By Marcia Montenegro
I have warned about the New Age view that the body has its own innate intelligence. This idea is behind many alternative and pseudo-scientific practices such as applied kinesiology (where you actually ask the body questions and expect responses from the muscles), many somatic therapies, and more.
There is also a Buddhist idea that the emotions, which Buddhism believes are generated by attachment to your experiences via your unreal identity (there is no real individual self in Buddhism), can be looked at with detachment. This idea was taught in the popular movie, “Inside Out” (see link to CANA post at end) which had input from the Dalai Lama. I warned about this movie before I even knew the DL was involved because I recognized the Buddhist concepts behind it.
These two ideas about the innate intelligence of the body and looking at emotions with detachment are combined in the Metafi app (“Metafi” obviously meant to evoke “metafit”). Even if you don’t have this App or would never consider it, read on to see the way New Age and Buddhist ideas can creep in very deceptively.
This app was recommended by a pastor to his church members. The fact that his pastor supports the Enneagram and that his wife is an Enneagram coach explains why he is open to Metafi. The Enneagram is not just doing damage with false ideas about self and God, but is also paving the way for more deceptions, which is something I speculated last year would happen.
🔶 The first one is “Connecting mind and body.” This idea is very New Age and is used to support many false ideas. The mind and body are already connected, but many teachings based on this idea are either unproven or are New Age.
🔶 The second one, “Get to know your emotions on a first name basis” shows a couple with their new baby. Getting to know your emotions is like this couple getting to know their baby. The emotions are presented as something that are a part of you but are also independent of you (like the baby). The idea that your emotions are generated by you but are independent is from Buddhism (see link at end to CANA post on “Inside Out”).
These images are not chosen whimsically but very deliberately. The message of this screenshot is much like the “Inside Out” movie.
🔶 The third screenshot shows a woman doing Yoga, because Yoga in this culture now means health, fitness, strength, youth, and wisdom. It has been successfully marketed and sold to evoke those associations.
This screenshot also presents the idea that certain parts of your body will relay particular emotions. There is no hard science behind this and it actually is something I heard about in the New Age. Yes, you may feel tension in the back, neck, or head, but no one needs to teach you that. This app is going beyond that to teach that the body itself will be able to teach you about your emotions.
🔶 The next one implies that this will “deepen your self-awareness” so that your body will relay what is going on with you. This may sound innocent but I see it as a deeper foray into self-orientation and false beliefs about the body and emotions (and this will affect the view of the mind in a way that downgrades it).
🔶 The fifth screenshot shows that “deep breathing exercises” and “mediation” is part of this. I would have predicted that even if I had not seen it or if they had not revealed it. This is where such notions always lead because breathing and relaxation exercises will help you meditate, and mediation is the key 🗝 to conditioning your mind to accept all this as true. And most people who do this will accept it, not realizing they have been conditioned to accept lies.
The word “practice” along with the app giving “bell notifications” are tied into Buddhist forms of meditation. Buddhist meditation is often called a “practice,” and ringing a bell is done to initiate meditations.
🔶 The last shot has an intriguing sentence, to “take your self-awareness practice to the next level.”
▶️ Note that self-awareness has now become a “practice.” It is more than just normal self-awareness; you have been initiated into a new understanding of it.
▶️ Note that “next level” implies you will gain deeper knowledge and understanding that can be had only through this “practice.” This is very New Age and Gnostic.
This app probably appears very innocent to most people but I see red flags all over it. All my alarm bells are ringing. The end result of this type of teaching is to bypass the mind and thinking. People are being conditioned already to do that through Mindfulness and meditation (based on Eastern techniques), Yoga, Contemplative practices, and more.
As I always say, the New Age in every case appears positive and beneficial, and, I should add, innocent or innocuous. However, it is the claw in the velvet glove.
Do not download this, or anything like it, please.
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