Satanic Seminarian System What could possibly sound more innocent than a man wanting to serve God going to seminary, right? BEWARE OF THE SEMINARIANS WHO ARE...
ETERNAL SECURITY DEATH NAIL. CASE CLOSED! Are you personally, intimately familiar with the words of Holy Scripture found in Ephesians 5:25-27? “Submitting yourselves one to another...
The Mystery Revealed Ephesians 3 Paul gave no glory to the sinful men who imprisoned him. Eph 3:1 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of...
“This book has shocked me to the core. No wonder the writer warns that ‘if you are not willing to have your Christianity seriously examined do...
“Give us a King.” 1 Samuel 8:6 As it was at the tower of Babel where fallen mankind sought to have their own way, do their own thing...
Jesus’ people gather to glorify Him and love one another. They do not gather to tickle the fancy of or cater to the “felt needs” of...
The LORD’s People are “A Special People unto Himself” Beloved of God, as you read through God’s Word, devouring it daily, keep a close look out...
If you are deceived by the world, it’s because you are of the world – and in utter need of repentance, before it’s too late....
Sending Up Treasures to Heaven “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 You’re going to spend your life and energy doing something....
The wise virgins of Christ are preparing to meet their Great Bridegroom! All others will have the door shut in their face. Read Matthew 25:1-13. Just...