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Mexico Mission 5th Update

The Faces of these Precious People, Eternal Souls, Makes a Statement – and so does your support to bless them with spiritual and natural food! Jesus loves them and so do we!

I walk around in the downtown Central area often and encounter homeless people often.

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 

How many meals would you like to provide? Monthly or weekly.

Been handing the Jesus tracts in Spanish out all week and speaking our LORD’s Word in Spanish. God is moving on the hearts of the people of Mexico.

More on Ministry in Mexico here. | Support 

Ricardo was very eager to hear the Word of God, the ministering of Jesus Christ…. and gladly received a copy of the JESUS tract.

As I began ministering to this man, he preached Jesus Christ to me at length!!!!

I left him with a Jesus tract to share with someone self and will be brining him more soon.

“Sounds amazing!! Total opposite of US! As we are waxing worse and worse each day! God has sure blessed you by placing you there. And is blessing the ministry. God is sure good to us! Psalm 107.” Karen Cochran


Many older ladies, homeless, were fed today. You make this possible. They are all receiving the love of God in the form of the ministered, spoken Word of God, graciously preaching Christ, and feeding them warm food with a supply of cold water. This is being done by faith. You are invited to jump in saints. Jesus is coming and we are the only ones He sent to show them His love, His truth, calling them to repent and receive Jesus (Luke 24:47; John 1:12).

This is Mari. She’s homeless. Today she received 2 hot fresh tacos and some cold water and most importantly the love of God and spoken Word of our LORD.

Your love gifts make this possible. Super bless-ed kingdom opportunity.


“The Lord has called us to “proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound” Isaiah 61:1.” Karen Cochran

Love it! Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us! Lord Jesus give this ministry exceeding abundantly above what we could ever think or ask! We know and believe you have the power to do more than we can even imagine! Bless this ministry in the name of our great Saviour Jesus Christ..


Rafael receive a nice warm meal, drink, and the love of Jesus in the form of the ministered Word.


When the family goes down the nation goes down.

Ps 11:3; 68:6

Mexicans responsibly train up their children.

And the gov’t isn’t involved, poisoning the minds of the children from birth and dividing families through corrupt courts (like the USA).

Interestingly, in Mexico there are statues of parents and their children….

“Totally agree! Parents should be keeping their kids away from the satanic programming in the Schools. But parents don’t wanna be bothered. Families are being ripped apart systematically by Satan. No family dinners together, both parents working, cell phones, no discipline. Parents don’t fight for their kids. They allow them to be exposed to every evil the government throws at them. I have seen parents who sit right there and allow their kids to be exposed to drag queen shows! This how far parents have gone.  Right into Satan’s hands! And they wonder why their kids are disobedient.  This is the consequence of allowing the government (Satan) to raise their kids. I can’t imagine a place like Mexico where they are so family oriented and don’t allow the government to control them.” Karen

Like Europe, people, families are getting together in the squares, outside having fun etc

Unlike our lifestyles in the usa where with hide alone in our homes right?

Seems that life is about family, good food, and friends here

Gustavo humbly received the Word of our God.


Ricardo readily received the preaching of Christ the King.

Mari received the love of our God in the form of the spoke Word of God in Spanish, graciousness, some money, etc.

Support this Mission here.

More on Ministry in Mexico here.

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