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Latest Tranding:

rev 3-19aab
What Does Chastisement Clearly Prove?
one essential
The One Essential to Victory [podcast]
mary on the cross
Catholic Conversations-Mary on the Cross [podcast]
1 cor 9-9 stewardship
Corn Fed: Muzzling the Mouth of the Ox [podcast] 
col 2-8abcd
Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You
2 cor 1-24 witchcraft control2
Witchcraft Among Us [podcast]
matt 3-10 matt 3-7-10 fruit good works
Testing the Fruit of our Lives [podcast]
hand seed
The Seed of Salvation [podcast]
confessions of a false teachers1
Confessions of a False Teacher [podcast]
1 thessalonians 3
1 Thessalonians 3 Discussed [podcast]
Personal Evangelism
spiritual warfare eph 6-17aa
Spiritual Warfare; Confusion
The God Who Is Ready To Forgive [podcast]
1 cor 4-2
Local Church Revenues
greedy wolves1
Gold Grabbing Ministers who Manipulate
the mary martha model
“Work of Faith, and Labour of Love” [podcast]
ps 27-1n
The LORD Is My Light [podcast]
col 2-14-15
Jesus Drew Satan's Sting at the Cross [podcast]
Colossians 3 and 4 [podcast]
Word Faith Detox
2 tim 2-15aaa
Doctrine, Correction, Reproof, Instruction in Righteousness [podcast]
compensation for ministers2
Compensation for Ministers? [podcast]
1 tim 1-5aab
Charity out of a Pure Heart [podcast]
wolves insiders within acts 20
Haughty Hipsters, Hirelings, and the Holy Ghost [podcast]
church building005
Is Your Church Your Idol? [podcast]