today, is out of God’s will (Proverbs 22:6).
Taking your child to a “church” to be entertained is not what God has in mind when He commands YOU – the parent – to “train up” your child (Proverbs 22:6). YOU train them up, and not pawn them off to a “church.” Let’s get right saints. We only have one shot at training up our children, right? Is someone else training your child daily OR are you?
“The character of your children tomorrow depends on what you put into their hearts today.” Liza Young
For your encouragement: My son is now in his early 20’s, a pastor, and married to a wonderful Christian lady. This is by the grace of God, not because he had a perfect earthly father, by any stretch 😉 …. After sowing God’s Word into His ears from before birth, at 4 1/2 years old he asked to be saved. He repented and received Christ and immediately desired his own Bible and to be water baptized, both which happened promptly.
“Make a sacrifice for your children or sacrifice your children for your convenience.” unknown
As first being Christ’s disciples and also parents, we must understand the power of God’s Word. This is a kingdom key. Memorize 1 Peter 1:23. Ministry is primarily about the power of divine truth, the Word, not how wonderful we are. Memorize also Isaiah 55:11.
“Let thine heart retain (memorize) my words.” Proverbs 4:4
What Scriptures are your children learning this week from the King James Bible? Which Bible verses are you joyfully teaching them? Do you have an ample supply of index cards to hand- record Scriptures on for both you and your children?
ARE you teaching your children to serve, serve, serve? To ABS = Always Be Serving? Memorize the words of our LORD Jesus recorded in Matthew 23:11 with them. And also our LORD’s Golden Rule in Matthew 7:12 along with Matthew 22:37-40.
Are your children witnessing in your daily life the great joy, love, peace, and thankfulness of the LORD and His many blessings? Are you cultivating gratefulness in their hearts by your way of life and the Word? This is an example of powerful topical study.
Are you teaching your children how to prepare food and cook? IF not, why not?
YOU are first and foremost the PARENT, not the friend. Act like it. Obey God by training your children in HIS WORD! (Proverbs 22:6) The LORD whose your children are, is watching and holding you personally accountable!
GOD-less parents are usually to blame for children who grow up to be irresponsible adults. Repent now sinner.
“The best thing any parent can to for their children and to even be a better parent is use the Word of God.” Jeff Thomas
“Teach them about Christ and salvation in Him.” Matt Richardson
“The first and only thing that truly matters is to teach them how they can receive the gift of salvation and where to find this truth in Scripture, that the Gospel of Jesus is simple, never complicated, and to trust and obey God. Every other parenting skill is secondary to this. If you are in line with God’s way in Scripture yourself, all else will fall in place. Let them make the choice for salvation—it is their choice to make. If they choose against Gods ways…pray, pray, pray…then, pray some more. And when it doesn’t seem prayer is working, pray some more. Tell your kids how to be saved, live by example and be honest about your own failures.” Tracy Alvarez DeAtley
“CEASE now listening to the foolish wisdom of the ungodly, the world, the lost ‘experts’ and the psychobabble frauds like James Dobson. Repent and get into God’s pure Word and teach His words to your children (Proverbs 19:27; Psalms 1). Make God’s Word and the study of it a loving, joyful experience. Do short bits, snippets on a ‘sprinkling’ basis.” Todd Tomasella
“Install God’s Word and be positive. Speak life over your children🎯💯” Tina Mladucky
“My 6-year-old cooks, does dishes, and laundry!” Catherine Johnston
“Daughter started cooking when she was 8.” Gina Rachelle
“Yes, It’s not the schools responsibility or home ec class, it’s ours.” Teresa Schnarr-Turner
“My boys know how to cook, bake, and grow/tend their own crops. They also know how (and are responsible for) doing laundry, cleaning house, and maintaining acreage and animals. We are currently teaching them how to plan and keep a budget and how to grocery shop for the needs of our family with that budget. And my 6 yo daughter has chores and can make several desserts by herself.” Nicole Aguilar
“Teach your children to SEEK, TRUST, BELIEVE, OBEY GOD through CHRIST!!!” Lisa
“Mercy.” Bill Wegener
“Keep them from being exposed to the world as much as possible for as long as possible. Including tv and any form of internet.” Chad Hunt
“Train your children in the ways of the Lord. The commandments of Jesus Christ. Discipline is a must. But most of all that they put Jesus before anything and anyone.” Cat Jewell
“Great examples people. I am a great example of not parenting right. With regret I share that Satan sure played me for a fool while my kids were growing up. I just want everyone to know it’s soooo tempting and easy to get off track during this crucial child raising period.” GS
“A lot of women I know don’t really know how to cook, let alone teach their children.” Christine Farr
“BE A GOOD EXAMPLE TO YOUR CHILDREN: Simple but it means a lot. If you want your children to be holy, show them how. TO PREPARE THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND INDEPENDENT.” Eleanor Calulot
“The first and only thing that truly matters is to teach your children how they can receive the gift of salvation and where to find this truth in Scripture, that the Gospel of Jesus is simple, never complicated, and to trust and obey God. Every other parenting skill is secondary to this. If you are in line with God’s way in Scripture yourself, all else will fall in place. Let them make the choice for salvation—it is their choice to make. If they choose against Gods ways…pray, pray, pray…then, pray some more. And when it doesn’t seem prayer is working, pray some more. Tell your kids how to be saved, live by example and be honest about your own failures.” Tracy Alvarez DeAtley
“Christian parents must teach their children that Jesus is God and He is the way the truth and the life.” Shannon Cook
“Consistency.” Nancy Collanto
“Know how and when to draw the friendship parent line. Teach a holy reverence and respect also.” Tami McGruder
“I was trained well by my parents. We had prayer before dinner & after dinner Bible study! We prayed together daily! My daddy always said a family that prays together stays together! He was right we had a love like no other I ever witnessed! Jesus Christ’s words keep us together in hard times ❤️❤️. I’m forever blessed beyond measure to have had the training I had! 🙏❤️❤️❤️💥🔥👏” Cassandra Bond Shelton
“Yep- daughter & son 24/25, can cook, daughter can sew, my son taught himself how to forge beautiful knives, they can clean, play guitar, clean a gun, fix a sink, check the tires and oil. But most important they were taught to keep their KJB Bibles close, and praise God, they do.” Tracy Alvarez DeAtley
“Proverbs.” M.
“Teach her the Bible.” Catherine Johnston
“When growing up and being the oldest of seven, and the only one doing all to help my working mom, one day it dawned on me to start my siblings helping me. They all learned to wash/iron their clothes, wash dishes, cook, clean house, etc. Four grown men and three grown women later who know how to keep a clean house. Thanks be to God.” Anita Armagnac
“You can’t make someone respect you but you can refuse to be disrespected.” Scott Calvert
“Introduce Christ, how they will live and how they will choose to think. Pray, read, share.
Teach them only about the spiritual things, the things of God and how it will reflect on their Living😉😉😉” Isaiah De Castro
“Raise your children up in the admonition of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Melia White
“Parenting Rewards Found in Jeremiah 35. What wonderful nuggets families can find in Jeremiah 35. A family’s faith toward God and God-pleasing obedience toward their father, gets them show-cased by God through the prophet Jeremiah in the temple. God uses Jeremiah’s family to convict Israel of their sin and judge accordingly. Then He rewards this family by allowing them to always have a man ministering before Him. It looks like three generations involved in this faithfulness gets the inheritance rolling in forever by the gracious abundant blessing of our Heavenly Father. I’m going to be sitting with three generations of my family this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. I’m praying for open ears, receptive hearts and God’s words (Scriptures) to say in the power of the Holy Ghost.” David Taylor
“Teach them to pray without ceasing, in ALL things give thanks.” Jeanne Rux
“PREPARE them for what’s out there…have honest conversations… *discipline them with the Word, teaching them God’s thoughts and instruction on their choices. *When they mess up, help them build the healthy habit of owning their mistakes by looking you or the other person in the eye and say ” I’m sorry I _______ (fill in the blank) but make them own the sin so they don’t develop narcissistic habits of deflection when they are older. And then make sure the other person (sibling or whomever) practices forgiveness by vocally saying “It’s ok, I forgive you for_________.” Then make sure you help them be in the habit of confessing those sins to the Lord, thanking Him for forgiveness and seeking His strength to not do it again!” BD
“Lead by example, encourage them to do what you do and don’t exasperate them with overly high expectations for their age. And I speak the word of God to them constantly so it’s a Seed down in their spirit And as we come together to read the Bible as a family and teach them why doing all this benefits us as believers, they slowly mature in the faith and are more mature than most eight-year-olds.” Jenny S.
“Be honest with your kids. Tell them up to what they can understand, but don’t lie to them.” Nick Diaz
ANY parent who withholds a child from their other parent, except for real, actual, extreme reasons is under divine judgment.
“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6
ANY person who unjustly separates or in any way hinders the relationship between a parent and child, is under divine judgment.
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