“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22
Overall Bible knowledge is extremely important and yet obedience to the simple truths of our LORD is even more important (Matthew 7:21; John 14:15, 21; 15:14; 17:3; James 1:22; 1 John 2:4-6; 3:18, etc.). Most of us have seen many people who were very knowledgeable in the Word who later fall away because they left their “first love”, (Revelation 2:4-5) They ceased from doing the basic things consistent with staying in close fellowship with Jesus that are required of us to remain in an biting relationship with our LORD Jesus (John 15).
“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.” 1 Corinthians 13:13
Becoming “Mighty in the Scriptures” Acts 18:24
– For Individual and/or Group Use –
(Copy and paste and print as needed. Some people are printing these out and using them to direct some of their individual and group Bible studies.)
“Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart.” Psalms 119:111
Jesus willing, this Bible Literacy Series is going to help facilitate what Acts 2 cites as the first and foundational component of authentic, Christ-elevating, New Testament fellowship – the continuing “steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine.” (Acts 2:42-47). Jesus is coming soon. In this day of great apostasy, the LORD is speaking to the hearts of His true remnant to get back to true, New Testament fellowship and Christianity. All who truly know Him are hearing His voice and searching out genuine New Testament fellowship and, in many cases, forsaking that which is not (Prov. 19:27; Acts 19:9; Heb. 4:7). They seek to please God fully, the way He gave us in His Holy Word, and “escape all these things that shall come to pass.” (Lk. 21:34-36)
The term “apostle’s doctrine” appears here in Acts 2, just after the day of Pentecost (birth of the NT Church) when the early Church was still pure (before deceivers began to ravage). This term speaks of the doctrines of Jesus Christ given to His twelve original and holy apostles in His earthly life, and to that great apostle Paul, the “one born out of due time.” (1 Cor. 15:8)
Let us view Bible learning as a life long adventure you engage in, daily.
The Word of God is the only foundation and Textbook for the life of true believers and the true Church for which Jesus will return. All other ground truly is sinking sand (Matt. 7:21-29; Lk. 6:46-49). Only His pure Word, which we are to desire, can wash and prepare those who drink it in for His soon return (Eph. 5:25-27; 1 Pet. 2:2). God’s Word is just that – GOD’s WORD, and not the vain words and philosophies of mere men. We are warned to “Beware” of such men and instructed to let His Word dwell richly in our midst (Col. 2:8; 3:16).
Whenever a local church institutes the use of a mere man’s book for a Sunday school or small cell group type meeting, red flags should immediately fly in our minds, and we should speak up in wisdom. Did the LORD not give us 66 glorious, perfect, and divinely-breathed books in the Bible? May God bless us to be Word and Holy Spirit driven and not driven for and according to a mere man’s purpose. When true Christians assemble (2 or more), it is to gather around the holy throne of the glorious LORD of all lords and glorify our victorious nail-scarred risen Savior. Such is accomplished by honoring HIS Word/message and no one else’s.
God conveyed to us the very “thoughts of his heart” in His Word and how dare we look to mere men when we have the divine oracles of the One who made all that is, the only true God! (Ps. 33:11; Rom. 3:2; 1 Pet. 4:11) These brief and yet potentially prolific outlines should make for a spiritual feast in individual and small group settings. With great joy and expectation to become more fully conformed to the image of Jesus, let us embark upon the diligent searching of His Holy Scriptures to know Him more intimately! (Jn. 5:39; Rom. 8:29) Truly He has graciously transmitted to us the very “thoughts of his heart.”
“The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.” Psalms 33:11
Saints, this “Bible Literacy” series is exciting and another way to intrigue one’s heart and tantalize the curiosity, learning the Word from different perspective/angles via thought-provoking questions. One at a time, allow the question to delight your curiosity and inspire your heart to uncover the answer to that question by going into God’s Word for yourself to find the answer. This is the earnest and practical exercising of ourselves in the Word (which is the mark of Christian maturity – Heb. 5:11-14) and will result in a more thorough and working knowledge and understanding of the heart and precepts of our LORD. Let’s escape what the Bible says is immaturity and “go on to perfection (maturity)” in Jesus and the knowledge of His will/Word. See Hebrews 5:11-6:3.
Let’s let our love for God, the fear of the LORD, and desire to escape the dilemma of ignorance, drive us to learn His Word for ourselves and no longer depend upon some other man’s supposed knowledge of Him who is “holy, holy, holy.” (Prov. 9:10; Isa. 6:3; Hos. 4:6; Matt. 22:29; Heb. 5:11-6:3; Rev. 4:4)
“And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and MIGHTY IN THE SCRIPTURES, came to Ephesus.”Acts 18:24
Let’s not be destroyed or embarrassed by a lack of knowledge of the Word of the very One we call “LORD.” No, instead, let us joyfully discover His truth, filling our own hearts with His Word and filling the hearts of other searching souls! God’s Word never returns to Him void, but always accomplishes that for which He sends it (Isa. 55:11).
Discover the Bible’s answers to numerous miscellaneous topics and become abundantly learned in the riches of Holy Scriptures! Like David, the man after God’s own heart, take the Scriptures as “an heritage for ever.” He said that the words of truth were “the rejoicing of my heart.” (Psalms 119:111)
Need direction in your personal Bible study or small group study? You may wish to print out these individual quizzes and open your Bible to find the answers (alone or in a group).
Break out your King James Bible and go through each question, referencing each Scripture given to answer the question. Your understanding of His precious precepts will increase and your knowledge of God will be enriched with the divine truth discovered within the contents of each Scripture. There are 10 miscellaneous questions presented per quiz:
(Duplication encouraged. An open Bible should accompany your study of this topic. Study each verse given in order to answer each question correctly. Print this document out and pencil in the answers in the blanks provided. It may be best to cut and paste it to your word processing software and then print it out. Your life in Christ will be enriched forever as you embrace and put into practice His Word.)
1. What withholds “good things” from our lives? Jeremiah 5:25
2. Who “knoweth not God”? 1 John 4:8
3. According to Christ, do earthly riches make the man/woman? Do they have anything to do with his significance/value? Luke 12:15
4. Who did Jesus tell us He was sending after He rose again from the dead? John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7
5. What are believers to purposely allow to “dwell” in them as individuals and when fellowshipping with other saints? Colossians 3:16
6. What and who was the apostle Paul attempting to keep the believers “safe” from as seen in Philippians 3:1-2?
7. Who did Paul tell us he “evidently” (clearly) set forth in the midst of God’s people? Galatians 3:1
8. Did Paul use his ministry position to elevate self or someone else? And if someone else, who was that someone else? 2 Corinthians 4:5
9. Who did Jesus tell us would be “blessed” in Revelation 1:3?
10. Who knows he has a short time to do his work and has therefore picked up the pace and now feverishly seeks to impose his will? Revelation 12:12
1. On what basis did David approach God as witnessed in Psalms 5:7? There’s a twofold answer.
2. What does God give “to a man that is good in his sight”? Ecc. 2:26
3. According to 1 John 3:15, who does the LORD define as a “murderer”?
4. According Psalms 16:11 where do “fullness of joy” and “pleasures forevermore” abide?
5. What will be withheld from those who “walk uprightly” with the LORD? Psalms 84:11
6. Who will be kept from the evil woman? Eccl. 7:26
7. Do those who do not love the brethren have eternal life abiding (remaining) in them?
1 John 3:15
8. When did the psalmist tell the LORD that He would hear his “voice” and “prayer”? Psalms 5:3
9. Finish 1 John 4:8: “He that loveth not ____________________________________________.”
10. According to Revelation 22:18-19, whose names are promised to be taken out of the “book of life, and out of the holy city”?
1. Is the fear of the LORD a choice? Proverbs 1:29
2. Who are we instructed to “rebuke…sharply”? Titus 1:10-13
3. What is “the conclusion of the whole matter” of this life? Ecclesiastes 12:13
4. To whom did the LORD give the promise of becoming “sons of God”? John 1:12
5. What happens when a person once truly saved begins to live after “the flesh” or sinful nature? Romans 8:13
6. In the eyes of the One who is “holy, holy, holy”, does wrongdoing actually require the literal act or just the consummated lust in the heart? Matthew 5:28
7. What is the very last divine promise given in the Bible? Revelation 22:20
8. Write out Genesis 1:1 below:
9. What does the LORD God see when He looks upon unredeemed mankind? Genesis 6:5
10. What is every currently saved person doing in light of Christ’s soon return? 1 John 3:3
1. What makes a man’s face to shine? Ecclesiastes 8:1
2. What 2 things does the LORD do when one of His children repents and confess their sins to Him? 1 John 1:9
3. As God’s sons and daughters, who is our fellowship with? 1 John 1:3; 2 Corinthians 13:14
4. What 3 things are we instructed to do in Ephesians 4:32?
5. Who did Jesus promise would be filled? Matthew 5:6
6. How did Jesus instruct us to “preserve” our lives? Luke 17:33
7. Who is “worthy of his hire”? 1 Timothy 5:18
8. Whom are we instructed to “bestow more abundant honour” upon? 1 Corinthians 12:23
9. Why are believers instructed to “examine” themselves (their current spiritual state)? 2 Corinthians 13:5
10. What did Jacob say he was not worthy of? Genesis 32:10
1.What did the LORD tell us here is “the conclusion of the whole matter” and “the whole duty of man”? Eccl. 12:13
2. Who did Jesus promise to give His “hidden manna” to? Rev. 2:17
3. What should a believer expect to receive from his giving? Luke 6:35
4. According to Joel 2:13, what does the LORD require that we render to Him?
5. According to Micah 6:8, “what doth the LORD require of thee”?
6. Who did the LORD tell us is worthy of “double honour”? 1 Timothy 5:17
7. What did Jesus tell us to do when we see the signs of His soon return? Luke 21:28
8. Who did Jesus promise would “see God”? Matthew 5:8
9. Who did the LORD tell us His ears are opened to? 1 Peter 3:12
10. According to 1 John 2:11, who is living in spiritual darkness?
1. What is “unsearchable”? Psalms 145:3
2. Who does the LORD reserve His “secret” for? Psalms 25:14
3. According to John 5:39, who is the central theme of all of God’s Word?
4. According to 1 Timothy 6:6, what two components of the Christian life make for “great gain”?
5. Who are older women instructed to teach? Titus 2:3
6. Complete Philemon 1:7: “For we have great joy and consolation in thy love
7. Whose words did God instruct the prophet Ezekiel to use when He spoke to His people? Ezekiel 3:4
8. Complete Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul:
but rather ______________________________________________________.”
9. What does the Word tell us is “the root of all evil”? 1 Timothy 6:10
10. What were we “not” saved by? Titus 3:5
1. Why are we not “consumed”? Lamentations 3:22
2. What did we bring into the earth? 1 Timothy 6:7
3. Complete Romans 4:4-5: “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of
debt. But _____________________________________________________, but believeth
on him that justifieth __________________________________, his faith is counted for righteousness.”
4. What materials will we carry out of this earth with us when we die? 1 Timothy 6:7
5. What are believers in Jesus to be “careful to maintain”? Titus 3:8
6. Complete Romans 5:17: “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much
more they which receive ______________________________________________ and of
_________________________________________ shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)”
7. According to 1 Timothy 5:12, what can be “cast off”?
8. What are we told to “lay hold on”? 1 Timothy 6:12
9. How many things “are possible to him that believeth”? Mark 9:23
10. What is concluded in Romans 3:28?
1. Why did God reject king Saul and replace him with a more noble man? 1 Samuel 15:26-28
2. What are the names of the two sons of Adam and Eve listed in Genesis 4:1-2
3. What two types of locations did the early church meet in? Acts 2:46
4. What 4 things were going on in the early believer’s meetings? Acts 2:42
5. Why did Jesus die to purchase His people? Ephesians 5:25-27
6. Complete Romans 4:7-8: “Saying, Blessed are they
___________________________________________, and whose sins are covered.
___________________________________to whom the Lord will not impute sin.”
7. What chapter of the Bible lists the Ten Commandments?
8. Who was Esau’s brother? Genesis 25:25-26
9. According to 1 Timothy 5:12, what will all those have who “cast off their first faith” experience?
10. Who is the “only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords”? 1 Timothy 6:14-15
1. How do we “break off” sin in our lives? Daniel 4:27
2. What “things belong unto the LORD”? Deuteronomy 29:29
3. When are men to “seek ye the LORD”? Isaiah 55:6
4. Complete Proverbs 4:4: “He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine
_________________________: keep my commandments, and _______.
5. How shall one “abide satisfied”? Proverbs 19:23
6. Why did Jesus come to the world? Matthew 1:21
7. How many times did Jesus tell us to forgive our brothers? Matthew 18:21-22
8. How are God’s children to “love one another”? 1 Peter 1:22
9. Who did the LORD tell us will “abide (have life) forever”? 1 John 2:17
10. Complete the following from 2 Peter 1:3: “According as his divine
power hath given unto us __________________________________
______________________________, through the knowledge of him that hath
called us to glory and virtue.”
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