“Wow! That should put the fear of God in anyone who listens to this podcast! I know it did me! Powerful!” Karen “The fool hath said...
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE: The cross message is super encouraging because the more you go down, the more the...
Beware of being Brutally Beaten and Battered by Devils “And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are...
“The horrible travesty we have in America today is Christianity without holiness.” A.W. Tozer Grace and holiness come only from God. The LORD is Holy and...
Why the Blood of Jesus Matters So Very Much There is LIFE and Power in the “Precious BLOOD“ of Jesus Christ Beware of all who deny...
“These Born Again books are perfect for people. Easy to read and understand, and packed full of scriptures so they know it’s truth. Jesus is opening...
Often, I’ve heard seminarians and modern “Christians” reject the biblical concept, the divine command to fear God. Both loving God and fearing God are divine commands...
WHO do WE say that Jesus is? “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8), and He is asking us the...
Only God knows the future. Law of probability and the fulfillment of Bible prophecies: Odds of the 332 prophecies of the prophets concerning the coming Messiah,...
Learning from History! (below) THE 5 SINS THAT KEPT ISRAEL (God’s own covenant people) OUT OF THEIR PROMISED LAND OF BLESSINGS and will keep us out if...