STORE All Todd’s Books on Amazon Presenting Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice 244 pages WARNING: You may find yourself wanting to underline and highlight large portions...
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Cross Revolution “WE are labourers (takes participation) TOGETHER with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9 Are you participating? Takes seconds to give Charles Pray writes: “The Bible tells...
He cannot deny HIMSELF but He will deny us if we deny Him – “It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him,...
Excerpt from the book I Die Daily “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the...
Excerpt from the book Lie of the Ages Counterfeits hunt high and low, far and wide to find Scripture they think they can use to justify...
Excerpt from the book Lie of the Ages “But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the...
Excerpt from the book Lie of the Ages “Who will have ALLLLLL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5...
BUY NOW ON AMAZON All Todd’s Book on Amazon What’s Behind this Popular Belief? Buy Print Copy Now (click below) For international orders, please add appropriate...
Kind coffee shop employees comfort grieving customer at drive-thru window by Chloe Bryan A Washington woman captured a moment of true kindness Saturday in an unlikely...