Holy Ghost Baptism (PDF)
(Duplication encouraged. An open King James Bible should accompany your study of this topic. Carefully, prayerfully study each verse given in order to answer each question correctly. Print this document out and pencil in the answers in the blanks provided. It may be best to cut and paste it to your word processing software and then print it out. Your life in Christ will be enriched forever as you embrace and put into practice His Word.)
“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.” Matthew 3:11
The NEW TESTAMENT program Jesus gave includes the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Without it, you can forget the power of God working in your life to do ministry (Acts 1:8).
“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8
One will never understand the baptism with the Holy Spirit until he chooses to believe, receive, and walk in it.
To rightly understand the baptism in the Holy Ghost, it is best that one first identify the Holy Spirit in association with the other two persons of the Godhead.
In the Old Testament, the Word “God” comes from the Hebrew word “ELOHIYM” which is plural in its meaning. ELOHIYM describes the plurality of the one supreme God.
“Holy Ghost” appears 183 times in God’s Word.
The Godhead consists of three distinct divine Persons: God the Father, God the Word (Christ), and God the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35; 3:21-22; 1 Pet.1:2; 1 John 5:7). As is revealed in Scripture, the Holy Ghost, also called the Holy Spirit, is just as much God as the Father and the Son (Word). He is the divine Person of the Godhead who literally accomplishes the divine will in the earth – including glorifying Christ (Gen. 1:2; Ps 104:30; John 16:13-14).
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” 1 John 5:7
All three Persons of the Godhead had an integral part in the redemption of the human race. We are chosen of the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sealed by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:4, 7, 13).
Because of His infinite love for mankind, God the Father sent His Son on a mission to redeem the fallen race whom He had created upon the earth. When God the Son had completed His mission and ascended up to Heaven, He sent the promised Holy Ghost to indwell all of His disciples (Romans 8:9,16; 1 John 3:24). God the Holy Spirit now indwells, empowers, leads, comforts, and convicts all disciples of Jesus.
The Father’s perfect plan for man includes intimate fellowship with Him via the baptism and “communion of the Holy Ghost” (2 Corinthians 13:14).
1. What three baptisms are mentioned in Matthew 3:11?
John the Baptist preached the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. The word “baptize” here is derived from the Greek word BAPTIZO which means to dip, to submerge; to make whelmed, fully wet. To be baptized in the Holy Ghost is to be filled and submerged, inside and out, by God the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist states here that Jesus would come after him and baptize believers “with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” The Father sent the Son and the Son sends the Holy Spirit in baptismal measure upon all believers who seek Him for this promised gift.
2. Who did Jesus say He would “send” after He departed? John 16:7
3. As is recorded in John 14:18, what two promises did Jesus make to His disciples?
Jesus promised not to leave His disciples “comfortless” but would send God the Holy Spirit unto them after He ascended up to sit on the right hand of His Father. The word “comfortless” here comes from the Greek word ORPHANOS which means orphan.
Jesus promised that He would not leave His followers without divine leadership – He promised to send them God the Holy Ghost.
4. Why did Jesus say that it was “expedient” that He “go away”? John 16:7
Jesus said that it was “expedient (better)” that He depart from the earth to sit at the right hand of His Father so that He could send the “Comforter (Holy Spirit)” to abide in (indwell) every believer. Because He limited Himself to a human body to redeem mankind, while He walked the earth, Jesus could only be at one place at a time, but the Holy Spirit can be in every believer on the earth at all times.
5. Was it necessary in the plan of God that Jesus be glorified at His Father’s right hand before the Holy Spirit could be sent to the earth in His fullness? John 7:39
6. Can the world (unsaved people) receive the Holy Spirit? John 14:17
7. Who did Jesus command His disciples to receive? John 20:22
All New Testament disciples of Jesus are commanded to receive the full measure of the Holy Spirit. He is the person of the Godhead who is now accomplishing the will of the Father and the Son on the earth, in and through the Body of Christ.
8. Instead of being drunk with earthly wine, who are believers instructed to be filled with? Ephesians 5:18
9. What are the three fundamental experiences that God has instructed all New Testament disciples to partake of? Acts 2:38
10. What “gift” did the apostle Peter say that New Testament believers could “receive”? Acts 2:38
11. Now read Acts 2:39 and notice the word “promise.” Who did God say that the “promise” (the fullness of the Holy Spirit) was for?
God plainly assured us here that the promised Holy Spirit baptism was an experience for all New Testament believers. This includes those who received the “promise” at the first outpouring – on the day of Pentecost, and all believers on the earth until Jesus comes back to set up His kingdom.
12. Does a person receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost at the moment that he is born again? Acts 19:1-6
Notice the distinction of New Testament experiences found in this passage. The apostle Paul found “certain disciples” at Ephesus and asked them “have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” Note that they had already “believed,” they were already saved, yet they had not yet heard about being filled with the Holy Ghost. Paul enlightened them to this experience and they gladly received the gift of God. Chronologically speaking, this was at least ten years after the day of Pentecost.
Many today have been taught that the full measure of the Holy Spirit was given to them at the moment that they were saved. The Bible teaches that the Holy Ghost is given to the believer when he receives salvation through Jesus (Romans 8:9, 14-16), but not the full measure (Acts 19:1-6). From reading the Scriptures, it is more than evident that there is what some call the second blessing. The baptism in the Holy Ghost is an additional divine experience and is for all believers who desire to be fully God’s and walk in the full power of the Gospel. It seems evident from reading the book of Acts that early Church believers openly received this blessed infilling of the Spirit in the baptismal measure.
The baptism of the Spirit is to equip or empower the believer for New Testament ministry. Acts 1:8; 10:38; Luke 4:14,18, etc.
13. What did the apostles send Peter and John to do after they heard that the Samaritans “had received the word”? Acts 8:14-17
The baptism of the Holy Ghost was a vital part of the Gospel that the first century believers preached. This Spirit baptism should be preached and experienced with all Biblical authority and great boldness today. More than ever, 21st century disciples of Jesus need the power that only God the Holy Ghost can grant.
14. What happened when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost – at the first outpouring? Acts 2:4
15. How many of the believers that were gathered together in the upper room were filled with the Holy Ghost? Acts 1:14, 15; 2:4
These disciples who loved Christ and hungered and thirsted for more of Him, gathered in obedience to their Lord to receive the promised Holy Ghost.
16. When “the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word” what was the first evidence manifested? Acts 10:44-46
v46 _______________________________________________________________
When one is baptized in the Holy Spirit, the first member of the body that is brought under subjection to the will of God is the “little member” – the tongue, and the taming begins. James 3:5.
17. What did the believers at Ephesus do when they received the Holy Spirit Baptism? Acts 19:6
18. Who “descended” upon Jesus at the start of His ministry? Luke 3:21-23
While on earth, Jesus did not do one miracle until He was baptized with the Holy Spirit.
19. Just before Jesus was launched into ministry He “was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1). After His time in the wilderness, in what did Jesus return? See Luke 4:1, 14.
20. Who anointed Jesus to accomplish His powerful works in His earthly ministry? Acts 10:38
21. How did God (the Father) anoint Jesus of Nazareth? Acts 10:38
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Note that it was God the Holy Ghost who gave Jesus “power” while in the flesh, to destroy the works of Satan and accomplish miracles, healings, signs, and wonders.
Read Acts 10:38 again, but this time read it aloud.
Note the term “Jesus of Nazareth.” This term refers to the earthly identity of our Lord.
22. Who was it that was “upon” and “anointed” Jesus to “preach the gospel to the poor…heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord”? See Luke 4:18,19
______________________________________________________________________ Read Luke 4:18 again very carefully and notice the word “because”. The Holy Spirit came “upon” Jesus of Nazareth for a specific reason – to empower Him to “preach the gospel to the poor…heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” It was the powerful workings of God the Holy Spirit that enabled Jesus, in His earthly ministry, to do His mighty works. This was the reason that Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit, and the reason that every believer should receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost – to accomplish the great exploits ordained by God under the New Testament. These are to follow the preaching of the Word (Mark 16:15-20).
23. During His ministry on the earth, how did Jesus cast out devils? Matthew 12:28
Note that in all of these verses we are studying, Jesus did mighty works because God the Holy Spirit enabled Him as a human, not because He was God. You must see this! You must realize that during His earthly life, Jesus limited Himself to a human body in order to redeem mankind. John 1:14; Romans 8:3; Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 2:14, 15. Jesus is called the Son of man which means “God’s man to redeem man.” Divine justice required that He become a man to redeem man, so He was born in the flesh to accomplish this (John 1:14). During His earthly ministry as God’s man to redeem man, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and enabled Him to perform mighty acts (Luke 3:22). Jesus “cast out devils by the Spirit of God” (Matthew 12:28).
24. Does Jesus promise this same power to believers today? John 14:12
Note that before Jesus departed to Heaven, He stated that those who “believeth on” Him would “do” the works that He did and “greater works.” Those who “believe” the Lord and receive all that He has instituted will be granted the power to do the works that He did and “greater works.” Notice in this verse the phrase “because I go unto my Father.” It was because Jesus was about to be crucified, die, be buried, rise from the dead, and ascend to the Father’s right hand, that believers under the New Covenant would be able to receive the Holy Ghost and do His works. While He walked the earth, Jesus repeatedly promised to send the Holy Spirit upon His disciples after He had completed His redemption mission and ascended to the right hand of the Father (John 7:39; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7, 13). Just as Jesus accomplished His ministry works by the empowerment of the Holy Ghost, so He has prescribed that His disciples do the same. Do you truly want to be like Jesus?
25. What did Jesus promise that believers would receive when the Holy Ghost came upon them? Acts 1:8
Read this verse again and look closely at the word “after.” The Lord clearly states here that the believer receives “power” only “after” the Holy Ghost comes upon him. According to Jesus Christ, there is only one way to walk in the power of God and that is to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Beloved, if one is going to do the work of God, he must do it the way that God clearly sets forth in His Word. To do God’s work you must have God’s power (Zechariah 4:6). No one can correctly nor fully accomplish the will of God without the enablement of God the Holy Ghost. Our Lord and Savior is our example. Are you ready to follow Him fully?
Jesus stated that the Holy Ghost would come upon His people for a reason – to “be witnesses.” The preaching of the Gospel, signs, and wonders, witness that He is alive at the right hand of His Father, confirming His Word (Mark 16:15-20). The baptism in the Holy Spirit is God’s way of empowering His people for Gospel action.
The Holy Ghost baptism is the clear Biblical pattern and prerequisite for ministry. No person, regardless of whether he has a Bible college degree or not, has the approval of God to minister without the Baptism in the Holy Ghost.
26. Has Jesus changed? Hebrews 13:8
27. Friend, are you genuinely prepared to embrace God’s holy, written Word as your source for truth and life?
28. While giving the Great Commission, what did the Lord say He would send “upon” His disciples? Luke 24:49a
The “promise” is the Holy Spirit in the baptismal measure. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would accompany all of His disciples while confirming His Word in and through their lives.
29. When Jesus commanded His disciples to “tarry” (wait) in Jerusalem, what did He say that they would be “endued with”? Luke 24:49b
This verse is taken from Luke’s account of the great commission command of Jesus to all disciples. Obviously the twelve were not yet ready to fulfill the Great Commission, otherwise He would have instructed them to go and preach right there. But He didn’t, instead He told them to wait until they were equipped by the Holy Spirit. Jesus had one last instruction for them to obey – “tarry ye…until ye be endued (clothed upon) with power from on high.” The magnitude of the exploits ordained to be fulfilled in the Gospel require that the disciple be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Matthew 10:1, 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20, etc. Regardless of education or years in ministry, no disciple has the power to properly fulfill Christ’s mandate without the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:15-20).
To receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit is to fully submit your life to God, to rely upon His power and grace to enable you to fulfill His perfect will as His representative witness.
Read Luke 24:49 again. The word “endued” here comes from the Greek word ENDUO which means to put on, to be clothed with, to be clothed in, to be arrayed in. All disciples of Christ are to be “endued (clothed) with power from on high.”
30. Are you ready to obey God by receiving His power to be His witness? To be consumed with Him?
31. Who did Jesus instruct us to come to when we are thirsting for more? John 7:37-39
As we see here in this passage, our Lord promises to give “drink” to those who come to Him to be filled. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son and is poured out upon thirsting, obedient souls. This is how Jesus promises to quench the thirst of those who come to Him (John 7:37-39).
Beloved, if you have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and are hungering and thirsting for righteousness, yet not baptized with the Holy Ghost, there is most likely a yearning in your heart for more of God. Jesus is calling you unto Himself to receive the fullness of His Spirit.
32. At the time that John 7:37-39 was written, why was the fullness of the Spirit not yet given? John 7:39
33. To whom is a fuller measure of the Holy Spirit given? Acts 5:32
34. Friend, are you sincerely ready to allow God to take over your life completely? Are you ready to present your life as a living sacrifice unto Jesus? Before you check the “YES” box, take a minute to prayerfully and carefully examine your heart. God is listening and watching. Repent of any and all sins. Ask the Lord to cleanse you in His blood.
35. When the first century believers were being persecuted, they prayed fervently to God to receive boldness. How did God answer this prayer? Acts 4:29-31
Great boldness is imparted to the believer who is baptized with the Holy Spirit. Also, here is evidence that Spirit-baptized believers can be refilled. All Spirit-filled disciples should seek God on a regular basis to be filled with the Holy Ghost afresh.
36. What did God declare would happen “in the last days”? Acts 2:17
It is the Holy Spirit who imparts gifts and supernatural abilities to the believer (1 Corinthians 12:7-10).
37. Does the Bible say that we have communion with the Holy Spirit? 2 Corinthians 13:14
One who is baptized with the Holy Spirit enters into a deeper dimension of communion with God. The believer can grow in intimacy in his communion with the Holy Spirit through practicing His presence.
38. Do you personally believe that God will baptize New Testament believers today with the Holy Ghost, just as He did the first century disciples? Acts 2:38, 39; Romans 2:11; Hebrews 13:8
39. In order to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost, what did Jesus say that the believer must do? Luke 11:11-13
The child of God need not beg, but rather sincerely ask in faith, believing to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost.
40. Did Jesus promise that the Father would hear and answer this prayer? Luke 11:13
Jesus makes it clear here that only the Holy Spirit will be given to His people when requesting. He is assuring us here that no unholy spirit will come into His people if they seek Him for the full measure of the Holy Ghost. Fear not. Even more sure than the love of an earthly father for His child, is the love of our Heavenly Father for each of His children and His willingness to grant His will and their request when they ask (1 Peter 3:12).
NOW IT’S TIME TO RECEIVE: Take a few minutes this day to seek God for the baptismal measure of His Spirit. Get into a private place and cry out to Him. Thank your Heavenly Father for saving you from hell and seating you together with Christ in heavenly places by the blood of His only begotten Son. Ask Him to fill you with the Holy Ghost with the evidence found in His Word. Cry out to Him to take control of your whole life. Seek His face for all that He desires for your life. Thank Him for making you a bold witness of His salvation through Christ Jesus.
ASSIGNMENT: (optional; suggested)
In 250 words or more, detail the ways that the Word of God should be incorporated into the daily life of the believer. (Tips for your essay’s content: study, performance, prayer, warfare, proclaiming, meditating upon, memorizing, etc..) Search the Scriptures as your source for this essay and use Scripture and references to validate your statements. Begin with deep and prayerful meditation on God’s Word. Write your essay neatly and in an organized manner.
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION: Acts 1:8 (highly suggested)
It would be very advantageous for you to cross reference all of the Scriptures in this study. For example, pencil in each topically similar verse into the margin next to the corresponding verses on this same subject. Write out these verses with references on index cards – make it a priority to carry and post them where you will study and meditate upon them. These two measures will build in you a wealth of truth on each topic. This will help you to retain and become resourceful in the Word of God – ready to be used of Him. Capture the knowledge that you have learned, don’t let it slip away from you.
Capitalize on your efforts. This is preparation in earnest (2 Timothy 2:21).
Holy Word of God
The Blood of Jesus
Holy Ghost Baptism
Water Baptism
The Believer and The Word
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