Kingdom Breaking! 5 Souls Saved! Live Action of Jesus! [podcast]
KINGDOM BREAKING: The work of God through His
born again “ambassadors” who are about the “Father’s business”, is the infinitely most important and only eternal work transpiring on the earth. Nothing even remotely compares (Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 2:49; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20).
After hearing the extensive preaching of the Word of our God (see podcast above), 5 souls repented before God and received Christ as the LORD of their lives! Also, all the believers present asked our LORD to fill, to baptize them with His Holy Spirit and to use them mightily (Acts 1:8; 2:1-4, 37-39; 8:14-17; 19:1-6, etc.).
(keep in mind the prayer at the end of the above podcast was edited and so the time between sentences was in reality much slower so as to allow those praying to follow and prayerfully repeat to the LORD)
In Florida with sister Teresita Guadalupe’s friends.
It was a packed house and Jesus was in the house!
Please lift up these precious new believers in prayer.
Brother Jon Crane leads us in the following pray for these new believers in Jesus:
We thank You, Father, in Jesus name for these precious souls added to Thy kingdom. Create in them, O God, a clean heart and renew a right spirit within them that they might desire the sincere milk of the Word to grow thereby and may each soul added this day, stand perfect and complete in all the will of God according to Your word in Jesus’ name.
More ministry supplies going to be sent to them to help those new believers grow in Christ. A big part of what this ministry outreach does is supply and help and bless those doing God’s work, ministering disciples all over the nation. Please feel free to genously support that on the support button/page at safeguardyoursoul.com …. the new Support page just days ago was completed and is working simpler and better, easier than ever. Takes seconds to participate by giving. Jesus is saving, filling, blessing His people!!!!
Jesus is King.
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