KINGDOM BREAKING FROM PA: 105 Year Old Lady SAVED by Jesus! from Tom and Karen Cochran “Praising Jesus! Today He saved 4 people, 4 eternal souls...
WHAT Does Trump’s Win Mean to the Body of Christ? One major communistic fake news source headline read: “‘WORLD IN SHOCK’: Leftist Drudge Report Mourns Trump’s...
The Joy and Expectation of Seed Sowing What we sow, we can expect to reap (Galatians 6:7-8). As we continue to sow the good, the incorruptible...
THE GOSPEL TO ZAMBIA Read a letter from Elder Chabby in Zambia. We have a long standing relationship with this beloved brother in Christ and the...
*Keep in mind that the Gospel interactions given in these updates is but a taste of our LORD’s work in this country of beautiful people. It’s...
AMAZING MINISTRY UPDATES And the grand and only reason this matters is that our LORD’s WORD is going forth! Boom! 9,000-10,000 visitors on daily! God’s...
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30 Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison Ministry | Mexico Mission here...
Shining His Light: Recently, while in Alabama, I was recommended to a coffee shop and so went to visit. There are men in two fellowshipping and...
What did the LORD reveal of Himself to Isaiah? What was the result in Isaiah’s life and ours? When the LORD appeared to him, the prophet...
“But wisdom is justified of all her children.” (Luke 7:35) What does that mean? What did Jesus mean by this? Let’s peer into this a bit...