The word “crucified” appears 37 times in God’s Word, all in the New Testament. To say that “crucified” is a very important divine truth, central to...
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the...
Ministering to the Incarcerated EACH WEEK, books are ordered and sent out to incarcerated men and women. Recently two currently incarcerated men, both who are now...
How do we know, from the Bible, that America as we know it, is over? Talking about and imagining a bright future for a country that...
[JESUS tract ENGLISH (click to download print-ready PDF) this is the actual text of the JESUS tract of both the English and JESUS tract SPANISH (click...
Instead of fostering a deeper love for CHRIST in their hearers, local churches have diverted that loyalty, the faith of their hearers to themselves (1 Corinthians...
What is the Great Commission? Who gave it? Who was the Great Commission given to? The Great Commission is simply the spreading of Jesus’ Word by...
370 pages “5 STARS! Excellent Devotional Moments with Our Master: This book should be alongside every bedstand. It is Scripture rich. It helps you to spend...
Chapter 1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of...
A Blood-less Gospel is a False Gospel Cain offered what he chose to offer God. Abel humbly offered God what God desired. Cain had a self-styled...