Until He is saved, a sinner can never be anything except a sinner – who is under the dominion of sin and Satan (Luke 13:16; Ephesians 2:2-3; James 4:7).
Lots of antichrists today speaking about how they’ve been bettered or transformed and yet Jesus Christ, His blood, and being born again is no where in their language. Those who don’t speak the name of Jesus Christ and obey His teachings, do not honor God the Father and are not His (John 5:23). By this we know that Satan has further deceived them and that they should be given the law and the Gospel and prayerfully won to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:12-15; 1 John 4:1-4, etc.).
People can only overcome “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” (Revelation 12:11)
It’s only when a person, a sinner, truly repents and submits their life to Christ in repentance and faith, that they are regenerated, born again and truly changed by God.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;” 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
Making Peace with God | What Does “Born Again” Mean?
Below is from author unknown
All six of these books are often promoted as “Christian” but are “New Age” books which preach “Another Jesus”, “Another Spirit”, and “Another Gospel”. They teach salvation through human efforts and religious works! Jesus Christ is not the only Savior and LORD in these heretical books. Run from any false ministry that dares to promote these vile antichrist wolves!
“Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch teaches:
- No Devil
- No Sin
- No Hell
- Man is God
- Universalism
- Relativism
- Reincarnation
- Jesus is one of many Ascended Masters (Lord Maitreya, Djwhal Khul, Melchizedek, etc).
“The Shack” by William P. Young teaches:
- Universal Salvation
- God does not Punish Sin
- Human Heart is Good
- “Do what thou Wilt”
- The Bible is Fallible
- Relativism
- Against Organized Churches
- Redefines Sin
- Heaven is not Accurately Depicted in Scripture
- God is Against Rules.
“The Revelation” by Barbara Max Hubbard teaches:
- Human Nature Good
- Born to be Christ
- You are God
- Separation of God is a Delusion
- If you don’t believe you are God you are Cancer
- 2nd Death is for those Who cannot Evolve
- Christ will not Return until enough People are Linked to Him via (Christ -Consciousness)
“Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young teaches:
- Occult/New Age Channeling
- Spiritual Dictation
- Creative Visualization
- Meditation
- Divine Alchemy
- Co-creation with God
- Practicing the Presence
- Jesus Flatters
“The Circle Maker” by Mark & Parker Batterson teaches:
- Insufficiency of the Bible
- Use Witchcraft to get Prayers Answered
- God is Submissive to Man’s Will
- Pray in a Demanding and Arrogant Way rather than Humbly
- Use Visualization Tactics
- “Name it Claim it Theology”
- “Primacy of Man’s Will over God’s Will.”
- Principles Taught in Talmud
“A Course in Miracles” by Helen Schuchman & Marianne Williamson teaches:
- Pantheism (God is everything)
- All is Love
- Recognition of God is Recognition of Self
- No Sin
- No Need for Salvation
- Old Rugged Cross is Useless
- Evil does not Exist
- No Devil,
- We Face Armageddon (in ourselves) No Need for Future Armageddon (collective)
- Meditation
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