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“Through Faith he kept the Passover”

by Tim Winkley

Moses Kept the Passover. What did this foreshadow? What Messianic typology was divinely intended? What did Moses and the people of God look forward to and what do we look back to? What did/does this passover blood sprinkled in the shape of the cross on their door posts represent? What does the passover blood mean to New Testament Saints?

“Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.” Hebrews 11:28

Exodus 12:13-14 “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt (the world – those without God). 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.”

This ordinance, in context of what we are learning about Moses, was a key foreshadowing of the blood that fell on the tree and mankind.  We like Pharoah, like the Israelites (who had not kept His precepts and found themselves in bondage), have found ourselves under the judgment of our Creator.  This “faith” according to the writer of Hebrews, was faith in our Messiah.  The writer infers in the previous verses, that this “faith” is specific faith in the Messiah of God.  We have the privilege of looking back and reading the map of where we have been.

Moses, by faith, looked forward and obeyed.  We go back through this realization of our G-d interacting with us.  Moses had put Egypt behind him, found a wife, borne him a son, he was settled in, the stench of the world had been washed off of him.  He led a quiet life, having overcome and adapted to the wilderness.  G-d had delivered him.  G-d had done His part. He called Moses.  Moses felt inadequate as we all do.  All Moses had to do, all we have to do, is accept our responsibility, our calling, and G-d begins to interact with us.  He makes the way in the wilderness of our lives, our faith in Him is originated and completed by Him.  We merely surrender.

The fullness of the bondage had done it’s perfect work, the children cried out.  Moses, obviously given the prophetic foresight of how the deliverance from the world is accomplished for God’s people, is now called upon by our great G-d to lead his people out.  The way out is found in the blood that is put upon the doorpost.  The blood of an innocent lamb. Slain, for the protection of G-d’s people.  Deliverance from the wrath of the world and the judgment to come.

Who destroys the firstborn?  He that judges the world.  Over time, Moses obviously had developed a fear of Him.  The defense of G-d’s people was a natural outpouring of that fear.  Indeed, we should fear G-d, it is the beginning of wisdom; the foundation of the building of our faith.

The following comments from our dear sister (and my beloved) in China: By faith Moses left Egypt, not fearing the king’s wrath.

When Moses killed the Egyptian who had bullied the Israelites, he was destined to return to the community of Israel as a community of destiny. But then he realized that it would be known, and Pharaoh heard about it and wanted to kill him. It made him want to leave Egypt without fear of the king’s wrath. Here we see the faith of Moses, who made a decisive choice between the will of God and the wrath of the king. Choose to abandon earthly pleasures and return to the people of God’s covenant. He killed the Egyptian, thinking that his brothers would understand that God had delivered them by his hand, but they did not understand. Only later did Moses understand that God’s will was more than that. So he decided to leave Egypt.

In my understanding, Moses left Egypt free from the pleasure of sin, free from the temptation of sin, and with a firm faith in God, he began a difficult but hopeful journey.

“Dear Lord, You know, it’s the Thanksgiving holiday, the year is coming to an end, and we’ve all been through a lot, I thank my parents for giving me life and giving me the opportunity to experience the joys and sorrows of the world. I thank my friends for growing up with me. Dear Lord, I especially want to thank You for protecting me at every juncture of my life, So that although my life is not rich and expensive, but still safe, not too bad!”

“Dear Lord, I thank You that I finally met Tim Winkley, and I know that through him You opened my eyes to a better future, Thank You Lord for all you have done in Tim’s life, please continue to bless him and his family and friends, and pray that the Lord bless his company to have a better income, so that we can better help others and raise children in the future.”

“Dear Lord, the same is true of our lives today, which require us to walk by faith. May God put the power of obedience in our hearts. At every turning point in life we can trust God completely and embark on a unique path of bliss. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!”

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