On that cross, when dying for our sins – my sins – your sins – Jesus cried out to our Father…. “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive...
“by the sacrifice of himself“ “Now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.”...
Qualities of the Virtuous, Godly Woman Proverbs 31:10~31. REMEMBER that YOU will stand before the Almighty to give full account of your life. You will answer...
The Coming of the Son of Man NOTHING, NO ONE can stop the Almighty who is coming back to crush all of HIS enemies! “Immediately after...
There are people going around saying we don’t have God’s Word today in our own language and therefore must learn Hebrew and Greek to truly understand...
“O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and MY SINS are not hid from thee.” Psalms 69:5 Here the Holy Spirit reveals to us that our “foolishness”...
God’s Word is Truth (from the front of the Gideon’s Bible) One disciple notes: “While reading from a Gideons Bible, I thought to pass along their...
Participating in the Great Commission Jesus Mandated us to Fulfill, with the resources HE gave us….. each of us doing our part. …and Yes, WE, YOU...
Was “Once Saved Always Saved” a Component of the Original Gospel Given Us by Jesus and His Apostles? No. In the last 2,000 years, many who got saved...
Are You Feeling Spiritually Bogged Down? Do This–Works Every Time without Exception! It’s Divine! The Divine Cure for Apostasy and the Devil’s Oppression! The concept of...