Have you ever left a local church and been attacked for doing so? “We were ‘excommunicated’ from a church we had been to for almost...
Witchcraft in the Ranks (below) BEWARE of the manipulating evil workers who would dare use against you a past sin you’ve already been forgiven for. GOD...
The Law of Attraction and The Secret and Word of Faith Theology are Witchcraft Operated in by Self-Serving, Christ-Denying Rebels “WITCHCRAFT” is on the list of...
“I have the deepest respect for Pagan myths, still more for myths in the Holy Scriptures” (PP, p.71). CS Lewis In the above quote from C.S....
Instead of fostering a deeper love for CHRIST in their hearers, local churches have diverted that loyalty, the faith of their hearers to themselves (1 Corinthians...
Make sure you watch the falling crucifix closely and rewind at least once to see that it’s pulled with a fishing line. One corner of it...
Lucifer was cast down from Heaven and is now called Satan. He invaded the sinless pristine environment of the Garden of Eden. Check out Ezekiel 28:12-19....