MANY WERE PLAYED FOR THE FOOL: DEAR VETERAN: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BACKBONE? Reviewing this to mark just how gullible, how foolish so many are… even veterans who swore the oath to defend the Constitution and the protection it provides to WE THE PEOPLE!…. They scampered like bumbling idiots to obey unlawful orders that are not LAW. They don’t even know the Constitution…. so it never popped into their darkened minds that the mask/muzzle orders etc., are a violation of the First Amendment, etc. John 3:19-21; Hosea 4:6
IT’S FAR PAST TIME FOR MEN OF CONVICTION TO STAND UP AND SPEAK THE TRUTH. TUCKER CARLSON DOES SO HERE IN THIS VIDEO CLIP. … You are STILL wearing a mask??? Get over it! You have submitted to tyranny and are throwing away the God-given Constitutionally protected freedoms hundreds of thousands of veterans died to secure!!!! Have you ever even read the First Amendment????? Please show us all where there’s a necessity for a mask in order to gather freely? Stay home dupe and shut up if you are STILL running scared of a 99.97% SURVIVAL rate virus that is easily treated! ….. MASK “MANDATES” ARE NOTTT THE LAW. IT’S A MERE UNLAWFUL ORDER. FROM THE BEGINNING, I’VE DARE THESE TRAITORS TO ARREST ME. I NEVER HAVE WORN ONE AND DON’T DO BUSINESS WITH TRAITORS WHO REQUIRE ONE. MY ATTORNEYS ARE WAITING FOR YOU TO ARREST ME SO WE CAN FILE A $250 MILLION DOLLAR FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST YOU FOR VIOLATION OF RIGHTS – IN YOUR PERSONAL AND OFFICIAL CAPACITY. EACH INDIVIDUAL TYRANT INVOLVED WILL BE NAMED IN THAT LAWSUIT AS A DEFENDANT. GET READY TO LAWYER UP, TRAITOR! LET’S DO IT!!!! I NEED THE MONEY FOR MINISTRY!!! FIRST AMENDMENT, 18 USC 1983, 242
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