Revelation Bombshell! A Refreshing Biblical Perspective of the Last Days Are You Fretting, Worried, OR are You LAUGHING?? Biblically Based Apocalyptic Prep —– HERE’S WHAT’S Coming...
Emulating Epaphras! LIFE CHANGER! Who are those top 3-5 people you pray for every morning? (rhetorical question) Okay, ever wonder how to pray for someone? You...
Many have set up their altar to the false gods of church, church attendance, mere men in ministry, etc., and not at the feet, the...
“That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” never left the garden of God’s creation and he won’t till Jesus slam...
FALSE FASTINGS are simply an avoidance of dying which is exactly the divine purpose for a divine fast. It’s very important to read what God’s Word...
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;...
Are You Feeling Spiritually Bogged Down? Do This–Works Every Time without Exception! It’s Divine! The Divine Cure for Apostasy and the Devil’s Oppression! The concept of...