Here’s a typical example of someone who has bought lies and is now bearing false witness by spreading those numerous falsehoods spawned by evil men and...
JUST ANOTHER VATICAN HOAX PERPETRATED BY THE SEMINARIAN PARROTING PAWNS More proof that Satan can use his agents to stage any hoax he evilly desires and...
The New King James Version CANNOT Be Trusted! © David W. Daniels Question: I know the New King James is said to be a “revision of...
COMMON DECEPTION/LIE: “But I can’t understand the King James Bible. It’s too hard to understand.” REPLY: Not true. This is a common, debunked deception. If the...
Reading a fake “bible” is like still watching CNN. Let that sink in. Fake news. See if you have a real Bible. I love the King...
There are people going around saying we don’t have God’s Word today in our own language and therefore must learn Hebrew and Greek to truly understand...
Reading a fake “bible” is like still watching CNN. Let that sink in. Fake news. The NASB (New American Standard “bible” OR more accurately the...
Do we realize that the LORD communicated His heart, “the thoughts of his heart” to us via His Word, the Bible? “The counsel of the LORD...
by Will Kinney JOHN 1:18 “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he...
At the Hampton Court Conference, convened by King James I in 1603, John Reynolds, the head of the Puritan Church in England, proposed a new English...