Just WHAT Signs Did Jesus Say Would Follow True Believers? ANYone willing to repent can be delivered! Do you know what James 4:7 says? “Submit yourselves...
The sins that offend us the most should be our own. God will forgive “ALL sins” except 1: “Verily I say unto you, ALL sins shall...
Attempting to coexist with a self-righteous, law-keeper, a do-gooder, is like petting a snake …. it’s only a matter of time before you get bitten. Has...
“Comfort one another” 2 Thessalonians 4:18 “Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be God, even the Father of...
PRIDE and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS DEFUSER PASSAGE! I am not a good person, neither are you – “There is none righteous, no, not one:” (Romans 3:10) Admit it....
DID Jesus condemn Hypocritical Judgment? Read Matthew 7:1-5. “Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged:...
by Steve Trevino, pastor of Cross Central Church in Bryan, Texas “Those who advance the most in God’s kingdom are those who are willing to acknowledge...
BUY PRINT VERSION (Below) For international orders, please add appropriate shipping as donation. BUY PDF Version (Below) All Todd’s Books on Amazon “As...
“For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.” 1 Corinthians 11:29 SOME have been indoctrinated to...
The Power of Self or the Power of the Savior? A stark reminder of just how beautiful femininity is!!!!! Are you Satan’s woman or God’s Woman?...