Because You Care

donate button roundYou are invited to sign up to support the ministry outreach with a monthly gift. This is what keeps us able to work full-on with Christ in feeding His body and winning lost souls. “WE (plural, that’s us!) are labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Cor 3:9) The ministry support is dependent upon individual believers and flourishes with the support of God’s people. Support Here.

J6 Prisoner Project: National Disgrace

Lloyd and Our LORD!

Received a call today from a dear man named Lloyd who was turning himself in to the authorities for things he’d done. He was repentant. He was sincere. We prayed a thorough biblical prayer in repentance, unreservedly turning ourselves over to the LORD, admitting all sin, and asking our LORD to fill and to use this man in that place powerfully. We will be sending him ministry books, suppplies, perhaps a King James Bible, etc. beginning soon. God is so good and so gracious as you well know saints! You and I are “less than the least” and may God be praised afresh for His bless-ed mercy towards us! (Ephesians 3:8; Titus 3:5-7)

Please lift up Lloyd in prayer. God knows and God is able!

Because You Care these things are getting done along with much more including books being dropped weekly to the incarcerated. Lots more room for new supporters.

The dear man below is Mr. Charlie! God is moving. Jesus is saving souls! See more below.



Charlie and the Chipmunk

Please lift up Mr. Charlie in a prayer…. who repented and was miraculously saved into Christ’s kingdom today. Divine appointment 100%. He came to a wilderness area today to free a chipmunk that had been in his yard and God made him free, set him free from sin, washing his sins away in the blood of the Lamb!

I saw that he was from Louisiana (my state of birth and upbringing) and so pulled in next to him and begin kidding around a bit with him. He said he was born and raised in New Orleans (ditto). Before you know it our LORD had taken over that conversation and beloved Mr. Charlie was admitting he is a sinner, acknowledging that Jesus is KING and Savior, and agreeing to pray to God in repentance and faith and turn his life over to the LORD.

Charlie was later profusely thankful to our LORD Jesus for saving him today. Mr. Charlie received a copy of the Moments with Our Master devotional book also. God is so good!

John was in need. He lost his debit card. Yet our LORD arranged for him to receive the Word, the love of God, prayer, a copy of the book Authentic, and some help!!!! All of which you made possible! Jesus is KING!

Your gifts are what make this possible. God is giving each of us the grand opportunity in this last hour to do what He instructed us to do – to live for Him, to deny self, take up the cross daily, and follow Him, to live for Christ, for eternity, and lay up treasures in glory! Boom! (Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Colossians 3:1-4, etc.). Let’s roll saints! What does 1 Corinthians 3:9 say?

Jesus came “to seek and save that which was lost” and He’s using His body to do just that! (Luke 19:10; Matthew 9:35-38)

Precious Brenda and Darlene received Gospel ministry. They were both fed the Word and also natural food and nurtured and comforted in the love of our Savior …. who has found and saved our wretched souls into His eternal family and is using you and I to reach out in His love to others! After receiving the ministry of the Word, Darlene agreed to repent and receive Christ. Each of these ladies were given reading glasses, a Bible, the book titled Authentic, food, etc.

Scripture-rich, Christ-centered ministry books continue to flow into dark jail cells to shine the light of Christ into the desperate hearts of those presently behind bars. Christ came to save criminals, all sinners – think of the thief on the cross! God’s Word is a lightening bolt from the glory of the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, a flood light of grace beaming into hungry hearts!

Remember beloved Luigi who was saved via the PEACE WITH GOD page on this ministry site? He sent me this recently, something he penned:

From Luigi Di Benedetto in Australia (he’s only been saved about 6-8 months… we’ve continued to have great phone calls, etc. Luigi has been traveling his country, Australia and evangelizing):

“When they fundraise to save animals and trees I tell them more important is to save people from sins and its many consequences in Jesus Christ. It is amazing how people love animals more than people, more than Christ Himself. I do like animals but love people more and that’s why I am into touching lives with the love of God and the gospel of reconciliation.” Luigi

Recently a political pundit mentioned how that they have over 130,000 donators. Think about that and how though they make some good conservative arguments, they do not preach the Gospel, are not winning anyone to Jesus, and are not feeding the flock of God with the Word of God. Saints, there is zero eternal value in anything and everything combined that is not Christ! There is no work on earth that is eternal except the work of Christ and God gives us specific incentive to lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven and not waste it on earthly pursuits and causes (pets, politics, etc). He will reward nothing that isn’t His Gospel work. Think about that. Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Inasmuch as there is financial supply, Bibles are sent and Scripture-rich ministry books continue to flood jails across our nation – touching the hearts of the incarcerated for Christ! Each book will be read by many.

Dear saints, please let us never assume that ministries that endeavor to preach the whole counsel of God’s Word are sufficiently support. That’s usually not the case. Support this Ministry

God wants to use each of His beloved people. Have you asked Him lately to use you? | Jesus Saved John at the Gym! Here I Am, Send Me! [podcast]

Here’s a testimony of thanks rec’d today from a pastor who runs a restoration type rehab ministry in Kansas, a dear friend who is a fervent disciple of our LORD Jesus.

“God bless you brother! The Bibles and books you sent are in good use! Thanks again for joining in on Kingdom Work. May our Lord bless you with rewards.” Mark W.

Wanted to give a big thank you to those who have signed up to give a monthly gift and to those who give period. That’s what makes the sending forth of Bible and Scripture-rich ministry books into the fields, jails, homeless ministries, and individual saints who are doing our LORD’s Great Commission in this late hour, etc.. Your support and prayers are coveted and much needed. Takes seconds so set up a monthly love offering of support for Christ’s Gospel work. Takes seconds. Sign up to support this ministry here.

The Body of Christ in the Earth is Making Eternal History!!

Recently, I dared to ask our LORD to cause a ministry explosion. Haven’t seen one in a few weeks and asked for it, and the LORD answered the very next morning. Prayer coveted for Diane, a precious, currently homeless lady who received a King James Bible, a Moments with Our Master daily devotional book, money for lunch and dinner, and bags of nutritious snacks. John, a dear older man at the gym, has been searching for God and receiving ministry for weeks. He’s been reading and loving the Moments daily devotional. Well, today during another lengthy time of ministry, he repented and received Jesus! After John was saved I went into another room in the gym and talked with Brian, a dear brother in Christ, and asked him to pray for John who had just been saved and invited him to minister to John as the LORD may lead. Brian knows John and said he would pray for him and help him. Then, Brian confided that he’s going through a divorce and needed prayer. We prayed together about that and he asked for my number so we can talk more closely. He gladly received a copy of the Moments daily devotional. Here’s his text received today: “Thanks, I look forward to reading the book. I appreciated your prayer time today as well.” Brian …. Prayers coveted for Diane, John, and Brian.

Scripture-rich ministry books continually going out to the incarcerated. Here’s a few recent letters from inmates.

UPDATE: Remember precious Diane? Sat down with and was able to spend time listening to her today. She’s doing well. As usual, she’s happier than any person I know – and she’s homeless. God is gracious. Thank you for praying for this lady beloved saints.

When Christ is truly first in our lives, His cause, His Gospel is what we support – BEFORE we support any other cause which are ALL infinitely inferior to the eternal Gospel of Jesus. Jesus Christ first, not pet or political causes. SAINTS, LET PRAY FOR AND SUPPORT THE ETERNAL WORK OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (Matthew 9:35-38). Supporting political or any other cause will bring no eternal reward (Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 2:49; 1 Corinthians 3:6-9; John 4:36, etc.).

TODAY JENNIFER RECEIVED JESUS! While looking at an item on a shelf at the grocery, a nice lady named Jennifer asserted which product she liked best of those I was looking at. We talked for a bit and then the LORD, as He is so famous for doing, had this lady begin telling me how she grew up catholic and then tried the Buddhist religion, etc. They both left her empty and in her sins. I listened to her and then rolled into preaching the law and asking her if she’d broken the 10 Commandment laws I was reciting to her one by one. She readily admitted that she had was guilty and when asked if there was any reason she couldn’t repent and receive Christ and be forgiven of all her sins right now, she said “no, there’s no reason.” I affirmed her answer and we bowed our heads in the middle of that store. Jennifer was then exhorted to be bold, that she’s not praying to any man but rather directly to God and that she’s not ashamed of Jesus Christ. Jennifer repented and received Jesus!!! Please lift this new believer in prayer. I went to my vehicle and retrieved my last copy of the new devotional book Moments with Our Master which she was delighted to receive. I spoke with our new sister about the importance of feeding her spirit daily with God’s Word and also to call at least 1 true disciple of Jesus today and tell them Jesus has saved you into His kingdom (Matthew 10:32-33). She said that her daughter and son in law are true Christians and had been bringing her to their fellowship just recently which she loved but had yet to be saved. So since this lady is from NY and has a Puerto Rican background, we called sister Teresita Guadalupe and the 2 rejoiced and talked and numbers were exchanged! GOD is so good saints. Let’s pray….. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for finding and saving Jennifer and we praise You for continuing the good work of Your salvation in her life (Philippians 1:6). Please use each of Your children this week dear LORD. Open the doors for the ministry of Your Word and open the hearts of those who hear Your Word, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

A dear man named Jeff received ministry today, was greatly encouraged and is in need of prayer. He already had a Bible and when asked, told me he is born again. He’s homeless for now, yet I quoted our LORD’s words in Matthew 6:33 and informed him that as he seeks the LORD first, God is going to raise him up out of his current situation. You are hereby invited to pause and lift Jeff to the LORD in prayer. Thank you. This man was very special…. the type of person, whose innocence exudes and makes you just want to cry. God is good!!!!!

GOSPEL ACTION IN KENTUCKY: From brother John Becknell in KY: “Brother Todd. We received 3 boxes of Bibles and 1 box of devotionals…. This Thursday we expect a big crowd… Turkey & Dressing Day… I’m hoping to share the Word with many of the customers this week.. (pic) PTL… for you & your ministry brother Todd… it is so good to send a Bible or devotional home with someone who is searching for answers & TRUTH!!!” This all happens due to your love offerings to our LORD’s work. Thanks for your honor towards the WORD…. we need more people who attack the kingdom of darkness aggressively like you! | Because You Care

Then this from brother John:

“I received another box of bibles today… Total in all yesterday & today; 4 boxes of Bibles & 1 box of devotionals…. PTL…” John Becknell

God is good saints! “I received my new Bible today. Thank you very much.” Dana (a dear ministering sister in Christ)

Received this letter from sister Kenna in KY. A case or 2 of King James Bibles along with Moments 365 devotional books were sent to sister Kenna in KY to help minister to those souls in their new recovery home. This contribution to their ministry is vital. God is so good and this is not possible without the generous support of believers like yourself who know that the only eternal thing we have is the Gospel (not politics). And, as God’s children, Christ’s “ambassadors” we are called by Him to be about our “Father’s business” by communicating that bless-ed saving Gospel! (2 Corinthians 5:20; Luke 2:49, etc.) Thousands being reached daily!

Note: EVERYTHING being taught is straight from God’s Word and with the rebuke, the admonition, the exhortation, and the encouragement of the listener or reader to “Study to shew” their own self approved unto God by getting into His Word personally, daily, diligently – to study it organically and never trust mere man (2 Timothy 2:15).

Please consider signing up to support one time or on a monthly basis. Takes seconds to do so. Give Here.

Saints, the first place we should give to, as far as causes, is the eternal Gospel of Jesus which involves the eternal souls of men (Matthew 6:19-21, etc.). Personally, I only give to further the Gospel!

By God’s grace, the clear goal in everything this outreach accomplishes is Christ’s Great Commission command – to teach God’s Word to God’s people, to quip His saints, and to reach lost souls with His saving Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:47; Ephesians 4:11).

There is no Christianity without the cross. We see this cross-less false gospel daily, abounding. But God is awakening a remnant. Daily there are new people who are migrating to the truth that is going forth. It’s amazing. God surely does have a remnant which is defined in Isaiah 37:31 as “taking root downward (death and burial) and bearing fruit UPWARD (resurrection).” And at the same time there are devils abounding both fallen angels and human agents of the father of lies (John 8:44). Jesus Christ is LORD, Savior, and Heaven’s soon coming KING of all kings!

GREAT THINGS HAPPENING! Your generous support of this ministry outreach enables us to strategically, and essentially feed, fuel, and equip Christ’s saints….. in fulfillment of Ephesians 4:11-12. We are helping some

who simply do not have the ability to purchase the books. One man and his wife are on their 3rd book from the ministry and are hungrily devouring each and every Word, pouring over, underlining, and learning God’s Word. Their knowledge of Holy Scripture is exploding. This is but one example. Many who are incarcerated, a truly captive and searching audience, are receiving God’s Word in the ministry’s Scripture-rich books. Thank you for supporting our LORD’s work. Your support is essential and a great opportunity for each of us. Give Here: Takes Seconds

Jesus told His disciples to pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:35-38). God is answering our prayers, and the need to provide these laborers with Bibles and Scripture-rich Gospel materials is at an all-time high! May God be praised! This outreach of Christ has contacts through whom these supplies are flowing, and we welcome, encourage, and depend on the support of the body of Christ to come along side to help fill this increasing need. Also, let us know if you need materials for reaching out to others. This is a great day! People are responding to offers of Bibles and daily devotionals with surprising enthusiasm. Lives are being changed by the LORD across His beautiful planet as a result! Eternity is in the balance! (Joel 3:14) Please help us meet this hunger and thirst for God’s Word!

Some of the places where saints and lost souls are being reached with Bibles and Scripture-rich books are: AL, AZ, CO, KY, MO, NY, FL, MI, NV, CA, PA, TX, LA, Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Philippines, etc.

A CONTINUAL RELOAD OF BIBLES!!! Just in … found this dear brother on fox after they had an article on him demanding, requiring NO masks in their busy store….

“Here is a picture of our last Bibles… we decided to move them where we could give them away easier… Amen, Brother. The WORD is going forth from Alvin’s… Thanks, Brother Todd. Yes sir, the girls at the Living Free Women’s Center (sister Kenna runs it) love the devotionals. They are just 1 page for each day, PERFECT to get the day started… We have no problem with these gathering dust!! We share and distribute the Bibles (and devotionals) to our customers here at Alvin’s every day. Thanks again brother. We have a large free-to-all Christmas Dinner for our little community here and will feed close to 500 turkey & dressing with all the trimmings… a few Bibles to pass out then would be nice… Again thanks for sharing God’s WORD with our little community, blessings to you and all your supporters for remembering us!! John” John Becknell

“Yes send more Bibles. That would be great. The girls (at the ministry recovery home) love the devotionals. I have a Thank You card from Kenna S. I will send it out to you. Also, she just opened a new living clean house (another half-way house) for women here in town. It will house 15 women. They took their 1st client October 1st. She said she would love to put Bibles and Devotionals in the hands of every lady. Praise The LORD for you and your ministry brother Todd… when we get a box they don’t last long… Kenna is a former long time addict with a passion to help people get free of addiction.” John Becknell (KY) | Moments with Our Master devotional book.

“I have given out all I the Bibles I have. My brother in Christ Russell has taken the last box and given them to high school children in the Philippines. Praise the Lord!! Please send more as you are able. I need to order 4 of the marriage books. I still have some of the books you sent. I am giving them out when we go on the streets on Fridays.” Dana Carter (MO)

More: Just gave away the whole last box of Bibles to a couple I know. They wanted them because they are feeding the poor directly and helping with 2 other recovery ministries!!!! God is SO good.

TODAY: More divine explosions Ephesians 3:20. Connected with a guy who’s been drawn to me every time I go into the business where he works in and we talk about the LORD. His name is Brian and he’s opened 100 restaurants in his career, started the concepts and launched them. He sold all his stake in those interests and now he’s in full time ministry, other than helping a friend run a business temporarily which is how we met. So, he has 5 Christ Centered thrift stores here in town which help get people saved and clothe and feed the needy. They are very nice stores. He’s also got a restoration house and ministry. So, I gave him a box and a half of the Bibles and several of the books from the ministry. Emptied my vehicle on those Gospel causes!!!! Personally he loved the M365 book and he’s excited to read it himself and to get more for the restoration house, etc. And we have been given permission to put the ministry books and Bibles in the business he works in now which sees hundreds of people daily come in and out. Also, I am assuming we can give Bibles and books to the Christian thrift stores (5 locations). The Bibles and ministry books he received this week are going to the restoration house. Brian said the local judges and courts LOVE them, love what they’re doing to help the people who come through those courts, etc. I see him every week or two already and Brian and I exchanged numbers and are going to work together for God’s glory, God willing. Whew. I knew the LORD was directing the steps today and now it’s evident as to why. Divine connection!!!!! God is able!!! Ephesians 3:20 Please pray for the full provision saints. Jesus is coming. Give Here: Takes Seconds

This week, went to 3 facilities (rehab, assisted living), successfully dropping off Bibles and copies of the Moments with Our Master 365 Devo books. In each location, by God’s grace, these gifts were received with great joy and stirred up ministry conversations. It’s SO easy to give away gifts, especially when it’s the gift of Jesus, our Salvation! I talk about it on the brief audio below.

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This is our brother in Christ, Jason. A few days ago, I went to a new assisted living center. As I’m getting out of my vehicle, a guy is also getting out of that facility’s transportation bus. Divine timing no doubt. It’s brother Jason (pictured). I told him I had Bibles and devotionals to give as a gift to the facility for the staff and tenants. Immediately Jason responded with with conviction, “Did you say Bibles?” I said “yes” and with the joy of Jesus we fellowshipped for a while. Jason joyfully took a box of Bibles and Moments devotional books into that facility to distribute! God is good! This is all Because You Care saints! | Moments with Our Master 365 Day Devotional [book]

Recently at the grocery store, as the LORD would have it, a lady approached me to take the basket I was nearly finished with as I was unloading groceries in the back of my vehicle. We had a friendly exchange and I was prompted and therefore asked her if she likes to read. She said “Oh yes I LOVE to read.” And she went on about loving to read. Sounds like she’s an addicted reader which is a good thing as long as it’s good things she’s reading, right? Well, that’s why we’ve encased the sound doctrine of God’s Word in books, for people just like her. She gladly received 3 of the Scripture rich books. Divine appointments like this continue to happen in each of our lives. In each of our lives, may our LORD Jesus open the doors to minister His beautiful Word, more and more as the soon return of Jesus nears! In the name of Jesus, amen.

ALSO this week, walked into one of the rehab centers I supply with Bibles and the Moments 365 devotional book. It was an immediately heavenly upheaval. My head was barely in the door and the ladies jumped up to greet me with great joy! One of them blurted out “I LOVE that devotional book! I read it every day and am so blessed!” That place was crowded, like 5-8 people right there near the entrance… I simply, literally peaked my head in the door, knowing they necessitate masks…. My head was barely in their view and they jumped up and rejoiced at more supply coming to them! Everyone within a 5-10 radius immediately came and picked up either one of the Bibles I had just put on the counter or the Moments devotional. They opened them and started reading and secured one for each of themselves. So, I had to go back to the vehicle to get another supply so that all of the nurses, doctors, and patients would have opportunity to have one!

Also I was made aware of a new rehab place I am going to go to to establish a supply of Bibles and these Moments 365 devotionals. Looking forward to creating more and more new venues for God’s Word to flow.

Been supplying the ladies as the local men’s haircut place I go with the Moments 365’s and they love it. While getting a haircut this morning, the lady cutting my hair said “Aren’t you the guy with the devotionals?” I said yes and she said she would like one. Well she now has one!

“WE are labourers TOGETHER with GOD”! 1 Cor 3:9

RECENTLY: Marissa, O’Shea, Deborah, and Naomi received God’s love in the form of prayer, King James Bibles, and ministry books, etc. Noami is the lady pictured holding up the sign, waving, and smiling real big. We talked and fellowshipped and she wanted the devo and 3 of the KJB’s to pass out. One side reads “You’re going to make it” and the other side reads “Jesus Loves You.” When I saw her on that busy corner, red light, it was obvious that she had to be a born again believer and was moved to go say hello, to fellowship for a moment and give her what she desired as far as edifying Gospel ministry materials for her growth in the grace of Jesus Christ and outreach. Then, while leaving in my vehicle I was going past the other 3 precious souls, said hello, stopped and had a nice ministry time with them…. O’Shea is not yet saved. He’s a young man searching for direction and has even been talking about possibly going into Marine Corps boot camp. They saw the USMC sticker on the back of my vehicle and that’s what brought the topic up. He received a BA (Born Again book). Let’s pray that God will save O’Shea. Now Marissa is O’Shea’s (the young man’s) mother and she is saved and so is Deborah, and Noemi. Each of them received a King James Bible and a Moments 365 Devo book. God is so good!!!! He is using each of His people today to reach those in need!

TODAY: Divine appointment. Please lift Chris and Deanna in prayer beloved saints (married couple currently homeless). At a red light I called Chris over and began ministering the love and truth of our LORD to him. ONLY God could orchestrate something like this. As this was transpiring, Chris and I both began weeping. After ministering the Word to Him, I told our beloved new friend that he knows exactly what to do. Instructed Chris to go get alone under that nearby bridge and cry out to Jesus with everything that’s in him, to ask Jesus to take over his life.

It seemed obvious that Chris had God’s Word in him already but was away from the LORD, backslidden (if he’s been saved in the past). His eyes filled with tears as He heard the message of Christ afresh. Chris was very appreciative to receive a King James Bible and a little cash to get him something to eat. Giving cash to the homeless is something I nearly never do yet was comfortable doing so with Chris.

I told him I was going to ask you all to lift him in prayer and Chris was very appreciative. He asked specifically that we’d pray for him and his wife to be brought out of the place they’re in right now. GOD knows all and He’s going to hear our prayers in the mighty name of Jesus beloved saints.

Below you will see pics of some current Gospel action that your support makes possible! A dear sister from South Africa sent 3 boxes of large print King James Bibles. They are being mailed out to those who are using them to minster to others. There’s never been a time more relevant to get into the action – the Gospel action! Each of us does our part! “WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Cor 3:9) Opportunity: There are shipping costs and ministry operating costs which gives us all the golden Gospel opportunity to participate. The ministry is in need of 1-time and monthly supporters. Takes seconds on the DONATE page.

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TODAY has been explosive and it’s still early!!!! Today, 3 men have received ministry in the form of the gracious, kind love of our God, the spoken Word of the LORD, personal prayer for their lives and current situations, food, a copy of the Moments with Our Master devotional book, and Grey Hound Tickets to Michigan and Tennessee. I hope to get a fresh supply of King James Bibles soon. For now I am fresh out so gave them the new devotional book which each of them joyfully received. Please pause and lift in prayer Jason, Charles, and Bryan!!! We are a team for Jesus saints – “WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) Ministry is a function of Christ’s body, each member blessed to do a small part! (1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4) Praise God, was blessed to empty the ministry account on these 3 bless-ed opportunities! God is glorified.

Charles told me he’d just this morning prayed that God would allow him to go back to ministry. The LORD altered my schedule and our paths collided for Jesus’ glory. The same is absolutely true for the other 2 beloved men, all of which professed Christ and yet were in different difficulties, crossroads (seemingly legitimate hardships actually) in their individual lives. Bryan’s father is a pastor and Charles has been involved with ministries such as those under David Wilkerson! GOD is restoring the backslidden saints!!!! He’s bringing His children home! Gathering them to Himself! Each of these men were greatly encouraged in Christ and exhorted to follow Jesus daily and to the end of their lives and to “endure to the end to be saved.” (Matthew 10:22; 24:13) They were also specifically encouraged to get a King James Bible. Thank you for your sharing saints! This is not possible without your support and prayers. Thousands are receiving the Word of our God every day year round from the outreach. Jesus is LORD and He’s coming soon. Let’s roll!

THOSE WHO SUPPORT ARE GUILTY OF BEING A BLESSING! This loaded box was shipped today to a pastor, a ministry in Zambia! 18 King James Bibles and several Scripture-rich Christ-centered books! Oh, and about 100 soul winning Gospel tracts were also put in the box! This was a care package sent out of your hearts which are full of God’s love! To bless our brethren and the lost souls Jesus desires to save in Zambia.

SEE letter from prison inmate further down on this page!



BECAUSE YOU CARE – JUMP IN HERE. Keep in mind that this ministry outreach, reaching tens of thousands with God’s Word every month, is currently supported by 5 people!

Recently a currently incarcerated young man received the Born Again book and another book from the ministry. Apparently this led to his being saved. His aunt Cassandra just sent this:
“My nephew we’ve been praying for has received salvation! He’s also asking for more of your books ! I’m so thankful & happy Jesus is working on him ! What a magnificent gift. As Jesus said Salvation is a gift purchased by the blood of the Lamb 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥💥🎁💕👏🎊

Read the graphic: Haman is a young man Jesus saved who was previously a muslim. He is growing in the grace of Christ as you can see by his recent response to one of the Scripture-Rich offerings of the ministry outreach. Haman is being fed on a regular basis by the ministry and is a delightful brother in Christ.

This is a daily, year round, full-time outreach to saints and sinners. Tens of thousands receive God’s Word monthly. When we engage in God’s work, no matter what our individual part, He blessed us with this opportunity to lay up treasure in Heaven – as Jesus commanded us to do (Matthew 6:19-21).

EVERY believer participates in Christ’s Gospel work, period (1 Cor 3:6-9; 2 Cor 5:20). AND, no matter what part they do, God is going to reward them eternally. Now read this closely: “For who will hearken unto you in this matter? but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike.” (1 Samuel 30:24)

RECENTLY: We’re flooding the jails with God’s Word! SEVERAL jail inmates in Texas have just been chosen to receive copies of the Scripture-rich, powerful Born Again book! A copy is on the way to each of them – which will be read by many inmates!!!! Home run for Jesus! Jesus saves from utter most to the gutter most – He proved that when He found and saved us!! amen? THAT’s why He came! (Luke 19:10; 1 Timothy 1:15)

“Prisons are the best place to turn the light on and tell them about Jesus Christ when they are sitting in darkness waiting for something to happen to them~” John Atteberry

Saints, we’ve cursed the darkness long enough. Now please jump in today and let’s reach the downcast for whom Jesus died!

“WHILE WE were yet sinners” Jesus came and died for us! (Romans 5:6-9) He was aggressive in rescuing us and we should be aggressive in rescuing those who need Him! Is that not the Great Commission?

HATE EM OR HELP EM? Please say a prayer for those souls who are receiving God’s love when receiving a gift package of Scripture-Rich Gospel resources! Let’s simply ask our LORD to bring them to brokenness and repentance. We are reaching out to them today-supplies on the way! Thank God for those who support! Spring into action.

“Thank you Lord! You have not forgotten those in Prison. We pray in the name of Jesus that Your ministry will be multiplied through Your Word.” Debbie Lord


A steady stream of cross truth is going forth daily and beginning to germinate and take root in the hearts of God’s people.

A mere taste of what your support is accomplishing ….. Changed Lives! Gospel action!

“Seems God has chosen us to show how much can be done with little. He is the sustainer and provider. Our treasures are in heaven and we know this world is not our home. Some of our graduates who all learned much from the Grace and Truth Bible School modules as well.  We meet on Mondays to study deeper into the word.  Normally there are twelve who attend.  This day we were blessed to have plain tea, sometimes there is only water, but we all come away with a feast spiritually, praise the Lord! Spiritual growth is most important and these pastors all say their lives have been changed and now they KNOW God is real. Never give up, don’t grow weary, it will be worth it all when we see Jesus. God bless you and your ministry. Pressing onward toward the mark.” Mama Jo (Joetta, Africa) | Grace and Truth Bible School

“Hi Todd. Wanted to share this picture of Pastor Febian in Uganda who is now using your Grace and Truth Bible School modules along with our Treasure Keepers Kenya studies to teach his church. We still have no supporters, but see what God is doing even on my small SS!  We are very excited and still use the modules to complement our Bible School studies!  The spiritual growth is wonderful! God bless you as we all work in the harvest for the glory of God. Mama Jo, Treasure Keepers Kenya

RECENTLY: On this cold winter morning Mr. Cleveland received, the love of God in the form of a warm meal and cup of coffee and an encouraging Word of truth, care from Christ’s body. All BECAUSE YOU CARE ….

RECENTLY: After being befriended and ministered to extensively from God’s Word, a man named Adrian repented and received Christ today. Would you like to add him to your prayers?

UPDATE on Adrian, the man who repented and received Christ last week and who you have been lifting in prayer: He is very joyful in engaging in fellowship, went and told his saved and dear grandmother that he repented and received Jesus. Thank you for lifting a supplication to God for Adrian in Jesus’ name. God is moving in his live. We’ve been conversing and he is receiving Scripture and joyful in the Word. He’s also asking for pray for direction in his life. Thanks. God is able and God is good saints!

Recently, was able to communicate God’s Word to a man named Michael today. Michael was informed that he must repent, receive Christ, and abide to the end of his life on this planet in an obedient relationship with Christ in order to be with Him eternally (John 15:1-6). Jesus’ warning words recorded in Matthew 7:21 of Judgment Day were cited verbatim to Michael. He was given a King James Bible and a Gospel tract. Michael listened intently. It was a divine appointment no doubt. Feel free to lift Michael in prayer.

Some of you may remember how a man named Chris came to Christ about 3 years ago in Alabama while I was on a holiday visit.

Well, I’ve been seeing Chris regularly since moving back to Alabama. God is good as He continues the good work He began in brother Chris who is now ministering divine truth (Philippians 1:6; 2:12-13). Chris is a convicted brother which clearly shows the work of Christ in his life. Christ is bringing forth His good fruit and fruit that is remaining in an abiding relationship with Him:

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” John 15:16 

Brother Chris is regularly going out and feeding the poor and homeless and clothing them. We are blessed to be able to assist him in this endeavor. Also Chris gladly received a copy of the 40 Bible Verses Every Disciple Must Know book. This will help feed this brother and build him up in His relationship with Jesus as will the What Next book I will be giving Chris soon!

“God is love” and if He weren’t, we’d all already be “suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” as we fully deserve (Jude 7). Speaking of a friend who murdered another man 30 years ago, one man stated: “This is something that supposedly happened 30 years ago, the man’s changed…Christ has come in and he’s become a new creature. If God’s forgiven you, you’re forgiven. That’s it.” We are forgiven in Christ praise God and yet still have to reap what has been sown (Galatians 6:7-8). Prayer: Father in Jesus’ holy name, thank You for finding this man in his sins and saving him. Thank You for continuing in Him the good work of salvation You began in him in Jesus’ name, amen. ….We are going to be getting some Scripture-rich ministry books to this man. God is good. Thank you for helping us reach many incarcerated souls for Christ and many others daily!

THIS WEEK: Many are being ministered to! Our LORD Jesus is saving souls! A dear man and I had another lengthy fellowship in which time he submitted his life to Christ in a prayer. He was given the Born Again book about 2 months ago, the last time we met. He had read it and said he loved it. Would you like to lift this brother in Christ in prayer according to Philippians 1:6?…. He was exhorted to be in God’s Word daily, specifically the King James Bible. Our dear borther was given a copy of the book Raised Up and encouraged to learn the cross life Jesus prescribed to anyone who would truly follow Him. The words of our LORD Jesus recorded in Luke 9:23-24 were spoken to Bob. God is working in the hearts of men saints. Jesus is saving souls today!!!!

RECENTLY: Javier, a young man I’ve ministered to much over the last 2 years told me today that he is now saved…. That he received Jesus recently. He was given a copy of the BORN AGAIN book and told me today that he read it…. which is what led to his being saved. Javier is being discipled by another brother in town, a friend of his and mine. In fact, the last 2 Saturdays, I have seen them in a local coffee shop sitting down and the elder brother teaching Javier the Bible and giving him homework to study – Bible books to read. Javier was full of joy today in the gym. I told him I will be getting him a copy of the book What’s Next Now that You are Saved!!!!! Please pray for Javier to grow to full maturity in Christ and to be used mightily by Jesus!

God is so gracious!

RECENTLY: Explosive, divinely ordained meeting and deep fellowship with a dear brother in Christ who is an avid student of the LORD, the Holy Scriptures. His name is Keith.
He was sitting down having coffee with his Bible wide open reading and I was prompted to say hello. Fellowship, Scripture discussion ensued. Keith is very discerning and hungry, humble, and teachable. Topics discussed ranged from the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the importance of an abiding relationship with Christ and the fruit of the Spirit, repentance, the original Gospel, holiness, the cross, warning, the King James Bible vs the fake “bibles” …. Etc
He was given a copy of the Born Again book because I am fresh out of the others ones. He’s got the ministry website and was pointed to many things on it which he is going to pursue in order to continue to discern and study.
Keith was already discerning most or all of the things we discussed to be true. He’s a true disciple of Jesus. Nearly all if not all we spoke about simply confirmed what the LORD has already been showing this beloved man.
We went through 3 Bible verses to compare the ESV (garbage) he currently has and the King James Bible (Matthew 17:21; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). He was deeply affected to see Satan’s corruptions.
Would you please pray for our brother Keith?
At his permission, I just ordered him a Life in the Spirit King James Study Bible which he will soon receive. Also, ordered Keith a copy of Gail Riplinger’s book New Age Bible Versions.
Keith was encouraged to contact me through the ministry site.
What a privilege it is for you and I to be able to benefit one of our LORD’s precious servants….. and please let me make it abundantly clear …..That I personally discern this man to be absolutely genuine! It couldn’t be any clearer. Ananias, Saphira, and Apollos anyone? (Acts 18).

Rapper Daniel Hernandez, known as Tekashi, performs during the Philipp Plein women’s 2019 Spring-Summer collection, unveiled during the Fashion Week in Milan, Italy, Friday, Sept. 21, 2018. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Tekashi the rapper is now in jail: The Born Again book and 40 Bible Verses book were just now drop shipped to this young man. Would you like to pause and ask God to save him? If Jesus found and saved us, HE can find and save anyone, amen?

More ….

TODAY: Jesus aggressively came and found our wretched souls, did He not? We’re flooding the jails with God’s Word! SEVERAL jail inmates in Texas just been chosen to receive copies of the Scripture-rich, powerful Born Again book! A copy is on the way to each of them – which will be read by many inmates!!!! Home run for Jesus! Jesus saves from utter most to the gutter most – He proved that when He found and saved us!! amen? THAT’s why He came! (Luke 19:10; 1 Timothy 1:15)

TODAY: Just met and fellowshipped with 2 dear Christian ladies who live at a Christian elderly home. Drop shipping 1 of each of the ministry’s Scripture-rich books to their facility library – which means they will be ready by many! Also, books regularly going out to incarcerated souls. “WE are labourers TOGETHER with God” saints (1 Cor 3:9). This is a small part of what your love offerings do! Jesus is coming.

TODAY IN BEAUTIFUL COLORADO, THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Had to come down the mountain to do an unexpected errand that came up. It was not snowing at the top yet to my utter surprise it was snowing fiercely, beautifully all the way down. Still snowing. So beautiful and yet treacherous driving conditions, especially for one who grew up in the south . It is becoming apparent that God has a plan here. Came to this unique coffee shop that is in an old home, cozy, and a great place to be snowed in (pics attached). A couple came in with their beautiful baby boy who is 2.5 months old. We had a delightful conversation. And before they left, David, the husband and father, came over to wish me a great day. Our LORD prompted me to bring HIM up and minister to dear David, who is perhaps among the most open (in a good way) person I’ve ever met. He was completely receptive to the Gospel of Jesus and said that “no” he’d not yet been born again yet when I asked him. David agreed to receive a gift, a copy of the Born Again book and I stuck a Jesus tract in it it also! I told David knowing God is all about a relationship and not religion and informed him that I was praying for him. Would you like to lift this beloved family to the LORD today? The man who owns this place and his son and I have a great, warm connection so more ministry to come, God willing. Though they do no justice, here are some pics of this cozy coffee shop. Here’s to wishing you were all here…. Also, another David, a dear young man whose father owns that coffee shop received God’s love and Word and a Born Again book also! Jesus came to save the world from their sin (Matthew 1:21; John 1:29; 1 Timothy 1:15).

A dear man named Roy recently received the message of Christ’s Gospel and was informed that “ye MUST be born again” or you will not see Christ’s kingdom (John 3:3, 7). Like the Ethiopian eunuch who Phillip ministered to, this man intently received the Word of God. Please pause and ask God to save, sanctify, and use this very dear man – in Jesus’ name. … Roy was given a BORN AGAIN book and encourage to read it and surrender his life to Christ. There’s a prayer at the end of this small booklet He eagerly received it.

Brother Adam Miller and I just prayed with and ministered to a hungry, dear young man, a true born again disciple named Sebastian. He’s seeking the LORD on a 3 day ministry trip up here on the mountain. Adam and I were getting ready to pray and Sebastian asked to be included. God is moving in the hearts of men – those who are diligently seeking Him, hungering and thirsting for the righteousness of our LORD (Matthew 5:6). Prayers coveted for Sebastian to grow in the grace of Christ, discern the witchcraft posing as Christian, and get a King James Bible (these are all things that were gently spoken to him in exhortation). God is good! Jesus is coming.

Jeremy is Hungry and Heard about Jesus!

Before entering the gym, prayed also specifically for the LORD to use me to serve Him….. To have a divine connection whereby HE could minister to someone. He answered.
A guy who is 25 asked me a question and introduced himself.
We had a very engaging conversation in which he heard the testimony of a wretched sinner whom Jesus found and saved by His blood and grace! Yours truly 😉
This young man’s name is Jeremy and he gladly received the Word of the Gospel for a very lengthy time period. He listened to every word intently and was in no rush. Jeremy send the ministry’s website address to his girlfriend whom he said “loves listening to Christian preaching online and reading about the LORD.”
Now did God answer that pray or what? Yes He did.
And, He will use you also if you simply ask Him to in Jesus’ name. Please pause and ask God to use you and to bless Jeremy!
In Christ

Yesterday, beloved Joe (pictured), a homeless man in Huntsville, Alabama, received God’s warming love, a Gospel tract, and food. Would you like to pause and lift this dear man to our Father in Jesus’ name? All this …. Because You Care!

This week: Was able to send a dear brother in NY the money to get his ministry website back up.
He loves to minister in writing, sharing Scripture etc as a minister of Christ and had lost his previous site.
In the past he had a ministry site that was ministering God’s Word to people. God is good!!!!  We are getting him back up and running. The brother is super excited, and elated!!!

He responded with …

“I’m almost in tears!” I’m feeling so blessed right now. I’m going start doing podcast again soon! I use blogtalkradio! Well bless you brother. Again … THANK JESUS and Thank You so much for blessing me.”

May God bless us to keep helping Christ’s body to minister to those Jesus died to saved!!!!

TODAY: A searching soul, a lady named Cindy, received the Gospel of Christ which was spoken into her ears. She’s in town for a New Age seminar this weekend. Please stop and lift Cindy to the Father in Jesus’ name. Cindy listened with no resistance as she was told that “any and all spirituality that does not include at the forefront the name and blood of Jesus Christ and is not coming straight off the pages of Holy Scripture, the King James Bible, is straight from hell.” She spoke of being full of energy and light and was told that “Jesus Christ is the only Light of the world and lucifer manifests as an angel of light yet is the prince of darkness.” Cindy was lovingly, with deep conviction informed that she is as sure for hell as if she were already there is she doesn’t repent. The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 7:13-14 were cited to her. She was invited to go back to her lodging and get on her face before the living God, calling out to Him in true repentance, asking Him to cleanse her sins with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, our only hope. Thank you for lifting Cindy in prayer.

Because you care and gave…….. A dear beloved brother, Jun Gorgonio and his lovely family and Gospel outreach team asked for your help in supplying them Gospel tracts.

You gave and those soul winning, seed sowing Gospel tracts were shipped to them….. 30,000 tracts!!!!!

Here is a taste of the fruit and a message from brother Jun:

“Hello brother! I am very glad to inform you I have the tracts now. Last Saturday and Sunday, I and my friends went to the park for evangelism. God is the doing the work and we delight to be a part of it. I’d like to share to you some of the photos we took as we share the gospel. Here are some of them. There were 8 people who received Jesus as their Lord and Savior on Saturday and on the following day (Sunday), there were 14 who received Jesus. It’s a great pleasure to see people coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.” Brother Jun Gorgonio, Philippines

By divine appointment, the LORD put Alarius and myself together on a very crowded plane trip – which was anything but plain! Jesus moved on this man’s heart through the preaching of the Gospel and Alarius repented and received Christ! The LORD was obviously preparing his heart for a long time and that seems apparent in that he told me that he knew it was God when we first met. In this picture you will see Alarius joyfully holding a Born Again book and a new Bible. Inside the front cover of that new King James Bible, Alarius wrote down, recorded his spiritual birth date! We have remained in touch and Alarius continues to grow the grace of Christ.

Shelly Saved!

Yesterday, by the saving grace of Jesus, a lady named Shelly come to Christ, broken and with tears streaming down at the hearing of the Gospel of Jesus!!!!!

When it was time to surrender before God and man, Shelly dropped to her knees, broken and poured out before the LORD …. unreservedly giving her life over to Him, her new LORD and Master! Discipleship followed and is continuing. Shelly received a King James Bible, reading glasses, and the 31 Cross Prayers book!

Please lift Shelly up to the LORD in prayer!

Prayer: Crucify, fill, and use us LORD JESUS!

Please pray for Manuel’s heart to be turn to the Lord.

Manuel received Ministry today in the form of food and the Word of God spoken and in written literature form.

THIS is precious Jenny who is a Christian lady in need. Jenny is a very delightful sister in Christ.


You are invited to contribute here.

TODAY: Matt and his lady friend received God’s love in the form of care, concern, the spoken Word of Christ ministered to them, Gospel literature, food, and cash! Jesus is reaching and showing His love through His body. “WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) Feel free to pray for this couple as they are homeless at this time. Your support makes this possible! God is good!

LAURA LOVED: JESUS CONTINUES TO DO WHAT HE CAME TO DO: MANY times we see Jesus focused in on that one person. This illustrates the love God has for each and every individual. He is divine perfect and therefore never changes (Hebrews 13:8). We are informed that Jesus “came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Examples of God’s love for each individual include …. Think about the adulterous woman thrown at His feet and how He freely forgave her (John 8). How about the woman at the will whom Christ forgave (John 4). Remember His conversation with and conversion of Zacchaeus? (Luke 19)
This morning, the LORD ordained a rich, lengthy conversation with a searching soul, a lady named Laura. Laura is now filled with the knowledge of the LORD Jesus: The reality of sin, and the Good News that He came to die to save and forgive. Laura was visibly effected, convicted, and was shown and told that Jesus came to bring relationship, not religion. God gave His Son, not religion (John 3:16-17). Would you like to lift Laura in prayer to the LORD?

Each of our personal stories are littered with precious Christians who sowed the seed of the Gospel, eventually leading to our conversion – our being brought to Christ. God is good! Christ is saving lost souls into His eternal kingdom in this late hour! Listen to Jesus Saves Audio here. 

Changed Lives! 
KEITH: Because you care,

here is one of the men

(a United States military veteran)

who received ministry help this week

(food, God’s love, and Gospel ministry literature).

Thank you for caring and jumping in!



LYONS, COLORADO – This Week! ANOTHER BLESSING ALERT!!!! These blessed, changed lives are YOUR fault and God is going to bless you for it! Thanks for caring!

Mr. Tom is one of the people who received ministry today. Great guy, good brother in Christ …. in need of and hungry for good fellowship with Christ’s body. His USMC tattoo (on his forearm) caught my eye as he passed by and so we began to speak (You can the tattoo in this picture – and The Mercy Mandate! book in his hand too). Tom was a Marine in the Vietnam war. He received God’s love and Word and a copy of The Mercy Mandate! book along with other Gospel literature along with prayer and we exchanged numbers and are going to connect for fellowship. Tom was invited to the upcoming cross conference too! Please lift up Tom in prayer according to Colossians 4:12. Thanks for praying and for you vital support of this outreach!

Stephan, currently a homeless very astute man, received God’s love, God’s Word, food to eat, and soul-saving Gospel literature! Please pause to lift this man up to the LORD and thank God for those who give so we can together reach out to both saints and sinners with the God’s love and Word! Jesus is coming! Thanks for taking a moment of pray for Stephan.

Ministry is a TEAM effort:

“For we are labourers TOGETHER with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9 

There are GOERS and SENDERS!

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:14-15

No matter what part we individually play in Gospel exploits – of spreading God’s Word and love – the reward is the same! Bam! Listen closely:

“For who will hearken unto you in this matter? but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike (same reward).” 1 Samuel 30:24

NOW INCARCERATED, these 4 young men are a captive audience! WHO wants to jump in to reach out to these fatherless young men who are now in jail? They committed a crime and now we must move to get the Gospel of Jesus in their hearts. Yes, they need to be in jail for what they’ve done and yet, these are 4 eternal souls. Let’s send them the BORN AGAIN book saints (see link below in comments) ….. Kingdom perspective: Did Jesus looked down from Heaven on YOUR sin and curse you OR did He come and died for you? Let’s not curse the darkness but rather shine the light of Christ! Jesus came to save the lost – of which you and I were the worst …. “LESS than the least.” (Eph. 1:6) If you wish to participate: 1-Time Gift – Here. Takes seconds.

“WE” – “we” are Christ’s body and Christ’s “labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) … Together as His body, we labour “together with God” Himself and one another in communicating His Good News Gospel. Praise God for all who participate. Here below are a few lives who’ve been changed by Christ through your efforts and gifts. Every day and week saints and sinners are being reach with the clear and divine message of God’s Word which never returns back to Him void but rather always accomplished His will (Isaiah 55:11).
Each of the men listed below has been shipped and will soon receive a copy of the Born Again book and also Nightfall books. If you own any of the ministry’s books, you know they are large print and chock full of life-changing, soul-saving, Holy Scriptures. God is able! (Isaiah 55:11) These men are each presently incarcerated for various, violent crimes.
  • Tyler Jankovich
  • Aaron Hernandez (former New England Patriots TE) Update: Sadly, Aaron committed suicide before the Born Again book reached him. This should underscore the urgency saints.
  • Jon Koppenhaver (“War Machine”) (former UFC Fighter)
  • Joseph Jakubowski
Would you like to participate by asking our LORD to touch, draw in, and grant repentance and everlasting life in Jesus Christ to each of these men?

Like Lenny, many are being helped due to your generous support.



Joe, the man sitting by himself in the picture below, is from Europe and has been listening to Christian radio lately although he is not yet saved. He has a small radio. Joe gladly received the Law to convict and saving Gospel as we conversed. He was given a Gospel message in tract form. Romans 10:13 was quoted to him and he was invited to call upon the LORD in repentance and faith to be saved before it’s too late. Feel free to lift a prayer for our friend Joe. The LORD is no doubt drawing him.

Between 2013 and the present, more than 150 precious lost souls have been gloriously saved into Christ’s kingdom by our LORD! Thousands have and are being helped and equipped for ministry daily in their walk with Christ (discipleship) and we are overjoyed about what God continues to do in allowing the privilege of serving Him daily. The poor are being fed physical and spiritual food on the streets of America Thousands are fed God’s Word weekly and many lost souls continue to be introduced to the convicting law of the LORD and Good News of Jesus Christ (Psalms 19:7; Galatians 3:24, etc.).

In the recent past, by the sheer mercy and grace of our God, approximately 150 precious souls have been gloriously saved by our LORD and tens of thousands of saints and sinners reached with His blessed Word (across America and the world). By His grace and love for mankind, the LORD’s fruit is being born (John 15) through the efforts of His blessed body. ” Give Here.

Jason and Justin, 2 blessed men who were both saved from prison ministry (along with about 140 others) done by the outreach, are now free and both are flourishing in Christ! It is quite the blessing of God to see fruit that is remaining in a rich, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ! (John 15:1-16) One of these men, who has been in and out of jail since he was 14 years old (he’s now 33) has only be free from incarceration for 2 of his adult years. He is a definite Saul to Paul conversion! Justin has been given a vehicle, clothing (a complete wardrobe), and much more by the outreach (thanks to your sharing).

>>  LISA, Christian, and Chet all gladly received vital biblical, Holy Spirit empowered ministry (the past few days). These were clearly divine appointments. God is working. One of these 3 precious souls received a Scripture-rich volume (book) from the ministry and a Gospel tract. Jesus is working in each of these hearts. Would you like to briefly pause and ask our Father in the name above all name – Jesus Christ – richly bless and draw each of these precious souls to Himself? God is good and God is able!  DONATE NOW

– THIS JUST IN: THE LOVE OF JESUS is shining forth upon many today through His beloved body, by the power of His holy name and Holy Ghost …..

“Today, I was able to help Jurutia Harrison, local cab driver, who was in my High School class … to visit her husband out of town in hospice, his body shutting down. We prayed and thanked God for how He will get us thru times that seem so dark. We hugged and she left buoyed by hope in the Lord. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus for my time with this precious lady in distress. Amen.”  …. Would you mind lifting up precious Jurutia in prayer to the Father? Don’t know what to ask? Just ask what we see in Colossians 4:12. What does it say? Look it up saints ….. God is good …. His house or people are a house of prayer (He didn’t saying preaching, choir or anything else, did He?) ….. much more Good News in action here …. This is all made possible, not by accident but rather Because You Care.

FT COLLINS, COLORADO – THESE Lives Matter to Christ and His Body and So Do All the Others We Can and Will Together Reach! Bo, David, Tesheer (currently a Muslim), Tim, Oak, Shaman, Nate, and several other precious souls received caring, effective, warm, loving ministry from Christ along with food, King James Bibles, and Gospel tracts. God’s love clearly and unconditionally shone on them through His body! That’s why we are here saints. All who have prayed and given have part in this as Christ’s body (John 4:36, etc.). Tim repented and received Christ and shed tears as He heard the Gospel of our LORD and Savior. It was his hour. Christ had prepared and was captivating him. He even unashamedly raised his hands in public to thank and praise Jesus for saving him! Tim was nourished with healthy food and a cup of cold water and after giving his life over to Christ, Tim was given a King James Bible. As we read God’s Word together at length, he sat on the edge of his seat listening intently. …. Jesus is touching, convicting, and saving lost souls today saints! See Luke 19:10 and 1 Timothy 1:15.  DONATE NOW

FT COLLINS, COLORADO: Connected warmly with the believers at Ft Collins Rescue Mission, a Christian ministry serving the homeless and those who are in a temporary hardship. Jesus gave us the following statement which offers you and I great opportunity to use the temporal resources He has allowed us to minister to those in need – of the saving Gospel and physical goods!
“For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.” Matthew 26:11
Because you care, I was able to delivers 4 bags of nice men’s and women’s clothing items to this rescue mission ministry. This is the first of hopefully many supply trips to Ft Collins (about an hour from where I live). Those things and our help were warmly received. They also took about 100 of the Gospel tracts to distribute and invited me to minister there at the ministry. The overseer later returned my call and we are scheduled to meet next week to discuss how we can be of assistance to them in serving the LORD and people in need.
Many times, those poor in this world are more willing and open to the Good News of Christ and yet sometimes, they are not open and willing. Such is the case with Ralph who received God’s Word today as I was blessed to sit and talk with him. He was not receiving it and yet we know that God’s Word never returns void but always accomplishes that which pleases Him (Isaiah 55:11).
Ralph is homeless, from Tennessee, and trying to get to Washington State. So, anyway, if you wish, feel free to lift up Ralph to the Father in Jesus’ name for God to soften his heart and grant him the gift of repentance. God gave us the blessing of a prepared, humbled, repentant heart and we know He can do the same for this hurting man who is currently hopelessly trapped in his sins.

Juliette from South America

God is good beloved!

NONE of this is possible without your willing, delighting, hilarious giving!  DONATE NOW


Our LORD is doing so much else and it could only be Him. Yet, His people must obey Him in the stewardship of the resources that He puts into their hands. Apportioning the very first portion as set apart to Him is the biblically prescribed method (Proverbs 3:9-10; 1 Corinthians 16:2).

“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” 1 Corinthians 16:2

“Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: 10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10

It seems clear through these Bible passages that a ministry work of Christ should never have to raise money ….. the support should already be there. If we will steward our money by giving Jesus the first portion, we will become a part of the solution and that will be a great blessing.  DONATE NOW

Energizing Your Evangelism

These Blessings are All Your Fault!

Our LORD Jesus and your gifts are the fueling reason.

Getting calls from and going to be making some more rounds of supplying these precious people this week!

Would to God you could get in my jalopy and travel around to meet some of these folk God is minister to.

They profusely thank me and of course we turn those things upward ….. and I turn to you and thank you for loving Him.

The fruit HE is producing is nothing less than amazing.

Check out what Christ told us in John 15:16 …… it’s happening!

The LORD gloriously saved Gary 2 months ago. He called today and once again the Word and the LORD’s joy continual proceeds from His mouth.

Rick is another man Jesus saved recently and filled with the Holy Spirit. On the phone he can’t talk about the LORD and the lost souls he is reaching out to without crying. This man has an heart of flesh! Whew! (Ezek. 36:24-26)  Give Here.

“O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Ps 34:3

May the LORD prosper and grant each of us a vision for the provision He is allowing in our lives according to Deuteronomy 8:18 and Proverbs 29:18:

“But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God (before and when you get paid): for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 8:18

May our heavenly Father greatly prosper you and may He grant us a vision to further His eternal kingdom (Deuteronomy 8:18). This is His stated reason for prospering us financially (in contrast with spending all our substance on self).

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law (Word), happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18

The proceeds received into SafeGuardYourSoul are used to further the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ who is the Good News, the only begotten Son of God. This is done through the feeding of His sheep and the winning of lost souls into His eternal kingdom. The proceeds also go to support an authentic orphanage ministry which feeds, clothes and teaches God’s Word to precious children in Africa and India. Thank you to all who are participating in this “opportunity.”(Philippians 4). King James Bibles, Scripture-Rich books, and soul winning Gospel tracts are also what the ministry offerings are used for.  DONATE NOW

EACH and EVERY member of Jesus’ body has the blessed privilege to participate in God’s work!!!! (1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4)

The servants the LORD has gathered are daily feeding the sheep of Christ’s pasture as He commanded to be done (John 21:15-17; 1 Peter 5:1-6). As members of the body of Christ, each of us has the blessed privilege to participate in the strengthening of His body and furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through these efforts, may God alone be glorified to bring for fruit to His eternal glory (Isaiah 55:11; 1 Peter 4:10-11).  Give Here.

“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

New Testament ministry is a function of the whole body of Christ and not an isolated few. We all have the blessed opportunity to participate. – “For WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) Every person who chooses to participate is partaker of the eternal fruit (John 4:36; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11). According the Christ and His apostles, each time we give, a deposit is made into our incorruptible “account” in Heaven (Philippians 4:17; Matthew 6:19-21).

Charles received food, water, and the Gospel in both spoken and print formats. Please stop and lift this man up to the LORD.

By giving, you are personally participating in the furtherance of Christ’s Gospel and laying up treasure in Heaven as Jesus instructed us to do (Matthew 6:19-20).

“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: 9 (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever. 10 Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;) 11 Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Among other things, this passage seems to indicate that the LORD, who is infinitely rich and owns all, is able to re-supply those who give of what He has already given them (reciprocity). If He can get those funds through us, will He not bring more to us to have more seed to sow?

Because you care Juan received the Gospel in both spoken and print formats (in Spanish and English). Please stop and lift this man up to the LORD.

Our great desire and daily labor is in fulfilling the Great Commission Christ gave to us by getting lost souls saved and getting the saved personally into God’s Word daily (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 5:42). This page tells you how you can help.  DONATE NOW

The following passage from the Gospel of Matthew tells us so much:

“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:35-39

Would you please pray with us that God will provide so that we can remain on post. – engaged daily in the labor of harvesting souls for Jesus Christ? When Jesus says here that “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few” it seems He is referring to the greatness, the largeness of the work of the Gospel and that only a “few” are left to reap that harvest.

— Brother Geray is a genuine New Testament pastor and truly ministering everywhere he goes. It was quite amazing how the LORD orchestrated how our paths crossed. Just before this, I was wondering profusely why the LORD was causing my transportation of WWE star Steve Austin (Austin 3:16, Stone Cold) to take so long. Then, when Geray and I’s path was so precisely time (or it would not have happened), I saw God’s hand and wisdom in the timing He orchestrated.  Please say a prayer for our brother Geray to “stand perfect and complete in all the will of God” and to bear “much fruit” for Christ’s glory (Colossians 4:12; John 15:15-16). God is listening saints!

All love offerings are so very appreciated and much needed. This ministry work is not supported by any organization but rather dependent upon the love offerings of individuals who love the LORD Jesus and want to help further His eternal kingdom in the hearts of men. THAT is how He builds His church (Matthew 16:16-18; 28:18-20, etc.). We are blessed to be called-out, set forth, and engaged daily in feeding the LORD’s sheep, defending the faith, and making Christ known to lost souls. We are also privileged to furnish many disciples across America and the world with Gospel supplies. Your donation(s) will greatly assist in keeping us on post and in increasingly greater fruitfulness for our KING’s glory!!!! 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 Jesus is coming!


Oh and in case it matters, anything given to this ministry is 100% tax deductible.

Your support truly is truly critical and all love offerings to help the work of the ministry receive a tax receipt. Please consider giving your money to the Gospel and not to the government.

Many received Christ’s compassion and Gospel along with King James Bibles, reading glasses, water, food, and Gospel tracts.

Good Ground to Sow Into: Please know and I boldly (and humbly) set forth, that everything we do is for sole purpose of teaching God’s Word and pointing people to Jesus, not ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:5; Galatians 6:14). That’s what Jesus’ unaltered Great Commission mandated (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20). This is been going on since 1987 for Christ’s glory alone. Millions of Gospel tracts have been shared and many won to Christ! Some may wonder why we not only teach and preach but also warn. The answer is simple: PWT (Preach, Warn, Teach) is the apostolic mandate to prepare a people to be ready to meet Christ (Colossians 1:28).

EMAIL us HERE. Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant | New Testament Distribution (audio) |

Let’s learn God’s Word together. Sign up here to receive the Moments with My Master sent out 2-3 times weekly.


“I’ve added you and SafeGuard Your Soul to my prayer list recently, Todd and also my husband and I sent in our first time ministry support last month. I like to be part of real street ministries, prison ministries, crisis pregnancy, as well as some others I feel the Lord has called me to support by prayer and finances. Such a blessing!” Kathy M.


Amen Kathy …. it sure is our privilege (individual saints) to support our LORD Jesus’ Great Commission work by prayer and provisions that He grants us!!!! Well this outreach, as HE alone has enabled and brought about, is blessed to reach saints and lost souls daily by street and also prison ministry and much more, including tens of thousands who receive God’s Word via the online websites which are mega site platforms of His Word!!!! Thanks for sharing sister.

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9201 Warren Pkwy. Ste. 200
Frisco, Texas 75035

Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant | New Testament Distribution (audio) |


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