Are You on Your Post?
“I have set thee (ALL true disciples of Jesus) for a tower and a fortress among my people, that thou mayest know and try (TEST) their way.” Jeremiah 6:27
Those who expose wolves and their false teachings, do the very will of God. Those who condemn wolf exposure are children of Satan who defy Christ and His command to “earnestly (diligently) contend for the faith once delivered tot he saints.” (Jude 3-4)
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” Romans 16:17-18
The fact that a man or woman is able to clearly communicate a principle or philosophy is no measure of whether or not that person is true or false! The Word of God is the measure against which all men and their teaching must be tested – “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1)
“If they speak not according to this word, it is because their is NO light in them.” Isaiah 8:20
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11
Diana Milligan writes:
“I hate it when people place the names: Father, Pastor, Elder, Apostle, Your Highness etc… Most holy one, oh brother! Jesus wanted us to be called Brother. If that is good enough for our Blessed Lord, that is good enough for me. I think these name things are scams and I have no respect for anyone who does it. It shouts, ‘LOOK AT ME, I AM SO MUCH MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN YOU, I AM THE GREAT ANOINTED ONE!’ Yuk! Oh and the modern name tag is ‘Doctor’! They have such pride that they have to declare that they know so much more than you!” Self-Appointed Title Touters
From Jason LeMaire:
“According to Scriptures, heresy with regard to the Son of God is ANY doctrine or teaching which does not remain true to the Doctrine of Christ as set forth in the Word of God. In 2 John 7-11, we are informed that those who deviate from the Biblical teaching concerning Jesus Christ have departed from the truth and are designated as “deceivers.” This is such a serious offense to God that we are warned to avoid these individuals because such deceivers have the spirit of antichrist. Read 2 John 7-11, and here you will see that those who ignore this solemn warning do so to their own peril. Merely to give them greeting makes one a partaker with them of their evil, and by implication such individuals will also partake in their judgment.”
Message Received:
Dear Todd, The Lord has put this very issue so strongly upon my heart! My hearts cringed and cries our for the millions of people who are being led astray by preachers like Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Bill Hybles, Brian McClaren, Rob Bell and so many others to name! Do you, we’ll I suppose you do, realize the millions of people who believe they are born again, spirit filled and Heaven bound Christians but while they been taking in this so called “food” it’s been nothing but garbage with maybe a little bit of rotten stuff that was once good quality till they (the pastors) got their dirty hands on it and defiled the Word of God by either taking it out of context or adding or removing it to suit their unGodly ways of teaching! Outrageous!!! Like I said earlier, my heart goes out to the people being deceived. There is not much time to get the truth out there but that’s where my problem comes in. I don’t know what to do with this knowledge, passion, and may I be so brave as to say “Calling”? I talk to the people around me but that’s not effecting enough people. There has to be a larger platform for this message to get out and break through some of these Mega-Church doctrines that have been spreading like wildfires! It had to end and maybe not all will hear and receive and those that do hear may not receive, but that’s up to The Lord to do the calling. I’m just supposed to spread the TRUTH! Do you have any suggestions for a way or platform in which I can accomplish this.
Above everything, I accepted The Lord as my Saviour around the age of 7 but really always found Him to be my very best friend ally life! He is the reason I wake up in the morning and I, for one, am looking in watch for His coming for His Bride! Any day will be fine with me, but not until I see major progress in all those lost souls whose lives (eternity) are at stake without receiving God’s free gift of SALVATION!!!
I pray this makes sense to you and I pray too for your ministry.
In Christ’s Abounding Love,” ~Reneé~
Renee, thank you for lifting the fruitfulness of this work to our LORD. He sure is able! I couldn’t agree more with the epidemic of false leaders. This is why we have produced 2 books specifically addressing them – Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us and Predators in Our Pulpits. I wish I had the financial ability to send you 10 of each, but unfortunately, we barely make it at this point. The LORD is giving us a few concerned people who have and are giving but we have no surplus to be increasingly fruitful at this time. I am possessed with the exact desire that is in you – to see more people reached. Feel free to use any and all the resources on the ministry site. There is a “Wolf Expose’” category with dozens of posts that are shining the light of Christ on the evil works of today.
Don’t Believe these wolves are denying the LORD that bought them? (2 Peter 2:1-3) Here are their own words proving such:
Paul Crouch [Ye Are Little Gods False Trinity Teachers Speak, T. 0:47-1:15]
Larry Huch [False Prophets In The Last Days, T. 0:01-0:17]
Paula White [False Prophets In The Last Days, T. 0:01-0:17]
Creflo Dollar [Little Gods Do Their Thing Today, T. 1:01-1:29]
Benny Hinn [The Heretical Teachings Of Benny Hinn, T. 0:01-0:42]
Ken Copeland [Word of Faith Teachings… Heretical, T. 1:10-10:49]
Bill Johnson [Bill Johnson False Teacher, T. 3:48-4:55]
In Defense of Wolves (videos)
Wolf Expose | Beware of the Wolf Defenders | Naming Names: Is it Biblical?
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Someone wrote: “Cindy Jacobs is an IDIOT!!!! Ooops…WAIT!!! I take that back!!!…The people who endorse this CRAP are the idiots!!! WHY??? Because, if this were REAL, she wouldn’t have time to be primped up in front of studio cameras and bright lights…she’d be SPANNING THE GLOBE and EMPTYING FUNERAL HOMES AND HOSPITALS BY THE THOUSANDS!!!!…IDIOTS….PLEASE…W-A-K-E UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!”
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