Martin, Miguel, and Alexis Saved! Mission Mexico 14 [podcast]
Jesus saved Miguel.
As I walked by Miguel he was given a warm greeting and a JESUS tract. On the way back I noticed he was intently reading the JESUS tract (see pic). I sat down next to him and began to minister the Word to Miguel and asked if he’d like to repent and let Jesus forgive, to save him today. With no hesitation he said “yes.” He was instructed to pray the prayer out loud to the LORD. I placed my hand on his shoulder and Miguel began to pray in repentance and faith to the LORD and was saved. He was informed that Jesus just washed all his sins away and that he is now a child of God, saved into Christ’s kingdom family. The ministry, discipling began…. where among other things beloved Miguel was exhorted to read God’s Word every morning without exception and spend quality moments in prayer with the LORD.
There is zero doubt that God put beloved Miguel right where he was this morning at that exact time. Divine appointment.
Please add this beloved young man to your prayer list.
Mission Mexico
“WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9
You can ALWAYS be sure that this ministry outreach is not just feeding hungry people with physical food. No, without exception, EVERY person being reached is hearing the bless-ed Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15). And God’s love is all over it all. Jesus is King.
GLORY to God, the need to print more JESUS tracts is at hand. This will be the 3rd batch. Thousands of copies of the JESUS tract have been distributed and more going out daily. It’s amazing how lots of the people who see me again, even months after being ministered to, will smile real big and whip out the JESUS tract they received months ago!
Let’s roll saints – Jesus our LORD is coming.
Hand on the plow! (Luke 9:62)
Dare we show we love Him by taking out of that which HE has put into our hands to fuel HIS word?
Feel free to contribute at safeguardyoursoul.com See SUPPORT button.
Alexis Saved!
About 2-3 weeks ago Alexis was given a JESUS tract and has been ministered to on a total of 2-3 occasions. This week I returned to get an item from this store he works in and showed him on the back of the JESUS tract the prayer to God. I then asked if he’d like to pray to God now in repentance and faith and be forgiven of all his sins and saved into Christ’s eternal kingdom family. Alexis answered “Yes” right away. It seemed to me that he perceived this blessing from God, to have all his sins forgiven, as the best thing he’d ever heard. I bowed my head huddled up with him and Alexis prayed aloud to the LORD as he read the prayer on the back of the JESUS tract. Now look at his smile in the pic! Boom. DGD – devil goin downnnnnn, under foot! (Acts 26:18; Romans 16:20).
The Gospel of Jesus has the power to save – when it is communicated, preached!
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16
Jesus lifted up!
And drawing all men unto Himself! (John 12:32)
Here’s a man who works at this healthily trafficked food vendor who gladly received a fresh supply of the JESUS tracts. Recently the owner and I agreed that if I will supply him the JESUS tracts, he will distribute them to this clients. He’s a born again saint named Jorge who was a professional basketball player for 17 years (Team Mexico). So today I restocked them.
*If anyone wishes to do a special offering for the upcoming batch of JESUS tracts to be printed, feel free to do so on the Support page on safeguardyoursoul.com
Mexico: In 10 months, I’ve seen not even one person complain or with a negative attitude.
Reception is virtually 100%…. like 98-99% yes sister. Today an older man was ministered to and he kindly said “Oh I’m catholic” and so I kindly and with the truth of the Word spoke to him, communicating that no religion could save him but only Jesus Christ who died for our sins (John14:6).
The only people I’ve had issues with in Mexico are arrogant white people that are American or Canadian. Anyone surprised? Just saying. Laodicea lives! See Revelation 3:15-16.
Your love offerings make this possible. A blessed dear older lady who has received ministry has been fed repeatedly for the last several months as a result of your love offerings. I see her once or twice weekly and every time so far, since you are being generous, we have the love of God and a bit of dinero to give her so she can eat. I suspect she and her daughter are homeless.
“Brother Todd, thank you so much for posting these pictures of the Mexican people so that we can offer our prayer support.” Jeanne | Mexico Mission
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