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What False Teacher? – Me!

“Rare honesty for these days. Bravo.” Jim

“It’s great to see the humility in confessing this and not trying to quietly cover it up. Reminds me of Andrew Strom coming out of the false prophetic movement and other false “ministries”. May God Bless and continue to give you discernment and a burning desire to truly serve Jesus Christ, with a burden for lost souls. May the love of Jesus and grace work in you mightily! Stay Humble brother.” Dale

VIDEO (below): There’s still a lot of word of faith/prosperity gospel witchcraft and manipulation in the minds of many whom Christ wants to bring out to His pure original Gospel, sound doctrine with nothing added…. I was brought out of that cult by Jesus actually … the transformation continues and must continue…. away from the witchcraft we learned ….

WHEN we study, learn, become engrossed in, and are taught the cross, the Bible cross of Christ, it changes everything-including all our praying and preaching!

H.O.T. BIBLE STUDY [PODCAST] – Honest. Organic. Thorough.

MAKE no mistake, there are evil (demon) spirits integrally involved in false ministries – “seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1) Personally I was involved in the WOF (Word of Faith) and NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) cults. Demons came with that package. Though there was a deep desire for the truth, I was spurned by it and therefore at times sought to argue around it (the truth). I was not abandoned to God’s Word being the absolute standard (2 Timothy 3:16, etc.) Those evils spirits where seeking to inoculate my mind and heart from divine truth – the written Word of God.

Jesus was gracious and merciful to find and deliver my soul from the clutches of the enemy! John 8:36 !

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

It had been said by some that I was on the track/course to have a “thriving church or ministry” or more. One lady, a “prophetess,” prophesied that I’d be on TBN soon and launched into a big time ministry. But I was lying to people. Perhaps I would have become a Word of Faith “rock star” but the LORD had mercy on my wretched soul, rebuked me by His truth, began to instill His holy fear, and brought me to repentance.

Recently, over coffee, I shared with a close friend how that during this season of  delusion, I knew in my conscience that I was doing wrong and had to make a choice to repent. Our sins are always deliberate because we have the conscience the LORD made us with and His written Word (2 Thessalonians 2:9-13, etc.).

Find out more about  this divine intervention and transformation in detail in three chapters titled “Confessions of a False Teacher” in the book Predators in Our Pulpits.

Usually, it is wise to refrain from speaking of ourselves and yet, like Paul, perhaps more often we should glory in our own infirmities/weakness.

So many of the people we see preaching are cross-less and completely self serving. Can you spot them? They want to use God to get what THEY want and therefore confess things for their own self-serving lusts instead of confessing that they are “crucified with Christ” which would be the Bible truth to confess (Galatians 2:20). Instead they teach people to confess for selfish earthly trinkets to get what they want which is luciferian…. Is 14:12-15; Gal 2:20….These “enemies of the cross of Christ” are using the name of the LORD in vain – for their own self-serving agenda (Philippians 3:18-19). The LORD is calling you to repent and run from these greed-driven wolves who are not submitted to God….


“God has sure given you an in depth understanding. This is a very good testimony Todd !! Thanks for sharing again and this testimony is in your book. Predators in Our Pulpits is my favorite book (other than the Bible) because it’s filled with the truth of His Word, Amen. I must share this.” Carol B.

“WOW! I am so happy you were delivered. Bless His name!” Cynthia A.

“Praise the Lord!  It’s amazing testimony, I often ask that question if a preacher in this or that movement can really repent?!  I guess they can!” Susan K.

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