“Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3 The once “rich man” who is now in hell irrevocably, vainly imagined...
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13 In the recent past, two enterprising business men (both...
Read, Learn, Memorize, Meditate Upon, and Speak This! “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth…” Joshua 1:8 It’s positively truth that...
If You Want God’s Blessings on Your Life, You Must Lay it Down You will be miserable till you do – just as were the Laodiceans...
“Powerful podcast! Amazing to think at the very moment of conception God breathed life into us!! My little finite mind can’t comprehend that He loves us...
“Hath nothing” vs “Hath great riches” “There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.” Proverbs...
Covetous Reciprocation Today so many think they are hearing the Word of God in their local church. They are hearing very little of it and mountains...