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“Thank you so much! Powerful prayers to make my walk with Jesus stronger!” Karen Cochran

Disciple’s Cry Prayers…. WARNING: Satan is in danger of and will lose his grip and influence over the life of any person who prays these biblical prayers from a sincere, repentant, honest heart! Jesus is King!

“I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.” Acts 13:22

Only those who are given over to the LORD, offering themselves as a freewill offering daily, will be mightily used of Him.  Did you catch the last part of the above Bible truth? – “which shall fulfil all my will.” 

Only those who decide to have a heart after the LORD will be empowered by Him to “fulfil” His will.

Your life of prayer, your prayer life, your life of communication, communion with your LORD is established by your life in God’s Word which is the ground work and sets forth the paramaters for your prayers, your communion with Him.

Say with David that in all things God’s “word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalms 119:105).

The beloved David also cried:

“Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” Psalms 141:2

The MORE of God’s Word you have invested in your heart, the greater your power in prayer to God – knowledge is the weapon of prayer.

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” Ephesians 6:17-18

Adhering to God’s Word keeps us safe from the enemy.

“Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.” Psalms 17:4

Walking out His divine Word reveals we are walking in His wisdom, and His strength in us will be increased.

“A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.” Proverbs 24:5

In contrast, the LORD says that “my people are destroyed FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE” (Hosea 4:6).

“A man of knowledge increaseth strength.”

The more of God’s Word that is in us, being known and lived through us, the more powerful our prayer life. “A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength” (Proverbs 24:5).

Upon awaking each morning, seeking the LORD in the Word and in prayer is laying the foundation for Christ to reign in your life.

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 

Can anyone possibly NOT enter into temptation who is not living a life of prayer? Not possible. If you are not living a life of prayer, praying “without ceasing,” you ARE living in sin. Wonder no more. Fresh repentance before God is needed (Hosea 10:12; 14:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 4:14-16).

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (Pulpit Commentary)

“Pray without ceasing. The means of promoting … joy is prayer. This prayer is to be ‘without ceasing,’ implying constancy (Colossians 4:2) and perseverance (Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18; Luke 18:1). This is not a mere precept ‘capable of fulfillment in idea, rather than in fact’ (Jowett); but it is an exhortation to live in a devotional frame of mind. It is impossible to be always on our bended knees, but we may be in the spirit of prayer when engaged in the duties of our earthly calling. Prayer may be without ceasing in the heart which is full of the presence of God, and evermore communing with him.”

It’s the cross – where you die so Christ can be preferred, can reign in your personal daily life.

“Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3

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Lotta Power
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No such thing as an overcoming, victorious child of God who doesn’t meet daily with God in prayer communion.

Let’s read the words of our LORD Jesus again – aloud:

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 

PRAYER: Holy Father, I come to You now in repentance, asking You to please forgive my self-idolatry, rebellion, pride, sinful unbelief, and prayerlessness. Please wash me clean in Thy blood dear LORD Jesus. Unite my heart to fear Thy name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Brother Jon Crane shares:

Yea and Amen, for all whose heart cry is this prayer to receive power from the Holy Ghost to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world; may we abide in Thee and Thou in us that our lives should bring forth fruit, and that our fruit should remain. We cry out for more of Thee, Lord Jesus: create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us! In Jesus’ name. Amen.” 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, please forgive me for the sin of not seeking You with a whole heart, for being self-absorbed and deceived. I utterly need You with every fiber of my being—every moment. You made me, died for, and came and found and saved me while I was in my sin. Please forgive me for allowing the cares of this world, deceitfulness of temporal riches, lust for things other than You, and religion, consume me because I wasn’t seeking and being filled with more of You. I begin this moment to set my heart affections upon You alone and find my whole identity and purpose in You. May Your presence in me increase as You fill me afresh with Your Holy Ghost. Please increase in me Jesus, and I choose to decrease, purging all that does not belong to You. I love You my LORD Jesus Christ. Praise Your holy name forevermore. In Jesus’ name, amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Holy Father, I know that no sin will enter into Your holy abode. Whatever it takes, please do Your deepest work in my life, now LORD. Here and now I repent, I turn to You, admitting that I’ve sinned against You grossly with my selfish, pride-filled, evil heart and ways. I am fully guilty and yet You sent Your only begotten Son to die on that cross, then be buried, and raised again from the dead to save, to forgive, and justify me in Thy holy sight. Do it Jesus. Take all of me, now. Into Thy hands I here and now submit my spirit, soul, and body. Wash me of all my sins. Please fill me with Your Holy Ghost and use me to help others come to You LORD. In Jesus’ name, amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I present this life You gave to You afresh. I lay my life into Your holy hands here and now, asking that You forgive and cleanse and wash away all my sins. Thank You for forgiving my sins of idolatry, of spiritual adultery, of not being committed unto Thee dear LORD. Forgive my utter rebellion, unbelief, and pride. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and bless this life to be conformed to the holy image of Jesus Christ, crucified with Christ. Please use me dear LORD in this final hour as we look for Your soon return. In Jesus’ name, amen LORD.

PRAYER OF RETURNING: Holy Father, You gave all when You gave Your only begotten Son who came and died for our sins. You’ve also called me to lay down my life, to lose my life in this fleeting world. I have not done well at giving over my life to You … to You alone who are worthy of my full, unreserved worship. Right this moment I ask You to forgive my sin of having another god before You which is self idolatry and spiritual adultery. I have alienated the affections of my heart away from You LORD and onto myself. For this I ask You to forgive me and I right here and now turn to You Jesus. Right this moment I lay my life in Your holy hands LORD. Into Your hands I submit my spirit – my whole being. Not my will but Thine be done LORD Jesus! I am no longer my own. I am Yours. I am dead and my life is hid with Christ in God. I love You Jesus and am ceaselessly grateful that You bought me with the price of Your own blood! You must increase but I must decrease. I ask You to unite my heart to fear Thy holy name! Teach me daily to lay myself aside and to give the reins over to You! In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want my life to glorify You, truly, authentically. Dear LORD there are so many inconsistencies in me that do not represent You that I now ask You to amend. Change me, please. Sanctify and anoint my life to be crucified with Christ, to be conformed to Your holy image dear LORD Jesus. I love You dear Master and Savior of my soul, my life. Holy Father, I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the Humility of Christ

O Father, please remove every trace of self- glorification, vain glory, and arrogance from my being. Let not this left hand know what this right hand is doing. This moment I choose to humble myself under Your mighty divine hand and to realize I am nothing and can do nothing without You Jesus. LORD, thank You for Your example. Please teach me to know You in true humility as I serve Your precious people and the lost souls You were crucified and raised again to save. LORD, I now present my body a living sacrifice to Thee. Please grant my heart Your influencing grace to walk in divine true humility that I may be well pleasing in Thy site this day and forward. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Holy Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ, asking You to forgive my vile sin of self-idolatry, which caused me to feed the god of self. I here and now acknowledge this for the sin it is, that it is the soul damning idolatrous worship of self instead of You. Please wash me afresh by Thy precious blood dear LORD Jesus and unite my heart to fear Thy name LORD. Break me. Strip me. Cleanse me. Use me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER: Dear Father, in Jesus’ name, if You choose to awake me in the morning, I shall seek You, I shall search, read, and study Your Word and seek Your holy face by delighting in prayer communion, thanksgiving, and praise. I love You Jesus!

PRAYER: Father, not my will but Thine be done. You must increase and I must decrease. I now this moment, choose to lay my life down—to die to self and all of its fleshly facets. I honor You, LORD Jesus and Father, and joyfully bow in humility before Your Majesty. Grant Your enabling grace to my life, so I might please You in all things. I am crucified with Christ. I am dead, and my life is hid with Christ in God. In Jesus’ name. Amen LORD.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know You are Holy, holy, holy. Please rebuke this fool to the innermost part of my being. Here and now I re-turn to You, I turn myself in to You as a fully guilty, vile, depraved sinner. Please unite my heart to fear Thy name. Have mercy upon, forgive, and rescue this pauper. Cleanse every trace of sin and please fill this vessel with Your Holy Ghost and live Your holy life through me from this moment forward. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please teach me Your ways. Integrate in me the whole of Your Word, into a tapestry that brings glory to Yourself. Change my life from this moment forth dear LORD. Please take away the stony places in my heart. Break the wicked unbelief and pride in my heart and grant me to have a heart of flesh. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. Please captivate my heart with Thy holy fear, to hasten my life to Your holy feet. Teach me to pray. Please teach me concerning seeking Your holy face. Let my days begin with You O God – and yes, from this day forward each day You give me will begin with seeking Thy holy face. I love You Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Father in Heaven, I come to You in Jesus’ name. Please wash me afresh by Thy blood and Word. Establish my life on the bedrock foundation of Your Word – learning, walking, and obeying You. Grant a great hunger to feast at Your banqueting table dear LORD, please. I love You my LORD Jesus. Thank You for finding and saving my wretched soul into Your eternal family. Thank You for all You’ve done for me and given. Please use me dear LORD. In the name of Jesus, amen!

YOUR PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please purify my heart and life of every trace of sin and ungodly attitudes and perspective, in the name of Jesus Christ. Please use me to edify your people and help lost souls to be saved. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank You that You found and saved me into Your eternal kingdom through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Here and now I thank You dear LORD for continuing the good work You began in me, for working in this your vessel both to will and do of Your good pleasure, and perfecting that which concerns my life with You in Christ. In the name of Jesus, amen.

PRAYER: Holy Father, I come to You now in Jesus’ name. Please circumcise my heart. Cut away all the evil, the fat, the compromise, and please make me to be Thy humble, honest, sincere, authentic servant. Unite my heart to fear Thy name, O LORD, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

PRAYER: Father in Heaven, please unite my heart to fear Thy name and keep it from falling prey to the same lie that led to Adam and Eve’s fall. Quicken my heart in the fear of the LORD. Please teach me that there are many harsh consequences for disobeying You, by not doing what You say, by sinning against You. Convict my heart of sin, and I beg You to make my conscience extremely sensitive to Your conviction and leading. Change my heart, O LORD. Grant me a heart of flesh that delights to live in Your presence and do Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Holy Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus. I turn fully, wholly to Thee my God. Please grant this, Your vessel, Your child, to be poor, to be impoverished of spirit, to be of a contrite spirit, to tremble at Thy Word dear Father. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

YOUR PRAYER FOR A PURE HEART: Holy Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus, desiring to be pure in heart so that I may see, enjoy, and be with You. Help me please dear LORD. Purify my heart and life of all wicked imaginations and iniquity that defile me in Your holy eyes. Please purify and cleanse me LORD and I know You require me to purify myself and to obey You. In Jesus’ name, please forgive all my sins by Thy precious blood dear LORD Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER: Dear LORD Jesus, You foretold how wicked these final days would be before Your return and how many will wax cold toward You who once knew You. Please take full possession of my life dear LORD, purging all that does not belong to You and granting my repentance and eyes to see, as You alone can do. I love You LORD Jesus. Purify my life and teach me Your cross. Please use me to edify Your people and help lost sinners to be saved. In Jesus’ name Father, amen.

Your Prayer to the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ:

Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I ask You to subdue that old man in me. Bless me to truly Follow You, LORD Jesus, in the denial of self-will. Into Your holy hands I now commend my spirit, releasing myself to You, LORD. I lay my life in Your perfect, holy hands and ask You to uphold and raise me up in Your grace and power to bear fruit to Your eternal glory. In Jesus’ Holy name, amen.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I admit my sin before You now. I have not sought You with a whole heart. Like Peter I have looked away from You, not seeking Your face with a whole heart, not looking unto You my LORD Jesus as I should have. Please forgive my sin of self- idolatry, pride, and unbelief. Here and now I look unto Thee my dear LORD Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. I set my eyes, my gaze, the very affections of my heart, upon Thee. I love You LORD Jesus. Please cleanse away all my sins afresh in Your precious blood. Thank You for Your mercy and for restoring me to Yourself. Bless this life to be crucified with Thee LORD and filled with Your Holy Spirit. Please use me LORD for Your glory as Your return draws ever so near. In the name of Jesus, amen.

PRAYER: Holy Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, please cultivate in my heart and mind a fervency and readiness for Your return as one of Your wise virgin saints, as You taught us dear LORD. Please unite my heart to fear Thy name in the innermost part of my being. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come to You now in Jesus’ name. Please make good on Your prayer of oneness – that Your people, Your body will be one with You and one another. Thank You for dying for my sins Jesus, for shedding Your precious blood to purchase me to Yourself and the Father. Please break and bless this Your vessel to be poor in spirit and pure in heart. Cause me to be full of Thy holy love toward You and others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus Christ and ask You to give Your empowering grace to those who are doing Your work. At every level of their involvement, may they prosper. May this operation be through the cross life – and Your raising them upward in this exploit. May the wicked (Satan’s human agents), be exposed and brought to swift justice for standing against and warring against You dear LORD. In Jesus’ name, amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ my LORD. Please forgive my iniquitous self-idolatry for not truly trusting and walking with You on Your stated terms. I ask Your forgiveness for all my sins right this moment. Please wash me afresh, wash me clean in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I love You LORD Jesus. Please increase LORD, in this life as I choose to decrease this day to joyfully honor You to have the full pre-eminence in this life You gave. Have Your way in me from this moment forth. I am all Yours Jesus and I know You are all mine. Anoint me to be dead and buried and raised up to bear fruit to Your eternal glory. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

YOUR PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please prepare and use me. Please set my life apart unto Thyself for Your holy use. In the name of Jesus Christ. Make me a consummate soul winner heavenly Father. Have Thy way in me dear LORD Jesus.  Amen Father, I am all Yours and I know You are all mine. In Jesus’ name.

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