PWT = Preach, WARN, Teach “Whom we PREACH, WARNING every man, and TEACHING every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in...
“Christian” Relief Agency World Vision to Hire Married Gay “Christians” by John UPDATE: World Vision must have felt the heat and so changed their mind and aren’t...
TROUBLING QUOTES FROM CHRIST-DENYING, “EMERGING CHURCH” LEADERS Bastion for Spineless Moral Cowards “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out...
Facts Seventh-day Adventists Won’t Tell You (from MMoutreach) Seventh-day Adventists won’t tell you they are behind the “Revelation Seminars” they sponsor. They act all ”interdenominational” if questioned. Watch...
Refusing, or Enduring Sound Doctrine? “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his...
Be Warned and Escape the Wrath to Come “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.” 2 Corinthians 5:11 Scoff Now – Burn Later....
The Unspoken Creed of Modern Hirelings (this is some of the evil learned from their church growth marketing industry gurus) Cardinal Rule #1: Thou shalt not obey...
Mormons are Christians, says Osteen – See Ed Decker’s Letter to Joel Osteen Below Just what is it going to take? If a person doesn’t yet see...
Scoping, Identifying, and Taking Aim at Deceivers Knowing How and When to Mark (A Must-Read for all who desire more discernment to escape the evil one...
Are You an Idolater? “One of the most troubling problems within the church today is the unwavering loyalty to a ‘christian’ personality rather than to Christ...