CAN YOU IMAGINE? God is good ….. “For now we see through a glass, darkly.” (1 Corinthians 13:12) None of us knows the future with clarity...
Trump “little horn” theory debunked with Scripture. -SENSIBLE EXPLANATION: REFRESHING. SAINTS, BEWARE OF THE FEAR PEDDLERS. You are being played. Apparently, the theory that trump is...
WHAT Does Trump’s Win Mean to the Body of Christ? One major communistic fake news source headline read: “‘WORLD IN SHOCK’: Leftist Drudge Report Mourns Trump’s...
Has your sinful hatred blinded you? Is hatred toward any man permitted, justified? “Seems we are seeing extremes! They either hate him or they idolize him....
Biblical Perspective: Was it a divine miracle that Trump was not murdered? Obviously, yes. Does the fact that God saved Trump from being murdered mean that...
TAKE A LOOK: The joke is now on the delusional, gullible dupes who thought we were spreading myths when we broke this story exposing the massive...
Satan’s Queen’s Prophetic Accuracy! The one thing Hillary Clinton spoke out of her wicked mouth that was not a lie was when she declared: “If...