Yahweh Only? Yahushua? Yahuah? Fake Jewish name cult devils busted. When unsaved men, the world over, take the name of the LORD in vain, which name...
IF we want to see who the antichrists are among us, just look at the frauds who get their picture with the pope. By doing so...
STREET PREACHER REBUKED To a supposed street preacher who sought to rebuke a man who is a faithful witness and servant of Christ, the following rebuke...
What’s NOT being taught in the modern church world? What’s being left out? How can I know what’s being left out? “Study to shew thyself approved...
The Law of Attraction and The Secret and Word of Faith Theology are Witchcraft Operated in by Self-Serving, Christ-Denying Rebels “WITCHCRAFT” is on the list of...
“I have the deepest respect for Pagan myths, still more for myths in the Holy Scriptures” (PP, p.71). CS Lewis In the above quote from C.S....
LOUIE GIGLIO KISSES POPE: Louie Giglio Exposed as False Prophet ANY man colluding with, not rebuking the seat of antichrist – the pope – is 100%...
NEVER enthrone your own study or supposed knowledge of God. Subjective. Pride. You know nothing outside of Christ! Becoming and remaining humble, teachable, pliable, and correctible...
“Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD.” Isaiah 38:2 AS long as you don’t take control of your life, your...
Luke the physician’s style of writing included things that were indicators yet not sanctioned by the LORD in the worship of God. For example: “And after...